Is same-sex marriage a perversion or a free choice?

The stereotype of a happy family is firmly entrenched in our minds. We firmly believe that a successful marriage is the key to harmony, prosperity, and realization in life. But is this really so? How many examples exist that a person either can’t find a soul mate at all, or in his personal and family

marriage is
constant "earthquakes" occur in life. And sometimes it happens that marriage is a cover, just a glossy cover for a completely different relationship. So is the game worth the candle? Is it necessary to strive to be like everyone else? Indeed, it is precisely because of this desire that hasty alliances are concluded, people enter into relations that destroy them, making not only themselves, but also children, unhappy. How to conduct family education of the younger generation? Is it so, as is customary from time immemorial (since the time of Domostroi) in Orthodox Russia? Or the way it is done in America or Europe? It's no secret that many countries have already legalized (and others are ready to make legal)
fictitious marriage is
same-sex marriage: it is both evidence of time and evidence of a shift in public consciousness.

We will not shy away from “perverts” and condemn the decline of morals. In modern European and American schools, gender education is carried out according to the principle of maximum tolerance. The fact that same-sex unions appeared not now and not yesterday is not worth proving. But one thing is an unspoken connection, and another is marriage. This is an economic, emotional and physical union of two people. And who said that if they are of the same sex, then all these types of relationships are not for them? Homosexual couples very often not only live together and share a common household, but their sincere affection, experienced for many years, also connects them. And if marriage is a legal relationship between two people, from which their mutual rights and obligations (including property) follow, then why this cannot be allowed for same-sex

marriage is a definition

Very often, opponents of such families motivate this by the fact that they cannot conceive and raise children. However, let's get to the bottom of the problem. Yes, such couples cannot conceive naturally. But how many “natural” couples resort to artificial insemination or adoption? And how many “natural” families break up? How many of them have deep psychological problems, dramas, violence ...? Same-sex marriages are much more likely to be made very consciously, in adulthood, after a long search for yourself. Such couples often not only can, but also really want to raise children. And if harmony and mutual understanding reigns between them, then will a child feel worse with two dads or mothers than one or in an incomplete family?

same-sex marriage
Another point is interesting and worthy of attention. If, for example, a fictitious marriage is an alliance made for the purpose of property or non-property gain, in which one or all of the components of a “normal” family is missing, then this does not occur among same-sex couples. Perhaps the point is the relative novelty of the phenomenon, perhaps the fact is that it is nevertheless considered a certain deviation. But it is in such families that violence and pressure are much less common. And if a fictitious marriage is (the definition of the phenomenon cannot be unambiguous) is often a concession to social pressure or circumstances, then unions of people of the same sex are concluded solely of their own free will. So let's not rush into condemnation and censure. To assess the phenomenon requires years of observation, analysis and balanced conclusions. In principle, everyone builds his life as he sees fit. After all, this is only his life.

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