International Football Day: History and Traditions

One of the most popular sports in the world is soccer! For some people, this is not only a hobby or hobby, but the meaning of life. Players and fans devote all their free time to an exciting sport. International Football Day is celebrated annually on December 10th. The holiday has no official status. Despite this, billions of people have recognized him. Many consider England the birthplace of football, but this is not a completely reliable fact. In fact, the history and development of this sport is very interesting.

Let us turn to the annals

Tsu Chu - strange words for hearing. That is what everyone called favorite football in ancient China. Literal translation - push with your foot! As you can see, everything is extremely simple. With millennia, the game has overgrown with rules and traditions. But it was in the annals of the Chinese that the first mention of this sport was found. In those days, people did not even suspect a holiday called International Football Day. They just chased the ball around the field as entertainment. The game allowed the soldiers to always be in good physical shape, and even brought pleasure. Nowadays, in every yard, boys from childhood do the same. The game has a gambling character, generating strength and the desire for victory.

international football day

In 2004, the Official Football Federation recognized that China is the birthplace of this game. At the same time in Japan, sports also developed in ancient times. In the local annals there is mention of a game called "Kemari". Its meaning is this: a leather ball full of sawdust had to be kicked from one player to another. The main condition is that the ball should not touch the ground.

Streets of england

In the UK, football holds a leading position. Each family has either a player or a fan. Since the 1560s, football has been played in almost every street in this country: it has gained many admirers. At first there were no rules and the athletes were seriously injured. Over time, everything has changed and modernized. For example, during a match, the footboards, kicks below the waist and legs were banned. The game has acquired its own traditions, form, attributes and its own holiday! Today, International Football Day is a grand event. In each locality of the Earth it is celebrated on a grand scale.

congratulations on international football day

Strict rules

In 1863, the official rules of the game were adopted. This fall, representatives of football schools and clubs gathered in a cozy tavern. They founded the Football Association of England. On that day, the main topic of conversation was the creation of a single set of rules, a game code! They argued and discussed for a long time, sometimes conflict situations arose, but they managed to come to a common solution. There were many reasons for discussion: the rules for scoring goals, the size of the goal and field, the fines for tripping and tacking, running with the ball in your hands and much more. This was the beginning of modern football, so England is considered its homeland. The local professionals have created a single code, which is adhered to to this day. They managed to think through and calculate everything correctly. As a result, a wonderful game has become popular in many countries.

Official status

Since 1872, international fees began. The games were noisy, crowds of fans came from nearby countries. And in 1904, several countries took the initiative to create the International Federation of Football Associations (FIFA).

University celebrated international football day

Since 1930, the grandiose world football championships have been held. They are equated to the Olympic Games, fans are ready to fly anywhere in the world to see this action. International Football Day is celebrated annually on December 10th. This holiday was established by the UN to pay tribute to the beautiful game.

By the way, now both adults and children play it, and many devote their lives to it. Friendly matches, interesting events, concerts are held in all cities of the world. In our country, this is one of the favorite holidays of the population. The first official football match was held in Russia in October 1897. Since then, much has changed. The state has overgrown with modern stadiums, schools, teams. This sport was loved by Russian people. Now many people know what date is International Football Day!

Team spirit

Mostly men go in for sports. Although the female soccer match is an exciting and intriguing sight. The spirit of competition among strong ladies is great, for the sake of victory they will do anything. Each school and university in our country has its own football team. Athletes train daily sparing no effort. They need to defend the honor of their school in urban competitions. The boys who were happy to chase the ball in the yard, want to be accepted into the university team.

today is international football day

On December 10 of each year, universities organize mini-championships between educational institutions. They pass on a friendly note, the fans also behave in a friendly manner: they get to know each other, discuss the game and have fun. Then they remember with pleasure how the university celebrated international football day.


For those who play football, December 10 is a professional holiday. Therefore, be sure to congratulate friends of the players. You can give them small presentations and, of course, kind words and wishes. For example, such:

Congratulations on Football Day.

I want to sincerely wish you

To score goals, no doubt

And in life, never lose heart.

Let there be a lot of fans at the stadium,

And in life - a clean, wide road,

A lot of happiness, peace and goodness,

And next to the one you need!

Such congratulations on the International Day of Football can be written on a beautiful card or read, looking in the eye. In addition to words, you can present a small themed souvenir, a pillow in the form of a ball or bake a round black and white cake.

what day is international football day

Have fun from the heart

If your family has a footballer, have a great party. Indeed, for those who have connected their lives with sports, this holiday is more important than their own birthday. Fans and players celebrate International Football Day cheerfully, planning all events in advance. Therefore, it will not hurt you to prepare! Decorate your home with flags, posters, scarves and ribbons with the logo of your favorite team. Think over the menu, invite guests and arrange dances. Indeed, for a football player this is a very important day of the year. He will be delighted with such a surprise and a smile will be on his face all evening.

There are people who don’t have a clue how the International Football Day is celebrated. Photos taken during such celebrations will help to understand everything. Next year, be sure to visit the events dedicated to this holiday. It will be very instructive, interesting and positive!

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