1935 year of whom, what animal according to the eastern calendar?

A special calendar is popular in the East, according to which each year passes under the auspices of one of the representatives of the fauna world. Why were these 12 animals chosen? Chinese legend says that once the Buddha decided to leave this world and invited all the animals to the last meeting. However, not all came, but only 12, each of whom God gave as his own year. The Rat opens the cycle, which first responded to the call of Buddha. Since then, every year bears the name of one of the most faithful and loyal animals. And the year 1935, whom, what animal? We offer to find out.

Oriental calendar signs

general characteristics

In addition to being dedicated to one of the 12 animals each year, it also has its own color and its own element. Proceeding from this, the answer to the question “Who is the year 1935 according to the horoscope?” Will sound like this - the Green Wooden Pig.

People born under the auspices of this sign are distinguished by decisiveness, energy, and cheerfulness. Communicating with them can give a lot of pleasant minutes and improve your mood, however, people born in the year of the Green Wooden Pig sometimes make a decision very quickly, refusing the need to think everything through. And they make mistakes where they could have avoided them, be careful.

Pig - a symbol of 1935

Personality Strengths

Answering the question “1935, who is on the eastern calendar?”, We will consider the strengths presented by the Green Wooden Pig. A lot of them:

  • Kindness.
  • Sociability.
  • Purposefulness.
  • Foresight, ability to quickly assess the prospects of a particular plan.
  • Willingness to always come to the rescue.
  • Developed self-esteem.

Such people are characterized by a pronounced creative beginning, from childhood they demonstrate acting talent, innovative thinking, willingness to act on a hunch. Many of those born this year are very attractive in appearance, to a very old age are successful with the opposite sex.

Kindness is a trait born in 1935


Many strong and purposeful personalities were born in 1935. Who should the Pigs be wary of? First of all, false hypocritical acquaintances who disguise anger and envy under a friendly guise. Born in the year of the Green Wooden Pig, you need to learn how to choose a social circle, get rid of the seductive habit of telling your secrets to the first comer. Excessive gullibility and the desire to please everyone are the main weaknesses of those born this year.

Of the physical deficiencies, a tendency to abuse alcohol should be noted, therefore, Green Wooden Pigs should be in control and take care of their health.

Some features of the sign

To more accurately understand the questions “1935, whom, what animal, what qualities does it endow with?” You should familiarize yourself with the specific components of the Green Wooden Pig sign.

  • The tree is a symbol of creativity, spiritual simplicity, openness, desire to help those in need. Thanks to this primary element, the family and roots are of great importance for those born this year.
  • The green color means that the representatives of the sign feel very comfortable alone with nature, it is in the distance from civilization that they find peace and relax in body and soul. The forest is the place where the Green Pig will be fine.

Representatives of the sign are characterized by a highly developed intuition, but very specific: they will gladly believe in the good intentions of a liar, but they will always feel that misfortune is happening with a loved one, these people can read someone else's grief, but not someone else's evil intentions.

Intuition - The Strength of the Green Pig

Personalities Examples

We answered the question "1935 year of whom, what animal?". Now we recognize some people who have managed to forever enter their name in the history book, which were born under the sign of the Green Pig.

  • Lyudmila Gurchenko, singer with a bewitching voice and actress, famous for her vivid roles.
  • Alain Delon, an actor and conqueror of female hearts, from whose blue eyes girls went crazy for decades.
Alain Delon was born in the Year of the Pig
  • Oleg Tabakov, who gave the world wonderful films.
  • Elvis Presley, a musician about whom a huge number of legends are composed, and his songs are still in demand and modern.

Indeed, talented people were born in 1935, they managed to succeed and glorify their name. And who knows, perhaps it was the sign of the Green Wooden Pig that helped them find strength in themselves and fully realize their potential.

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