Diseases of the sebaceous glands: symptoms and treatment

Many do not realize that they have sebaceous glands, until there is any violation of their work. This can be a blockage, inflammation, excess or insufficient fat formation, and much more. Like everything in the human body, this small skin lubricant factory is superbly designed. She does not require special care. Compliance with simple hygiene rules is enough for its functioning.

But if something went wrong? If the face was covered with eels, barley jumped up on the eyelid, and dandruff streaked on the shoulders? To get rid of the problems, first you need to establish the cause of the failure. For this, it is worth considering the structure of the sebaceous gland.

A bit of anatomy

Glands are located on almost all human skin. Some remove sweat, others - sebum, which is called sebum. Interestingly, the most productive sebaceous glands are located on the face, back and chest, but they are not on the palms and soles.

Sebaceous gland

The figure shows the structure of the skin:

  1. Hair.
  2. Sebaceous gland.

The following varieties exist:

  1. One-lobed - opening ducts at the mouth of the hair.
  2. Multi-lobed - characteristic of the face area, cannon hairs.
  3. Not associated with hair - characteristic of the mucous membranes.

The sebaceous glands of the skin consist of two parts: the secretory (glandular epithelium producing sebocyte cells) and excretory duct. Sebocytes live eight days, during which they accumulate fat, after which they are destroyed and are sebum. Sebum moves along the duct, pushed by newly formed cells. The muscle that lifts the hair completes the secretion to the surface.

Teenage acne

With the onset of the puberty, a massive increase occurs. With age, sebum secretion decreases gradually, and by age, most of the glands atrophy.

Diseases of the sebaceous glands

All diseases caused by a violation of sebum secretion can be divided into two groups: affecting the excretory duct and associated with glandular tissue. Both external and internal factors affect the failure of the gland. To a large extent, the hormonal background affects the separation of her secret.

Among the common pathologies, the following are distinguished:

  1. Seborrhea. Its complication is acne: whiteheads, rosacea, comedones.
  2. Hyperplasia
  3. Atheroma.


With hyperfunction, the sebaceous gland is impaired. It produces too many sebocytes, which is accompanied by accumulations of sebum on the surface of the skin. This is called seborrhea. With this disease, sebum changes the chemical composition. This is due to endocrine disorders, especially concerning the gonads of internal secretion. Due to a decrease in linoleic acid in sebum, the skin's pH rises, it can no longer defend itself against infections. With hypofunction of the glands, so little sebum is secreted that the skin begins to thin and dry out. The pH is disturbed and the protective functions also suffer.

Symptoms of seborrhea (oily, which is dry and liquid):

  1. Glossy skin.
  2. On the nose and cheeks are expanded excretory ducts of the sebaceous glands.
  3. Sebum clogs the excretory ducts and forms acne vulgaris .
  4. Dandruff with sticky flakes.

Dry seborrhea is characterized by:

  1. Overdried and covered with a network of cracks, peeling skin.
  2. Small dandruff.
  3. Seborrhea.
  4. Itching


The term "acne" comes from the ancient Greek language and means "flowering." This is the name for inflammation of the sebaceous gland and the hair follicle, at the mouth of which its duct extends. Acne is formed. There are several types of eels: white, red and black. This or that form of seborrhea leads to this. At the same time, oily seborrhea is much more prone to acne. On dry skin, such manifestations are few, they are better tolerated by patients. This is due to the fact that infections can spread more easily in a greasy environment.

Acne treatment begins with determining the prerequisites for its occurrence: collecting tests showing a detailed picture. This is a general blood test, bacteriology (the doctor takes swabs from the skin), the level of glucose, hormones. In this study, one more test is supposed to be done - for demodicosis (mite skin lesion). After the examination, individual treatment is prescribed.

Treatment for oily seborrhea

To successfully combat the state of hyperfunction of the sebaceous glands, hygiene should be observed, do not use other people's washcloths, combs and other care items. Clean skin will prevent infections and complications. Excess fat is removed by degreasing with a 2% salicylic alcohol solution. The procedure is carried out twice a day. In between, cleanse the skin using high quality soap and warm water.

Despite the fact that hot water quickly rinses off fat, it should be avoided: high temperature provokes an increase in the activity of the glands. Finish washing with cold water to close the pores. Wash your head with a suitable shampoo, guaranteeing the destruction of pathogenic flora. Since a fungal infection may join, appropriate remedies are used.

Skin hygiene

No creams, ointments, lotions, tonics and powders are unacceptable. They disrupt the acid-base balance of the skin, close pores, and inhibit healing. Regular sunbathing will help to restore a healthy complexion, and quartzing in bad weather. Ultraviolet rays kill the infection and leave a beautiful tan. Sea baths and hiking quickly normalize the metabolism, which helps in the treatment of sebaceous glands.

Dry Seborrhea Treatment

Sulfur ointment (10%) is used to treat dry seborrhea, which is rubbed into the affected areas for a week. Zinc preparations help, especially in advanced cases. When the effect is not observed, then hormonal drugs are used. The complex uses vitamins D, E, A, B. Physiotherapy is prescribed.

Diet with seborrhea limits fats (especially animal origin) and fast carbohydrates (white flour and sweets). The basis of the diet should be vegetables and fruits, herbs, dairy products, eggs, chicken breast.

Acne Diet

Alternative methods of treating dry seborrhea are aimed at making up for the lack of sebum by oil grinding in with herbal infusions. Carefully massage the affected areas for 15 minutes. Burdock oil, a mixture of sunflower oil with lemon juice, sea buckthorn extract in olive oil are very popular. They wash their heads using a decoction of burdock roots, steamed birch buds, nettle infusion.


If acne is more likely in youth, then hyperplasia, or proliferation, of glands is a disease of adulthood. A recess appears on the skin around which lobules of the sebaceous gland are located.

Hyperplasia of the sebaceous glands (nasolabial fold)

The photo displays typical hyperplasia, which does not bother a person for a long time. The blockage that occurred at one time led to the growth of the gland, an increase in its lobules and the expansion of the common duct. Papules called telangiectasias appear. Often they sprout with blood vessels and present a significant defect when located on the face.

The color of mature papules is dark yellow, clearly different from the surrounding skin. In appearance, such a defect is similar to basal cell carcinoma. Therefore, a biopsy should be done and telangiectasia should be investigated. With hyperplasia, the doctor will receive confirmation that the tissue surrounding the cavity belongs to one gland.

Treatment for papules is usually not required. If hyperplasia of the sebaceous glands on the face causes cosmetic discomfort, the cosmetologist removes the defects. Good results are achieved using a laser, electrical dissection, or triacetic acid.


Blockage of the sebaceous gland can lead to atheroma, or a subcutaneous cyst. It has cottage cheese-like contents, which are sebum and desquamated epidermal cells. An infection almost always joins, leading to an unpleasant smell of such clusters. Sometimes atheroma has an opening through which the contents may exit. Often, the defeat is multiple. Atheroma is considered a cosmetic defect, but may have an unfavorable outcome.

Development of atheroma

The cause of its appearance is hormonal imbalance, metabolic disturbance. Improving the risk of illness is the improper use of cosmetics, injuries, and poor hygiene. Decreased patency of the duct of the gland leads to its blockage. Having no outlet for sebum, iron increases in volume. Moreover, its contents are enclosed in a capsule. The cyst is mobile with pressure, but often painful.

With inflammation of the atheroma, the cyst can open, leaving behind an ulcer. An abscess may develop with the formation of an abscess. It is extremely rare that it degenerates into cancer. Independent attempts to squeeze out the contents lead to infection in the bloodstream and general intoxication. Its difference from lipoma is rapid growth, location on the face, back or groin, inflammation, the presence of the excretory canal, and soreness. Lipoma is a tumor of adipose tissue, atheroma is a consequence of blockage of the sebaceous gland.

Atheroma Treatment

If the atheroma is small, not inflamed, you can try alternative methods for its removal, which are usually used to get rid of wen:

  1. You can achieve ulceration of the skin with celandine juice, and then stretch the cyst with a compress from Vishnevsky ointment. This method is not suitable for the face.
  2. A baked onion compress with the addition of laundry soap will help the cyst to resolve. The ingredients are mixed in equal proportions and stored in the refrigerator.
  3. Lubricating atheroma with a mixture of melted lard with garlic juice after steaming (bath, sauna) can increase blood flow in its area and lead to resorption.
Atheroma on the face

With inflammation of the sebaceous glands, it is forbidden to get rid of atheroma alone. Contact a surgeon immediately. First, a histological examination is performed. So the atheroma is differentiated from lipoma, fibroma, and other similar manifestations. The atheroma is removed surgically under local anesthesia. The doctor excites the cyst along with the capsule, which prevents relapses. In advanced cases, the patient is hospitalized. With purulent atheroma , an incision is made, drainage is inserted. Prescribe antibiotics.


In order not to have trouble with the skin, it should be remembered that it is the largest organ of the human body. He has his own physiology, he constantly protects his master from the external environment. Hygiene is one of the conditions for its proper operation. Let us protect the faithful protector.

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