Penza Pedagogical Institute named after V. G. Belinsky: faculties, passing score

Penza Pedagogical Institute named after V. G. Belinsky is one of the most prestigious educational institutions of the city and the Penza region.

Penza Pedagogical Institute named after Mr. Belinsky


This educational institution is located at the address: Penza city, Lermontov street, house 37. The Penza Pedagogical Institute named after V. G. Belinsky has an official website, so information about the life and activities of the university is available not only to its students, but also to future applicants. There are also special booklets that detail all the areas of training offered at this prestigious educational institution.

Penza Pedagogical Institute

Pages of history

Penza Pedagogical Institute named after V. G. Belinsky is considered the largest educational and scientific institution of the Penza region. In 1939, the institute was opened for two-year training of middle-level teachers.

In 1941, the Penza Pedagogical Institute named after V. G. Belinsky was created on its basis. Two faculties are opening: physics and mathematics, as well as a philological direction.

Given the relevance of school teachers, in 1943 the historical direction appeared in the walls of this pedagogical university, and in 1946 - natural science.

After the appearance in the Soviet Union of secondary general education, the Penza Pedagogical Institute named after V. G. Belinsky opens new faculties, increases the number of specialties for graduates.

In 1956, the faculty of physical education was opened within the walls of an elite pedagogical university.

In 1961, the faculty of public professions appeared here, after three years future teachers of foreign languages ​​are recruited, and a little later the Penza Pedagogical Institute begins to prepare primary school teachers.

Penza Pedagogical Institute named after Mr. Belinsky photo

University Achievements

Today, the former pedagogical educational institution is the Penza Pedagogical Institute named after V. G. Belinsky. The faculties that appeared in the twentieth century are partially abolished, new prestigious specialties and directions have appeared. In 1981, this educational institution became the winner of the All-Russian competition in which prestigious top-level educational institutions participated. In 1985, a faculty was opened here to improve the level of qualification by educators. Since 1988, foreign students study at the Penza Pedagogical University.

At the end of the last century, serious changes were observed in the system of higher education in our country. They did not pass by this educational institution either. The faculty of social work and psychology, management and economics, the faculty of law, appeared.

In December 1994, received a new name - Penza Pedagogical Institute named after V. G. Belinsky. The photos presented below indicate that this ancient educational institution continues to live an interesting and eventful life.

This university was included in the National Register of the leading educational institutions of Russia. At a conference held in 2012 in St. Petersburg, this educational institution was awarded the gold medal of the competition.

Penza Pedagogical Institute named after G. Belinsky faculties


There are ten faculties in PSPU, which allow training specialists in various subject areas. How popular among applicants is the Penza Pedagogical Institute named after V. G. Belinsky? The passing score at many faculties is quite high, which confirms the prestige of getting higher education here.

In 2012, a reorganization took place, after which, as a structural unit, the V.G. Belinsky Pedagogical Institute joined the university.

Organization of the educational process

Currently, in this educational institution, specialists with professional higher education are trained in 33 different specialties, masters in 7 types of training, bachelors in 40 profiles and 20 areas. In addition, there is the opportunity to study on the basis of higher education in twenty-eight specialties.

This institution of higher education is taught by highly qualified specialists. More teaching staff have a scientific title or degree, including membership in the Russian Academy of Education. In addition to doctors, classes with students are also conducted by candidates of sciences.

On the basis of the educational institution, its own scientific and pedagogical schools operate:

  • computer science;
  • linguistics;
  • stories;
  • economics;
  • biology;
  • philosophy.

Thanks to international educational programs, students exchange programs with leading universities in Canada, Australia, the UK, and the USA. In the pedagogical direction, close cooperation has been established with specialized institutions in China, France, and Tajikistan.

Penza Pedagogical Institute named after Mr. Belinsky passing score


Over the entire period of its existence, this top-level educational institution has trained about forty thousand specialists. Of these, about 1,500 of them were recognized as excellent students of education in the RSFSR, the USSR, doctors and candidates of science, honored teachers of secondary schools.

In 2012, another reorganization of the educational institution took place, as a result of which three faculties work in the structure of the prestigious educational institution:

  • pedagogy, social sciences, psychology;
  • historical and philological;
  • natural and physical and mathematical sciences.

There are also scientific bases in its structure: a botanical museum with 200 herbarium specimens, a mineralogical museum, a zoological museum, a scientific library. Field training takes place on the basis of a biostation, a botanical garden, and an environmental center. The leadership of this educational institution pays special attention to the health of students and teaching staff. Future teachers have the opportunity to strengthen their physical health in the swimming pool, gymnasium, gym, in the outdoor sports complex "Trud". There is also its own student camp "Sputnik", which this prestigious educational institution is rightly proud of.

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