On-board computer Multitronics TC 750: reviews. Installation, Connection, and Setup Instructions

The Multitronics TC 750 is a color on-board computer equipped with a TFT display with a resolution of 320x240 and a diagonal of 2.4 inches. If necessary, the user can independently adjust the color design of the display by switching between several color schemes. A sufficiently powerful 32-bit processor allows the Multitronics TC 750 to work as quickly and accurately as possible. Installation of the on-board computer is carried out on a dashboard and provides direct protection from direct sunlight with the help of a specialized sun visor.

Why is it needed?

multitronics tc 750

With the help of Multitronics TC 750 support is provided for a huge number of various original and universal protocols designed for vehicle diagnostics. Thanks to this, it can be installed on almost any machine, regardless of their brand and manufacturer. Even if the vehicle diagnostic protocol is not supported by this device, there is a function to connect to the speed sensor and nozzle, after which an even greater number of functions are opened.

This device has about 200 various ECU diagnostic parameters suitable for the predominant majority of the original protocols, and this includes the ECU service records, as well as a passport at the level of the diagnostic scanner. The freeze frame information is read in the event of an error in the operation of the entire electronic system, the state of the control systems of the machine from the standard protocol without the need to switch to the OBD-2 protocol. In this case, not only a thorough diagnosis of errors is carried out, various parameters of the ABS, double-glazed window and many other additional devices are also checked.

What are its advantages?

First of all, its advantage is, of course, that it supports the largest number of diagnostic protocols for modern cars. As mentioned above, when connected to speed sensors or an injector, a huge number of functions are delayed even if, for some reason, the car does not support a specific diagnostic protocol. A separate advantage that the on-board computer of the Multitronics TC 750 has is its connection, which is simpler than the VC731.

The device performs simultaneous vehicle diagnostics by more than 30 additional parameters, and the device itself is equipped with 11 on-board systems that affect the composition of the car's exhaust. Special attention should be paid to extremely simple setup, since the configuration can be changed and saved extremely quickly if necessary using standard personal computer programs. To connect the device to a PC, you need to use a mini-USB cable.


multitronics tc 750 reviews

The predominant majority of settings, if necessary, can be edited and saved using a specialized program from a standard personal computer. Also, if necessary, it will be possible to completely transfer the recorded travel statistics to a separate personal computer in order to subsequently import them into various programs, with the help of which a detailed analysis and statistics are carried out for a certain period of time.

If necessary, any settings of this computer can be saved in a separate file on the user's computer, which opens up the possibility of exchanging various configuration files between users who are drivers of the same cars. After all the required calibrations are carried out on one machine, the prepared file can be transferred to other users who are drivers of similar machines.

Connection Features

Connection of the Multitronics TC 750 is carried out exclusively to the diagnostic block in the predominant majority of cars. It is worth noting the fact that this on-board computer provides for the simultaneous connection of two parking radars located in the front and rear of the car. It is also envisaged the simultaneous connection of parking sensors of a particular model, that is, the combination of various devices is impossible.

Additional functions

board computer multitronics tc 750

Among the additional functions, special attention should be paid to the voice accompaniment of the modes and all parameters, that is, you can pronounce their numerical values. Also worthy of attention is 21 voice warning about all kinds of accidents or going beyond the limits of installations.

If the electronic system of the car fails, the on-board computer will not only warn the driver that this problem has occurred, but also provide detailed information regarding the error code and how it is decrypted. Thus, the driver will immediately have information on whether it is necessary to eliminate the cause of the malfunction immediately or continue driving, and only then deal with this issue.

“Hot menu”

This function allows you to get the fastest access to various applications that are located in the “Settings display”. The user has the opportunity to customize this composition at his discretion, while pressing a single button to call up a complete list of available settings and functions located in different places on this menu. Among other things, there are also four completely independent menus designed for the applications "Parking", "Taximeter", "Medium" and "Parameters".

It is worth noting that the on-board computer Multitronics TC 750 provides information on only two parameter graphs, however, you can use the specialized “Countdown” function, which allows you to switch over the graphs and determine if necessary the numerical values ​​of parameters in the past tense or to compare them among themselves .

Extremely high accuracy is present in the process of tracking fuel consumption or a parameter such as the duration of the injection. In the event that there is a serious change in these characteristics, the driver is immediately given a warning, as well as the numerical value of the change in fuel quality.

What else can this computer do?

multitronics tc 750 sizes

The on-board computer Multitronics TC 750 always warns the driver if he is trying to start the trip without the dipped beam on, and also gives a warning if the dimensions were not turned off after the end of the trip. It is possible to use a computer together with special gas equipment, thus providing an extremely accurate calculation of fuel consumption, taking into account a separate amendment for gas.

Configuring the Multitronics TC 750 allows you to use it as an oscilloscope in the event that a specialized optional cable is connected to it. This ensures detailed monitoring and analysis of signals received from various circuits and sensors directly on the display, while all information can be stored and transferred to the user's personal computer.

If you can compare the recorded signal with the reference one, you will have the additional opportunity to diagnose all components of the car in the event that there are any difficult to diagnose problems, such as a short circuit, wear, jamming, and many others. In its capabilities, such an oscilloscope is very similar to the standard desktop solution, as there is the ability to control the trigger, sweep and change time intervals.


About Multitronics TC 750 user reviews are positive. Many people note that the device has a large number of functions, and also works stably for a long time, which is a problem for most other similar devices.

In particular, about the Multitronics TC 750 user reviews are as follows. They note that this is a worthwhile thing. Shows all the necessary and even not the most important information, while identifying and speaking out various errors, which allows you to immediately reset them. It works without any problems. Connection to X-Trail takes 20 minutes.

How is the installation done?

board computer multitronics tc 750 reviews

The dimensions in the Multitronics TC 750 allow you to install this computer in almost any car, which ideally combines with its versatility and other features. It is worth noting that the installation of this device is also quite simple, and almost every motorist who is familiar with the features of his car and is a little versed in electronics will be able to cope with it.

Instruction manual

  1. The main module of the Multitronics TC 750 computer is being assembled. The instruction says that you first need to insert the module into the insert, after which you already have to mount the clamping frame and screw the structure with three screws.
  2. A loop is conducted to the window located on the computer case.
  3. The loop is connected to the Multitronics TC 750 unit and the case closes.
  4. The gluing place is thoroughly degreased, after which the on-board computer is glued to the installation site using the double-sided tape supplied with the device itself.
  5. An interface cable and parking sensors (if one is available) are laid under the skin, after which the computer is connected in accordance with the electrical circuit.

How to connect a parking radar?

multitronics tc 750 setup

If necessary, you can also connect the parking radar to the Multitronics TC 750. On which cars the on-board computer was installed, in this case it makes absolutely no difference. The connection procedure itself is carried out to the two extreme contacts of the additional connector. It is worth noting the fact that in this case the marked side of the connector should refer to the main connector of the on-board computer.

At the same time, if the RT-4TS model is installed, the installation procedure is somewhat disabled. This device is connected to the contacts of the additional connector (from second to fourth), while the marked side of the connector must necessarily be facing the edge of the on-board computer.

In that case, if two parking sensors located at the rear and in the front are connected at the same time, then in this case the loops are connected in parallel. It is possible to simultaneously connect partronicles of only a certain model.

Protocol selection

Initially, it will be necessary to withstand several seconds of pause after the Multitronics TC 750 is connected to the diagnostic connector . Installation of the device can be carried out on various cars, but if after installation you do not turn on the ignition and start the engine, the device will go into standby mode, and after a certain time completely turn off any backlight.

When the engine starts, the on-board computer starts automatically detecting the protocol, but if this does not happen, then in this case it will be necessary to do this manually through the “Settings display”. To do this, the ignition is turned off again, and again a pause is expected before the display turns off in the computer. This is done as follows:

  • "Sources";
  • "Def. Duct. Aut.";
  • "Ruch.";
  • "Duct.";
  • the protocol you need is selected, and then the SET button is pressed.

It is worth noting that some protocols also provide the ability to configure additional parameters that will affect the operation of the computer in the diagnostic process. This feature is often noted about the Multitronics TC 750 user reviews.


multitronics tc 750 instruction

It is highly recommended that you verify the correctness after selecting a protocol. To do this, the engine starts, after which the menu "Display parameters" is selected and the "SET" button selects a display with a specific parameter. For the reliability of the check, you need to pay attention to such characteristics as engine speed and temperature.

In the event that these parameters are not displayed correctly, you should completely repeat the above points, and in particular, select a new type and subtype of the protocol, or change the type of errors and other parameters if they are present in your choice. Only after these procedures will it be possible to completely change the protocol to a new one.

Be sure to check whether a characteristic such as “Instant Fuel Consumption” changes in the process of changing the engine speed. Before the calibration is carried out, it will not be possible to focus on the numerical values ​​of the instantaneous flow rate and speed that you received, since they must be individually configured for each car.

If you have selected all the protocols, but none of them shows the correct parameters of your car, this means that the diagnostic protocol of your car is not supported, so you can work with the device only in universal mode.

Fuel remaining display

If necessary, the on-board computer multitronics tc 750, reviews of which you can read above, displays the remaining fuel in three different ways.

In the “Settlement” mode, there is no need for a direct connection to the fuel level sensor, that is, the user constantly adjusts the fuel readings in the tank, and then the computer will calculate the balance while driving by subtracting the spent fuel. This mode is characterized by extremely high accuracy, since there is no dependence on the serviceability of the fuel sensor, the voltage of the on-board network or the position of the vehicle.

The DUT mode provides for the mandatory connection of the device to the fuel sensor of your vehicle, but the DUT mode of the ECU no longer requires such a connection. The voltage of the FLS in this case is read directly from the diagnostic line. It is worth noting that in these modes the user does not have to constantly manually enter the amount of fuel added after each refueling, as the readings will be directly read from the fuel level sensor. Thus, the use of the “Settlement” mode is relevant only if, for some reason, the other two modes do not provide normal results during the operation of the on-board computer.

In addition, in order for the Multitronics TC 750 trip computer to work properly and correctly calculate the fuel consumption of the car in case of installing gas equipment, you will need to connect the device correctly, and then activate the specialized Gas / Petrol mode. In addition, you should manually reset the average parameters in each of the "Displays-Averages" sections.

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