The healing and magical properties of the stone coil

A serpentine is a rock whose name comes from the Latin word snake. The stone is also called moss, Korean jade, serpentine, antigorite, toligor. The crystals are completely opaque, but have a silky glass sheen. The color is greenish with shades ranging from dark emerald to yellow. The mineral can be recognized by a characteristic pattern resembling snake traces left in the sand. The main gem deposits are located in the USA, Russia, India, New Zealand, and Cuba. Serpentine is also found in Afghanistan, Mongolia and Italy.

properties of stone coil
The properties of stone coils are known to people since ancient times. It was used both for medicinal purposes and in magical rites and rituals. It was believed that the mineral is able to enhance the effect of drugs. Therefore, many healing drugs, before giving the patient, were placed in a mortar from a coil. If it is grass, then it was ground, powder was poured, liquid was poured and insisted in such a stone bowl.

The properties of the stone coil are aimed at strengthening the immune system. If you wear a ring or bracelet made of mineral, then the bones will heal faster, which is especially effective for fractures. Serpentine earrings can help with migraines and severe headaches. Do not forget about the magic power of this mineral. In ancient times, it was believed that ordinary people should not wear a stone coil. The photos of the crystal are very beautiful, therefore they attract many, but it is not suitable for everyone.

stone coil photo
Previously, only healers, sorcerers, shamans and magicians wore serpentine, because only a knowledgeable person can cope with a stone and subordinate it to himself. The coil does not always bring happiness, it is insidious and dangerous, therefore it was called the "tempter". He easily lures the owner and makes him plunge into the abyss of entertainment and debauchery. The properties of a stone coil can attract adversity and problems to a person, but if the owner of the mineral copes with everything, then he gets complete power over the obstinate crystal.

Serpentine is completely subordinate to the brave master and helps him in everything, suggests a solution to the most difficult life problems, shows the right way to get out of difficult situations. It was believed that the physical ability to increase the coil. The stone, whose price is not so big, allows the owner to run, swim, walk, work tirelessly for a long time, lift a lot of weight. Serpentine affects not only physical abilities, but also mental abilities. It increases the level of intelligence, develops intuition, allows you to learn something new, learn faster.

coil stone Price
The properties of the stone coil are ideal for people born under the sign of Virgo. They are naturally inquisitive, and the mineral will only enhance this quality and help you catch new information on the fly. Patronizes serpentine and Capricorn, it is especially effective in sports achievements. Whoever can’t wear this stone is Pisces and Cancers, because they risk getting stuck in temptations, getting used to a vicious lifestyle, and straying from the true path. The remaining signs of the zodiac can wear jewelry with a gem, but not more than two days a week, so that he could not harm them.

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