Assumption Goritsky monastery: where is it located? Photo and History

Monasteries and temples have attracted the attention of tourists at all times. Ancient architecture, a peculiar way of life, a unique iconostasis, all this interests people. For some, this is an opportunity to satisfy their curiosity, for others - a chance to learn the other side of life and, perhaps, draw certain conclusions. The Assumption Goritsky Monastery is an interesting monument, which is worth a visit for everyone. Why exactly a monument? Because today it is given to the museum, the nuns live in a small area, all the rest of the premises of the complex are freely visited by tourists.

Assumption Goritsky Monastery

Celebrity among tourists

Indeed, it is worth visiting at least once. The Assumption Goritsky Monastery is the most famous in Pereslavl-Zalessky. Almost all buildings date back to the 17th – 19th centuries. The most ancient today need restoration, but remain beautiful. Of particular interest is the main temple of the monastery - the Cathedral of the Assumption of the Virgin. Ancient and amazing, it stands for hundreds of years and looks at what is happening around. The Assumption Goritsky Monastery is decorated with an iconostasis, which was created back in 1750. Grandiose, carved, it still surprises tourists with its grandeur. Many say that he could decorate Moscow churches.

Assumption Goritsky monastery history

The history of the great monastery

The Assumption Goritsky Monastery was founded at the very beginning of the XIV century. Moreover, this temple of the Assumption was not named Goritsky from the very beginning. Later, this name was added to him due to the fact that it was built on a hill. At first, all the churches were wooden, and from them to date, absolutely nothing has been preserved. It is amazing how many years this prayed place was the abode of monks who offered thanks to the Lord.

However, dashing times did not spare the Assumption Goritsky monastery. Its history, like many other ancient temples in Russia, includes dark pages of complete destruction. So, in 1382 the army of Tokhtamysh completely destroyed Pereslavl, and with it the monastery. However, he did not sink into oblivion. It was at this time, just before the invasion, that the princess came to prayer in the holy monastery. She managed to escape from the Tatars, sailing down the river on a raft.

Miraculous salvation was not disregarded by her husband, Dmitry Donskoy. Already in 1392, he completely restored the Goritsky Assumption Monastery, having done it at his own expense. But not a single building created at that time has survived to this day. All of them were destroyed by raids, fires, and also time. However, the monks did not leave him, over and over again rebuilding their quiet abode.

Assumption Goritsky monastery photo

From creation to the present day

The Pereslavl Goritsky Assumption Monastery has existed for so long that the chronicle of it has significant gaps. It is known for certain that in the form in which we know it today, it was built in the XVII-XVIII centuries. What happened to him in the period from the XIV century, how the monks lived, why the monastery had to be completely rebuilt - is unknown, one can only guess about it. However, we know that the fate of the monastery was rather complicated. This is already clear from the fact that it has not been functioning for several centuries.

Goritsky Assumption Convent of Pereslavl-Zalessky already appears in modern history, although initially it was exclusively male. The nuns fell a heavy burden: already in 1744 their quiet monastery was abolished. Services in it ceased, and she herself was transferred to the diocese. However, soon the same fate awaited her: the diocese was abolished.

Pereslavl Goritsky Assumption Monastery

Abandoned but not forgotten

The Goritsky Assumption Monastery for a long time was a rather miserable sight. Still magnificent and solemn, it was completely abandoned. The walls were dilapidated and collapsed without supervision, the territory was covered with grass, vandals covered it with garbage. Only at the end of the 20th century they remembered him again and placed a religious school in one of the buildings.

Gradually, the Goritsky Assumption Monastery began to be put in order. However, a new test awaited him: he was given over to the museum-reserve. At the same time, surprisingly, the nuns did not leave their monastery during all these difficult times. And today they are trying to restore an ancient monastery. Although there are not so many nuns on the territory, it is not easy for them to maintain a huge territory in order.

Goritsky Assumption Monastery Pereslavl Zalessky

The road to the monastery

If you are going on a trip to the historical places of our country, be sure to visit the Assumption Goritsky Monastery. How to get there, we’ll tell you now. It is located at: Museum Lane, 4. If you call from Moscow, then at the entrance to the city, you can already see the walls and domes of churches (on the left side). If you are staying in Pereslavl-Zalessky and want to visit a quiet monastery, you can use public transport. The most convenient bus for you will be the number 1 bus (the stop is called the “Museum”). At the entrance to the monastery you will see walls from afar. They must look around. Now it really feels that the temple is located on a hill, which offers beautiful views of Pereslavl. Entrance to the monastery, now the museum, will cost 250 rubles (if you want to visit all the expositions).

Monastery walls

It is them that we see from afar, only approaching the temple. Considering the Assumption Goritsky Monastery (we cited the photo in the article), it can be noted that, despite the centuries past, the walls of the monastery are still quite strong. However, historians will immediately tell you that they were completed in later times, most likely in the XVIII century. This is evident from the fact that they are very low, which means that they did not perform a defensive function. Loopholes were never used for their intended purpose, and in some places there are no walls at all.

Assumption Cathedral

This is the main attraction, which is famous for the Goritsky Assumption Monastery. Pereslavl-Zalessky is the guardian of this miracle: few cities of the Golden Ring of Russia can boast such a magnificent architectural monument, although it has not been operating for more than 200 years, today it belongs to the museum.

So, the Assumption Cathedral. It was built in 1750 and still exists in its original form. Even if you are far from religion, you will really like it here. The cathedral is crowned with five small elegant cupolas. Inside, the walls are richly decorated with stucco and stunning Baroque paintings.

Goritsky Assumption Monastery

The iconostasis is the main shrine and attraction. It was created simultaneously with the temple and today needs attention. The multi-tiered, gilded design is five rows of icons that rise from the floor near the altar to the base of the main vault. Baroque columns, figures of saints and floral ornaments complete the stunning interior. Today, the main task is to preserve this beauty for posterity, so the temple opens only in the summer.

Do not forget to visit

The Epiphany Church is another interesting building. It is very small, old, was built in 1768. Actually, the attention of tourists is more attracted not by this building itself, but by a four-tier bell tower, on the lower floor of which the church is located. The bell tower itself is simply amazing when you are here, you really regret that its ringing has not been heard in the surroundings for hundreds of years. Take your time and go up to the observation deck. It offers a breathtaking view of Lake Pleshcheyevo and the city itself. However, remember that the bell is allowed only in the warm season.

Church of All Saints

This building was also built in the second half of the 17th century. It is located next to the Assumption Cathedral and can be seen from afar, as it rises high above the walls of the monastery. The religious building is crowned with five small chapels. When a religious school opened on the territory of the monastery, it was closely attached to the walls of the church. At the same time, she herself underwent a complete reconstruction and began to fulfill the function of a house temple. It is difficult to say whether it was preserved in its original form, because there were no drawings left.

Goritsky Assumption Monastery

Other attractions

Walking around the temple can take a whole day, so better stock up on time. In the north wall is a small belfry, which was built in the second half of the XIX century. The building itself is not very remarkable, but from its second tier there are wonderful views of the city.

The church of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker is very beautiful. It is located above the Holy Gates, and was founded in the second half of the 18th century, built in the Moscow Baroque style. For almost 300 years, services have not been held here, now one of the museum’s expositions is located there.

An orchard on the shores of an artificial lake is not just beauty. It is very nice to take a walk on hot days. This lake was created in order to provide the temple with water in case of fire. Water enters into it through pipes from a neighboring reservoir. Such an interesting experience that made it possible to grow a beautiful garden. Judging by the reviews, today he is not too well-groomed, and this somewhat reduces his charm.

The wooden chapels in the monastery are relatively young buildings. Residents of the surrounding areas themselves raised money for them, and also took part in the construction. To date, one of them serves as the box office of the museum.

Almost all tourists mention the passage gate in the eastern wall of the monastery in their reviews. This is a real masterpiece of Russian architecture, which certainly will not leave you indifferent. Relatively low, they still attract the eyes of guests. Pay attention to the oval niche above the gate - there is a unique fresco. She was preserved very well.

Instead of a conclusion

Judging by the reviews, the monastery is still very beautiful and representative. However, a large influx of tourists and the lack of care for the ancient monument by the museum staff leads to the fact that the building is dilapidated. Many regret that the cloister has not been returned completely to the nuns. The existing monastery receives donations that go to its maintenance, and today the museum charges a fee for visiting the shrine and does not care about preserving the complex for posterity. But, despite difficult times, it remains very interesting and attractive, so many strongly recommend visiting it.

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