How to stop worrying? Anxiety: causes and treatment methods

From time to time, any person feels anxiety due to some external circumstances and internal experiences. But if this condition becomes permanent, it significantly worsens the quality of life and can even develop into a serious mental disorder. Therefore, timely measures must be taken. How to stop worrying?

how to stop worrying

The main causes of anxiety

To understand how to stop worrying, you need to understand the reasons for this condition. Here are the main ones:

  • experienced shocks;
  • constant stress;
  • worldview features;
  • dissatisfaction with desires and needs;
  • tense atmosphere in the family or at work;
  • genetic predisposition;
  • individual characteristics of the nervous system;
  • children's psychological trauma or features of family education.

Sometimes anxiety can occur without any obvious reason.

sedatives for the nervous system

Why you need to fight anxiety

If you often become anxious at heart, you should not leave this condition unattended. In addition to emotional stress, it is accompanied by a number of negative manifestations. The following are relevant:

  • decreased intensity of mental work and loss of ability to concentrate;
  • inability to control gestures, facial expressions and intonation;
  • fatigue and deterioration of general well-being;
  • development of bad habits;
  • aggravation of negative imagination;
  • increased aggressiveness.

Take control of your fears

First of all, you should get out of your head the thought that there is some way how to stop worrying at one moment. This is a long and painstaking work on yourself. Your task is to take power over your fears:

  • Set aside time for anxiety. Determine a period convenient for yourself (for example, in the evening), when you can think about everything that bothers you. Spend it half an hour daily. Later, the desire to "think about sore" will be less.
  • Put off worries. If you feel uneasy at the wrong moment, stop. Write down in a notebook what exactly worries you, with a promise to return to these thoughts a little later. Over time, a delayed alarm will turn into a canceled one.
  • Keep a list of alarms and work on them. When your notebook contains an impressive list of reasons for concern, start analyzing them. Most likely, you will come to the conclusion that most of the points you just need to cross out as irrelevant.
how to stop worrying and be calm

Attack alarms

They say that the best defense is an attack. If you are looking for a way to stop worrying, try to attack your feelings. When another worrying thought creeps into your head, subject it to a merciless analysis of the following points:

  • Is the thought true? In other words, are there any real reasons for concern?
  • What could be the consequences of this situation? Is there a chance of a positive outcome?
  • What is the likelihood of your fears coming true? Do they relate to reality?
  • Does experiencing resolve the problem? Perhaps you should take some action?
  • What would you advise a friend or relative if he faced a similar problem?

Look at yourself and the world with optimism

If you are overwhelmed with anxiety, what should you do to solve the problem? Positive thinking will help you, which implies an optimistic perception of the world around you and yourself. Here's how to come to this:

  • Do not take to heart what is happening. Faced with an unpleasant situation, immediately begin to search for ways to resolve it. Do not constantly scroll through the mind and relive this moment.
  • Do not invent problems. There are enough objective difficulties in life. You should not create yourself new problems that have nothing to do with reality.
  • Get rid of unreasonable fears. Everyone is afraid for themselves, for loved ones, for the safety of their property. Do not supplement objective fears with fictitious ones (like fears of getting better, fears of getting old, fears of losing one's soulmate, and so on).
  • Love yourself unchanged. You are beautiful by nature. Do not try to constantly change yourself and adjust to the parameters imposed by society.
anxiety for no reason

Additional recommendations

Each person would like to know the secret of how to stop worrying and be calm. In fact, this is not a big deal. Here are some guidelines to follow:

  • Do not worry about the little things. If you know how to resolve the situation, then it is not worth the alarm.
  • Limit communication with unpleasant people. If a person constantly inspires you with anxiety, doubt or makes you feel inferior, stop all contact with him (or minimize them). Even if it is a close friend or relative. Do not sacrifice yourself for the sake of decency.
  • Live for today. The past cannot be returned, and the future is too vague to look far ahead. Learn to be happy here and now.
  • Occupy yourself. If after work and household chores you have enough free time, find yourself some interesting hobby. The more busy you are, the less time you will have for disturbing thoughts.
  • Do not watch TV. If you already look, then let it be comedies, humorous shows or informative programs. It is better to refuse news, talk shows and melodramatic series.
Keep calm

Keep track of nutrition

The human body is built in an amazing way. All its systems work in close interconnection. If you are experiencing an anxiety state for no reason, you may need to review your diet. Follow these guidelines:

  • Drink a glass of carrot juice daily.
  • Indulge in sweets (especially chocolate).
  • Eat less flour.
  • Limit your consumption of hot spices.
  • Eat fermented milk products.
  • Replace tea with healthy herbal remedies.
  • Replace meat with fish.
  • Eat more citrus fruits.
how not to worry

Nervous sedatives

If you can’t cope with the problem yourself, you should contact a specialist. You may be prescribed psychotherapy, acupuncture, and other soothing treatments. Also, the doctor may consider it necessary to prescribe sedatives for the nervous system. Here are some popular drugs:

  • "Fitosedan" is a natural herbal preparation. It includes oregano, thyme, clover, valerian, licorice and other herbs with a sedative effect. The drug helps to normalize sleep and to cope with problems of the nervous system, if they have not yet passed into the chronic stage.
  • Persen is a drug based on valerian, lemon balm and peppermint. This combination of herbal ingredients has a mild soothing and relaxing effect. The drug is prescribed to combat anxiety and nervousness, as well as to normalize sleep.
  • "Tenoten" is a homeopathic remedy for the fight against neurosis, prolonged stress, autonomic and psychosomatic disorders. Given the minimum dosage of the active substance, the medication helps only in the initial stages of the problem.
  • "Deprim" is an antidepressant based on St. John's wort extract. Helps with nervous disorders and anxiety conditions of mild to moderate severity. It is important to consider that while taking the drug, photosensitivity increases, and therefore you will have to abandon a long stay in the sun and visiting a solarium.
  • Afobazole is an affordable and safe drug that effectively fights anxiety and insomnia. This is one of the few non-addictive tranquilizers.
anxious at heart


A healthy nervous system is the foundation of a healthy body. As you know, most diseases occur on the nervous system. Therefore, it is important to maintain balance. If you are not affected by recommendations on how not to worry, do not hesitate to contact a specialist. Timely qualified help will protect you from serious nervous disorders.

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