Pump-action shotgun MP-133: reviews (photos)

MR-133 - a pump-action shotgun manufactured by the Izhevsk factory, intended for hunting, self-defense and law enforcement. This shotgun was developed on the basis of the well-known model IZH-81. Serially MP-133 began to be produced since 2000.

Mr 133


This pump-action shotgun is powered by ammunition from a tubular under-barrel magazine. Thanks to the movable forearm is reloading weapons. MP-133, unlike IL-81, has two thrusts, and not one, which has a positive effect on the smoothness of reloading and backlash. The button fuse is located behind the trigger, on the trigger guard. When turned on, it blocks the movement of the hook. After all cartridges are used up from the magazine, the bolt of the gun becomes a bolt delay (the shut-off button is located directly in front of the trigger). On the receiver, on the right side, there is a button for intercepting cartridges. It is necessary to retrieve a cartridge from the magazine that follows without automatic retraction. The fore-end and butt MP-133 are either plastic or wooden (walnut, birch or beech). In the version with wood there is a version with a pistol grip. Models with plastic trim have modifications on which they install - from the Kalashnikov assault rifle of the hundredth series - the stock is folding. MP-133 also allows the use of a number of special permanent and interchangeable muzzle nozzles. In addition, you can use the extension of the store, increasing its capacity by two cartridges.

mp 133 reviews


This smoothbore pump action shotgun comes with a 12 gauge barrel. For shooting, hunting cartridges are used, as well as special ammunition, which are collected in cartridges 76 and 89 mm long. The magazine capacity without an extension is four cartridges for 76 mm and three cartridges for 89 mm cartridges. The barrel of the MP-133 has, depending on the modification, the following sizes: 510, 540, 610, 660, 710 and 750 mm. The length of the gun with a maximum barrel is 1280 mm. The weight of the weapon is quite moderate - 3.3 kg. The aiming part, also depending on the model, can be of two types: a vented aiming strip or the rear sight and front sight. The following interchangeable muzzle nozzles are used: C, IC, IM, M, F, XF.

The future for pump action shotguns?

Shotguns in which reloading is carried out by a moving forearm can hardly be called the traditional weapon of domestic hunters these days. By the beginning of the XXI century, pump-action rifles were able to gain some popularity with our citizens as a means of self-defense. This type of guns became widely known thanks to Hollywood action movies, in which gangsters and employees of various special forces and security structures scorch right and left from the pomp men. And now the appearance of domestic analogues of such weapons (and inexpensive, when compared with imported guns) made it possible to look at a completely different angle on the pump-action shotgun.

trunk mr 133

Design Tasks

The multicharging of hunting rifles has always been as attractive as possible for both professional hunters and amateur hunters. This problem was solved in various ways: by the presence of two or more barrels, automatic reloading, manual reloading by means of the fore - end movement of the forend along the axis of the barrel, using a cartridge-type revolver type, etc. Each of these principles is more or less represented by successful and not very models hunting rifles. Moreover, the MR-133 considered by us can be attributed to the successful ones. This model rightly deserves a lot of positive feedback from its owners, both within our country and abroad.

folding butt mp 133

Compare the shotgun with other hunting rifles

The advantage of the MP-133 pump-action shotgun over hunting weapons of other classes is determined by the specific conditions of its operation. The very simple design of this model provides ease of care for it, even in the field, as well as the possibility of long-term use without cleaning the mechanisms in general. The manual reloading method removes any requirements for gunpowder hitching, the long chamber allows you to use absolutely any 12-round cartridges, including those that are equipped with re-use of spent cartridges. The risk of losing the shot cartridges is minimal, since their ejection time and direction are completely controlled by the shooter. As we said, this gun has a weight of 3.3 kg; According to this parameter, it compares favorably with most multi-charged hunting models, which have a mass of 4 kg and above. And finally, the durability, reliability and durability of the MP-133, as well as excellent performance combined with an affordable price, make this weapon preferable in situations where a long autonomous existence is required , especially in extreme conditions.

Mr 133 Shotgun

MP-133: owner reviews

If we summarize the reviews of the owners of the domestic MP-133 pump-action shotgun, we can distinguish three main criteria that characterize this model: reliability, multi-charge, price. Even after several years of operation, this gun shows its best side: it perfectly shoots with both factory ammunition and self-rolls, both with lead shot and with brass and steel. However, the owners also note such a feature: it is difficult for people with growth below average to shoot offhand (due to the location of the forearm). Below are the pros and cons of this model.


The advantages of the weapon in question include: high reliability, the ability to install various additional equipment (collimator, DTK, flashlight), a unique system of shutter delays, the use of any cartridges, except for the Super Magnum. In addition, the presence of thread in the barrel allows the use of a muzzle brake compensator, barrel extensions and replaceable chokes. Models with an automatic butt allow you to carry accessories in a special pencil case, so you can disassemble and clean weapons in the field. In addition, in weapons stores there is a huge selection of spare parts for this gun, although it practically does not break. However, if necessary, you will not have problems replacing, say, a dead war spring.

butt mr 133


1. A lot of weight compared to a classic double-barreled shotgun, especially with a larger magazine. Although when compared with automatic guns, this model compares favorably with them. In fact, in the weight category MP-133 is in the middle position.

2. Models with an automatic butt have a strong and painful return, therefore, require the installation of an additional rubber butt pad. Reloading this weapon requires skill. Shooting with "Magnum" type cartridges is very tiring, after a series of shots (from 10), ears and aching teeth begin to hurt , it is recommended to use headphones.

3. Low-informative documentation, for example, a shutter lag mechanism, is completely unwritten.

4. After the purchase, it is required to independently grind the internal parts.


As they say, men never grow up, so they play toys all their lives, only with age do their hobbies become more and more expensive. But what kind of boy doesn’t like weapons? Here are adult children and choose for themselves various hobbies related to shooting: paintball, airsoft, hunting and more. Shotgun MP-133 is a great choice for men, because it is universal. You can take it with you on a long journey, to the country, on a hike or rafting. Pump-action shotgun can be used not only for hunting, but also for self-defense, for these purposes truckers often get them.

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