Left hand itches - remember signs!

Our daily life is associated with many signs. Some of them have become so familiar that we follow them without hesitation. For example, upon seeing a black cat in his path, we immediately spit vigorously over his left shoulder. If someone comes with an empty bucket - "turn on" politeness and skip forward. We use the salt shaker carefully so as not to spill it. And so on, so on, so on ...

If it itches ...

So, suppose your left hand is itching. Persistently and for a long time. You rub it - itching does not go away. Not without reason, see! And what, in this case, does folk wisdom tell us? On the one hand, the omens are disappointing: “scratching the left is at a loss, you have to give money on that day!” On the other, we hear from the grandmothers the opposite: “the right hand is itchy - giving it away, the left hand is itching - you’ll denyuzhku accept! ”Is it so - will tell your own life experience. Just need to be careful and not miss the cause and effect relationship.

left hand itches
Suppose that the left hand is itching, not to loss, but to profit - that means someone unexpectedly hands you a certain amount. It can be a long-standing duty that a friend suddenly remembered (got rich or his conscience woke up), a bonus at work or a find on the street. Or maybe it’s a veiled sign that you will be offered to start a new business soon, will be promoted. In any case, directly or indirectly, when the left hand is itching, luck must smile at you. And your task is to understand this, notice to do the right thing. They offered a job - to agree. Included in a new project - to rejoice. Promoted - match. But that is not all. If luck waves your hand from afar, you need to lure it, call on yourself, show that it is welcome and waiting for it. In other words, as knowledgeable people advise, you need to do something like a ritual in order for the sign to work.

Some magic

left hand itches
How to attract money fortune to yourself if a “sign from above” was given, i.e. Does your left hand itch? Home or practical magic offers many rituals, from the simplest to the most sophisticated. Let us dwell on some.

  • Hold a note in it, preferably of great dignity, and hide your hand in your pocket for a couple of minutes. In this way, you will, as it were, show the way to money, and they will come to you.
  • Another option - if the left hand itches, the palm should be rubbed on the pocket. That is, send an invitation to money, show where their home is. The result will soon please you.
  • And here is a tip on how not to lose money: the left palm is itchy, and you owe it to someone. To give them this time did not have to, the palm should be rubbed on the bark of a tree. Thus, you will not part with them, and your lenders will be condescending and wait.
  • The palm should be scratched with movements not from itself, but to itself, inward, from top to bottom, and not vice versa. Otherwise, you will “withdraw” the money, drive away from yourself that there is no “gut”, as the wits say.

Money and ... the moon

if the left hand is scratched
If it happened that the left palm itches on those days, or rather the nights when the lunar phases change, you can try to get a clear coin in this way: during the full moon you should put your wallet wide open on the windowsill, in which you usually keep the “cash desk” . Putting it so that moonlight falls on it and even gets inside. Doing the "operation" should be all three nights, until the light began to decline. Thus, you accumulate monetary energy, and they treasured pieces of paper will flow to you. And when the moon is newborn, the wallet is laid out on the windowsill already with the contents and also for the first three nights. Money is charged with growth energy and multiplied.


These signs will work if the itching in the palms is not caused by skin diseases or your negative emotions. In the first case - wash them more often, in the second - do not clench. Calm down, smile, then life will smile at you with a pleasant surprise in the form of a ringing coin!

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