Our phobia is fear of spiders.

In each of us lies an uncontrollable fear, which is commonly called a phobia. Unfortunately, we are practically powerless before the fear of certain things. There are an infinite number of phobias that have their own specific name. So, for example, the fear of spiders is usually called arachnophobia.

The fact is that this phobia is a fairly common phenomenon, standing along with claustrophobia and fear of heights. Statistics show that almost every third woman and every fifth man suffers from this phobia. It is not surprising that the inhabitants of North America and Western Europe, where poisonous and really life-threatening spiders are found in ordinary life, are mainly affected by this fear.

Fear of spiders can be considered a completely justified fear, but there are a huge number of species that are completely harmless and harmless to human life. The only question is that many of them can still look horrific for a person, have a furry body and long legs.

Bioenergy even believe that if there is a spider in the house, then it will certainly clean the house from accumulating negative energy, but its killing can be considered a bad omen. As you know, spiders weave a web, and so it is a kind of magnet not only for flies and other insects, but also captures negative waves, feelings and emotions. In any case, bioenergetics are convinced of this.

The creators of horror films have also made their hand in the development of this natural fear, where spiders are represented in the form of real monsters that can cause a person any harm. Perhaps the fear of spiders was transmitted to us from the older generation in the family, where our parents and grandparents could be afraid of spiders and thereby set an example for us when we were children.

For the same reason, in those regions where a truly large number of dangerous spiders are found, people's fear of them is much less, and it is almost impossible to meet a person suffering from arachnophobia. This is explained by the fact that people are already accustomed to and are much calmer towards these creatures.

It is believed that the most effective way to combat this fear will be to work with a professional psychologist, however, you can also get rid of this phobia on your own. The most effective method can be considered when it is necessary to meet "face to face" with a spider. It is best to carefully examine it, it may even talk to him and imagine that the spider understands you, but if the spider begins to answer you, this is the profile of a psychiatrist.

Some desperate and courageous people can be recommended to touch a spider, as a rule, this method of overcoming fear gives good results.

They also recommend playing computer games, where one of the tasks is to kill a spider. However, as you destroy your goal, you subconsciously destroy your fear.

How to determine if your fear of spiders is a phobia or a simple fear of an uncharted insect? If at the sight of a spider you felt a rapid heartbeat, then this is not a reason to believe that you are prone to this phobia. However, there are a number of signs that should accompany a person suffering from one or another fear. If the object of your fear causes excessive sweating, trembling, dry mouth, fever, or vice versa, chills, feeling of suffocation, dizziness, nausea, then you can assume that you have a real phobia. Not a single case of such a condition is taken, but constant signs when the object of fear is seen. It can be microbes, water, wasps, plants, dust, etc., the list goes on indefinitely.

By the way, there is a huge list of phobias that make a person feel discomfort and fear of one or another life circumstance. Phobia names can be found on the Internet and find out if you are exposed to any fear from more than 400 existing ones.

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