How to write a letter of resignation of your own free will: rules, nuances, sample

Often, citizens need to leave work for various reasons. In this case, it is important to figure out how to write a letter of resignation. It must contain the exact date when the person stops working, and information about the employer and the specialist himself must be included. It is allowed to use the free form for this, but it is recommended to use different samples to include the necessary information in the document.

Compilation rules

You can draw up a document by hand or using a computer, but in any case, the citizen should have a signature at the end. Often, people do not know how to write a statement, so you can ask a template in the personnel department.

It is advisable to understand in advance how to write a letter of resignation correctly. A sample of this document is located below.

how to write a letter of resignation

Be sure to include information:

  • Full name of the head of the company, since a statement must be written in his name;
  • name of the company in which the citizen works;
  • position and name of the applicant;
  • the date from which a person ceases to work in the enterprise;
  • grounds for dismissal.

It is best to start this document with the phrase: "Please dismiss at will." Further, the exact date is certainly indicated, and foggy formulations are not allowed, therefore, the numbers indicate the specific day from which the citizen will be dismissed. Before you write a letter of resignation of your own free will, you can talk with the employer to agree on the lack of work. If there are unused vacation days, then they can be used so as not to work out 14 days.

Is a reason required?

Before leaving, many people think about the need to indicate the reason for dismissal in a document. By default, the preparation of the application by the employee himself initially indicates that he has a desire to stop working in a particular company, therefore information that the citizen has good reasons is not required.

How to write a letter of resignation? For this, you can not indicate the reasons for the termination of work. It is allowed to use the free form, but at the same time you have to be ready to practice. If there is not a very good relationship between the employer and the employee, then often, when drawing up a document, citizens indicate the following reasons:

  • the presence of a small salary;
  • lack of career prospects;
  • another company offered more favorable or comfortable working conditions;
  • the management policy of the enterprise causes certain complaints from the citizen;
  • there is no opportunity to establish good relations with other employees of the company;
  • the state of health has worsened, therefore a person physically cannot continue to cope with his basic duties;
  • it is required to leave the man to serve in the army, and in such a situation, the employer must release the employee without working out;
  • a citizen retires, and if a person reaches retirement age, he can also refuse to work in 14 days;
  • there is a need to care for relatives who have lost their ability to work;
  • required to study at a university;
  • it is planned to move a citizen to another city or country;
  • the employer regularly violates the requirements of the Labor Code, and if there is evidence, any employee can quit and not go to work.

Thus, the need for dismissal may arise for various reasons. Therefore, it is important for specialists to understand how to correctly write a letter of resignation.

how to write a letter of resignation

What date is indicated?

When forming this document, it is important to take seriously what date should be indicated in it. It is impossible to stop its work immediately after the preparation of the application, since the TC clearly indicates the need for development. This serves as some way of protecting the employer, as he will be able to find another specialist in the vacated place within 14 days.

Therefore, it is important to understand how to write a letter of resignation. A sample of this document indicates the need to prescribe the date that follows the completion of mining in 14 days. During this time, the company's management will try to find a new specialist for the vacant post. An example of how to write a letter of resignation is provided below.

how to write a letter of resignation on your own

Under what conditions is the working life reduced?

Some specialists may indicate in the application not only the date that follows 14 days of mining, but also other days, since they have the right to work out fewer days. Therefore, before writing a letter of resignation, you should decide on this moment. For this, the requirements of the legislation are taken into account:

  • pensioners may not work out any number of days, even if they are financially responsible employees in the company;
  • if a person is on a trial period, then working out lasts only 3 days;
  • if due to health reasons a citizen cannot undergo a medical examination, then the employer should not force him to continue his labor activity;
  • managers leave only after 2 months, since within 1 month notifications are sent to different owners of the company, but the second month is represented by working off;
  • coaches and athletes with a properly concluded contract also work out for two months.

Thus, only if you have knowledge in the field of TC can you correctly calculate the date of dismissal after working out.

How to write a statement if an employee enters the army or enters a university?

Under such conditions, a citizen may not work for the company for 14 days. This is due to the fact that according to the regulations there is no time to continue working. In this case, how to write a letter of resignation?

The statement clearly states that it is required to complete labor activity, as it is urgent to start training or to join the army. Such a statement must be transmitted together with documents from the military registration and enlistment office or educational institution.

how to write a letter of resignation sample

Correct structure

Some people even think about whether to write a letter of resignation. If a citizen is officially employed, therefore, taxes and various payments to the funds are paid for him, then if he wants to leave his place of work himself, then this statement will certainly be generated. If he works informally, then you can verbally inform the employer about the termination of employment.

When compiling a document, the optimal structure is taken into account:

  • top right indicates who the application is addressed to, and usually the head of the company is prescribed;
  • spelled out below is the name of the company;
  • further in the middle of the sheet indicates the need to dismiss a person at his request;
  • the reason for termination of employment is prescribed;
  • there may be a reference to an employment contract;
  • the exact date from which the agreement will be terminated is indicated, and when determining it, the need for refinement is taken into account;
  • it is allowed not to indicate the reasons for leaving work.

In whose name to write a letter of resignation? This document should indicate the head of the enterprise where the citizen works.

You do not have to enter any additional information, so it will not be difficult to formulate this document in fact.

how to write a letter of resignation

Handwritten or printed?

Employees of the company independently determine whether the application will be written by hand or using a computer. There are no restrictions or requirements regarding this in the TC.

How to write a letter of resignation if you use a computer for this? To do this, the applicant’s personal signature must be on the printed form.

Often, employees of an enterprise want to send an application electronically. They believe that the date of sending the document is the first day of processing. But this option is considered possible if the company uses a program designed for electronic document management. In this case, the employee of the organization who wants to quit must have a digital signature, and also require a program, based on which an automated exchange of documents is performed. In the absence of a personal electronic signature, it makes no sense to send an application to the office by e-mail.

Do I need to write a letter of resignation

How to write a statement when working with an individual entrepreneur?

If an employee is officially employed by an individual entrepreneur, then a letter of resignation must be prepared in a standard way. This is due to the fact that in the Labor Code there are no differences in the dismissal procedure for different employers.

Therefore, to compile a document, you need to take a standard sample, in which only the reason for dismissal and the date of compilation change.

Can an employee change his mind?

Often in the process of working out after registering an application, a citizen may change his mind about quitting. In Art. 80 TC indicates that the employee can withdraw this document. You can pick it up from the personnel service or you can write a new statement on the basis of which the past will be considered invalid.

The process can only be completed until the end of the mining period. If during this time a company has already found a new specialist for this position, then it will not be possible to withdraw the application, therefore, after the end of the working period, the citizen will have to seek a new job.

example of how to write a letter of resignation

What if the statement is lost?

Often, employers do not want to fire certain qualified professionals. They may claim that they have lost the application, so they insist on continuing the employee’s work.

If the employee did not have a copy of the document with the acceptance mark, then it will not be possible to prove that the application was submitted. Therefore, you will have to compose it again, save a copy and work out the prescribed two weeks again.


Thus, each officially employed person must understand how to write a letter of resignation. This document can be compiled in any form, but at the same time there must be certain information in it without fail. It can be submitted electronically only with a personal digital signature.

It is allowed to write an application for leave with subsequent dismissal in order to prevent the need for passage of mining. No retirement required for pensioners or men drafted into the army.

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