Soba noodles - a national dish for everyone

Most likely, you have ordered food at Chinese and Japanese restaurants more than once. I liked something, but something even went into the daily diet. Most often, Europeans like soba noodles. This is a national Japanese buckwheat meal. Noodles has a rich history. It has a very interesting taste and is comparatively useful. But at the same time, it is really authentic, so it will not be quite right to cook adapted pasta “in a navy style” on this basis. We'll have to expand our food horizons!

buckwheat noodles soba

In fact

So, soba noodles differs from the usual one primarily visually, as it has a brownish-gray tint. This is understandable, because it is made from buckwheat flour. In Japan, by the way, they can call themselves any thin noodles, regardless of the flour used. For example, in Okinawa it is called egg noodles, and specifically buckwheat is defined as nihonsoba, that is, "Japanese soba." To the table such a dish is served chilled, with sauce in a separate cup. Sometimes you can flavor noodles with a cup of hot broth. Buckwheat flour, by the way, is not sticky, so in the cooking process it is often combined with wheat. First they make the dough, then they roll it out and cut it into narrow strips. By agricultural standards in Japan, noodles can be called “themselves" only if they contain at least 30% buckwheat. Many Europeans will be surprised, but at home, soba is fast food, although it is popular in expensive restaurants and at home with respected people.

To the roots

So what is soba famous for? Mention of her met in the middle of the 16th century. This is a traditional element of the meal in all Asian countries without exception, although the most popular among noodles in Japan and China. The recipe is not very simple, but quite affordable. Buckwheat flour and water are required, but sometimes wheat flour or even green tea is used. “Additives” are necessary since the buckwheat base can easily fall apart during cooking. If you make noodles at home in your kitchen, you will have to tune in to hard work in advance. Still, a decent load will fall on the fingers, hands and shoulders. The dough crumbles in the process, and you need to knead it to perfect smoothness. What a naughty soba noodle! Rolled dough needs to be cut into narrow strips, and then cook.

soba noodles recipes

Figures for the sake of

If your food has a good goal - to lose weight, then soba noodles can help. Photos of such dishes are often published by losing weight young ladies in their accounts. But the calorie content of noodles cannot be called small - 348 kcal per 100 grams of product. But in the composition there are practically no fats, but there are a large number of vitamins and minerals. The noodles taste very tender and pleasant. She does not overload digestion. This is a universal food product that can be eaten in any form and at any time of the year. It is useful even during fasting or a strict diet.

Noodles can be an original independent dish or a base for meat, fish and vegetables. The product in the composition contains rutin, and this is an oxidizing agent, useful for capillaries. It helps lower cholesterol, stabilize blood pressure and normalize digestion. If you replace regular pasta with buckwheat noodles, you can even improve potency.

soba noodles what is it

On a note

Many people like soba noodles. What is this, you have already understood, but still a number of details remained unexplained. For example, in Japan, the lion's share of events is made on the island of Hokkaido. Buckwheat is harvested there up to four times a year. If buckwheat is only collected, then a sin-soba with a sweeter flavor is made from it than ordinary.

In Japan, Sobu is sold in cheap taverns, but it can also be ordered at fashionable establishments. On the market you can buy dry noodles and broth for it. Tokyo residents are especially fond of these products. The fact is that during the Tokugawa era, the local population suffered from an ailment associated with the consumption of white rice, where the amount of B vitamins is limited. Soba noodles helped to fill in the lack of vitamins. Therefore, in each district of Tokyo, several institutions specializing in it appeared.

Do not count the varieties available for sale. How so different can be soba noodles! What is it, you ask, looking at the windows. And there is a cha-soba with the addition of matte. Or hegi-soba to which algae is added. And in jinenza soba there is flour from wild yam. The most specific flavor is in coma or jujuari events, where 100% buckwheat content. Methods for serving noodles also have their own special names. For example, mori is a classic option when chilled soba is served with sauce in a separate cup. But kake is a hot noodles in the broth, decorated with shallots. Nameko is a serving of noodles with mushrooms.

soba noodles photo

In Russian cuisine

Soba buckwheat noodles are now sold in every major supermarket, so the product is no longer a curiosity. Of course, in the variants traditional for Japan, you are not obliged to cook it. But for greater authenticity, you can cook noodles with mushrooms, soy sauce, fried vegetables and fish. The taste of events will allow to shade any dish. It takes very little time to cook, so lunch will be ready in minutes.

The easiest way to "get acquainted" with the product is to make a soba with chicken. It will take about twenty minutes. And now dinner is ready for three persons, moreover, with a calorie content of 96 kcal per 100 grams. Wash the chicken fillet and cut into small pieces. In a heated pan, the bird must be fried and stewed a little with soy sauce. Soba buckwheat noodles should be boiled so far. Before serving, noodles and chicken must be combined, sprinkled with toasted sesame seeds and flax seeds.

soba noodles


Soba noodles are also useful for a romantic dinner . Recipes with such a base are quite light, but the taste will impress even a gourmet. Cook the noodles with vegetables. Pumpkin seeds and garlic-peanut sauce will add saturation to the dish. You will need green onions, red radishes, half carrots, olive oil, half bell pepper, parsley, garlic, barley miso paste, peanut butter, pumpkin seeds and, of course, noodles. With such a side dish, soba noodles become very aromatic. Recipes are why teeming with herbs, spices and sauces. Such a dish causes appetite, but at the same time quickly and densely saturates.

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