Driver tinting is popular for many reasons. Firstly, it creates a comfortable atmosphere in the cabin, because through the shaded glass you can calmly look at the road on a bright sunny day without squinting and not wearing safety glasses. In addition, it partially prevents heating of the passenger compartment and burnout of panels and covers. Secondly, it allows you to save your personal spaces, because people passing by will not look through the tinted glass, they will not be able to see the driver, passengers, valuables inside the car. And, thirdly, a tinted car looks stylish and modern.
It’s a sin to hide, taxi drivers often obscure the glass to hide violations - not fastened belts, transportation of children without a special chair, and others. Of course, for the sake of one trip, no one will tint, but when such trips are systematic, it helps the driver very much and helps to hide from the watchful eye of a traffic cop. However, you need to shade the windows wisely so as not to run into a fine for tinting.
And the punishment is quite substantial now. If at the beginning of 2012 the traffic police inspector wrote out a fine for tinting a maximum of 500 rubles, then now he can remove the license plate from the car. Numbers are returned to the owner immediately after he eliminates the violation. According to the law, this is given a day from the date of the prohibition of the operation of the car and drawing up a protocol. And if the film can be torn off immediately, then the glass with the spraying can be rearranged only in the service center. Five hundred rubles in this case will still have to be paid, but it will be possible to save the numbers.
How to avoid a fine for tinting? Firstly, you need to install it correctly. Tinted rear windows are not regulated, but for the front is strictly limited. In particular, the windshield should transmit at least 75% of the light, and the front side windows - 70%. If you consider that most of the new cars are produced with already slightly tinted windows, then even by applying a light thin film, you can run into a fine for tinting. To aggravate the situation, dust and dirt on the glass can - they can absorb up to 10% of the light. Therefore, before applying any coatings, it is worth ventilating the glass throughput. You can obscure the rear window only by providing the car with two rear-view mirrors.
The original way out - removable tinting. The driver will certainly receive a fine for it, but it can be put back in place 100 meters after the traffic police post.
If there is no removable tinting, and you don’t really want to remove it, you can try to “talk” the inspector. First, recall that the law allows tinting that does not exceed GOST standards under the number 5727-88. If the rules are not violated, then there is nothing to pay the fine for. And the violation still needs to be proved. This can be done only by a technical supervision officer at a stationary post, using special authorized devices. And only if the employee is in place, the device is available and the documents for it are in order, can we begin to identify violations. In addition, all measurements must be taken under certain conditions, otherwise they may be invalidated. In particular, the air temperature at the time of verification should fall in the range of -10 ... + 40 degrees, pressure - 80-100 kPa, relative humidity - 40-80%.
Measurements are carried out at 3 points in the glass and the arithmetic mean is derived. If at one point on the windshield the device showed 78%, and at another 70%, then there is no reason to be fined. Often the inspector, who demanded to pay the fine, agrees to let the driver go “in peace” if all the required conditions cannot be met. Another thing is that such conversations take time and energy, and few people like to argue with inspectors every other day. Therefore, in order not to pay a fine for tinting, you can simply limit yourself to light shading within the normal range.