Galina - Holy Martyr of Corinth

These were the worst times for Christians: they suffered persecution by hundreds of thousands, they were subjected to martyrdom. Galina, the holy Martyr of Corinth, also suffered in the 3rd century for her faith in Christ. It all started with the fact that once a pious woman of Rufinus, fleeing from such persecutors, ran away from Corinth to the mountains and there she gave birth to a baby whom she named Kondratom. After the birth, she died almost immediately.

holy galina

Rev. Kondrat

By the will of God, the child remained alive and was nourished by a cloud of sweet dew, which fell at the right time on him. Kondrat spent all his childhood in the desert. When he became a matured youth, he met Christians who shed light on him of the true Christian faith.

Kondrat learned to write and read, and then achieved great success in medical practice. However, he spent all his free time in the desert and in the mountains in complete silence, surrendering to prayer and divine thought. After several years, friends began to join his desolate solitude, followers and students appeared who loved to listen to his spiritual instructions. Among these people were Cyprian, Anect, Dionysius, Paul, Criscent and many others.

holy galina

Holy Martyr Galina of Corinth

Corinth in size and population was the second city after Athens, it is located in the central part of Greece. There in the first century the apostle Paul himself lived and preached . By the grace of God, St. Galina was rewarded with a meeting with the righteous old man Kondrat, who led her to faith in Christ.

The time came for the wicked emperor Decius (251), who began to hunt fiercely for Christians and executed them if they did not sacrifice to the pagan gods. By order of the emperor, the cruel military leader Jason arrived in Corinth, from which it was impossible for Christians to hide. Once his people captured the elder Kondrat and all his students, among whom was Galina, holy and righteous. They were all thrown into prison and began to torment, but, not waiting for them to renounce Christ, on Jason's orders they threw them to hungry wild predators, but they did not touch them. However, this did not stop the persecutors. And then the bodies of one part of the righteous dragged around the city to the place of execution, tying their legs to the chariots, while an angry crowd threw stones at them.


Barely alive they were taken to the place of execution, where their heads were to be cut off, the martyrs asked for time for prayer. Then along the chain they began to approach the executioner, bowing their heads before his sword.

The remaining disciples of Kondrat were also martyred. Dionysius was stabbed with a dagger. Victor, Victorin and Nicephorus were crushed alive in a huge stone mortar. Claudius was quartered. A fire was prepared for Diodorus, in which he himself rushed. Seraphion's head was cut off. Leonid and Papia drowned in the sea.

The righteous wives of Galin, Theodore, Kalis, Hariesz, Nunekhiya, Nika, Gali, Vasilissa had the opportunity to take refuge, but imitating their teacher (Rev. Kondrat) in everything, keeping all his instructions in their hearts and souls, they voluntarily went to execution with in the name of Jesus Christ.

One legend tells us that they were beheaded on March 10 according to the old style, and where the execution of the Corinthian martyrs took place, a source of clean water broke through, as a reminder of the city of heavy suffering and innocent shed blood.

Another version

According to another legend, the students of the elder Kondrat were tortured on April 16 according to the old style in 258 under the reign of Emperor Valerian. It happened on Easter. The holy wives, along with St. Leonid, were thrown into the sea, but a miracle happened, they did not drown, but began to walk on water, as if on land, and sing divine hymns.

After them, a detachment of soldiers was sent on a ship, which, having overtaken, tied a heavy load of stones to the necks of the martyrs and drowned them.

Galina is a holy martyr who brought her cross to God. The days of honoring her memory are usually celebrated on March 10/23 and April 16/29.

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Righteous Galina

In addition to St. Galina of Corinth, it is necessary to mention the holy righteous Galina - the daughter of the Roman emperor Septimius Severus, who was a pagan and fierce persecutor of Christians.

holy martyr galina

She urged her father to abandon the worship of pagan idols. Galina became a Christian thanks to the miracles, faith and patience of the Bishop of Magnesia Harlampia. When he was taken into custody and subjected to martyrdom, she tried to protect him and twice crushed the erected idols in the local Christian church. When St. Harlampy died, she buried his remains. The father did not dare to execute his daughter, therefore, when her term approached, she rested peacefully.

Her name at church services is commemorated on February 10 (23).

Icon of St. Galina: meaning

Every Orthodox Galina in the house probably has her own iconostasis with the Virgin and Christ the Savior. And often nearby you can see the name icon of the patron saint. “Holy Galina” is an icon that is of great importance, as it allows a woman with this name to enlist the support of her righteous saint and thereby get rid of all everyday difficulties, suffering and numerous troubles. It is best to pray to the heavenly helper Galina in the presence of her icon, which will allow not to lose faith in the Lord even in the most difficult and critical moments.

In prayer, St. Galina is resorted to when there is doubt and cowardice; they also pray to her during the conversion of apostates, during persecution. Galina is a saint who patronizes all those who defend truth, faith and truth.

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