Mesotherapy of the face: what is it, reviews, description of the procedure, results, contraindications

Each woman makes a lot of efforts to preserve youth and freshness of her skin. In addition to numerous professional care products, the use of home recipes, cosmetology sessions in beauty salons are especially popular, allowing you to achieve the desired result as soon as possible. One of such procedures is mesotherapy, in the framework of which a point effect on the epidermis is carried out using specially selected active preparations. In the article, we will consider what it is - face mesotherapy, reviews, indications and contraindications regarding the procedure.

Method Description

First of all, you need to understand what this cosmetic procedure is. Facial mesotherapy involves the introduction of injections into the middle layers of the dermis with an individually selected therapeutic drug. It may include vitamin complexes, minerals, plant extracts, amino acids and other nutrients. Injections are made using the thinnest needle, which penetrates to a depth of 1.5 to 3.9 mm.

There is also a non-injection face mesotherapy. What it is? The procedure involves applying a specially selected cocktail to problem areas of the skin, after which the apparatus is applied to these areas.

Mesotherapy allows you to get rid of numerous problems associated with the skin of the face and neck. In each case, its action is individual, but the result is guaranteed. Sessions significantly improve microcirculation in blood vessels, make the skin supple, increase its tone in the area of ​​drug administration. Unlike external products, which penetrate only into the surface layers of the skin and are not able to penetrate into deeper areas, the drugs used during mesotherapy act in the middle layers of the epidermis. That allows you to activate metabolic processes, cell regeneration, improve blood circulation.

face mesotherapy what is it reviews

The price of face mesotherapy is from 2000 rubles. A non-injection procedure costs the same.

Drugs used in the process

We examined what it is - face mesotherapy. Feedback on the methodology will be presented below. Let's look at the cocktails with which the procedure is carried out.

During this manipulation, different groups of therapeutic drugs are used, which differ in composition, action and manufacturing features. The most popular of them are synthesized preparations that are created in laboratory conditions.

  1. The most commonly used cocktail for face mesotherapy is hyaluronic acid. It helps to retain moisture in the deeper layers of the dermis, due to which the skin is moisturized and wrinkles are smoothed.
  2. Plant extracts, absolutely safe and effective elements.
  3. Components based on animal products, including collagen and elastin. They, in turn, rejuvenate and increase skin elasticity.
  4. Face mesotherapy with vitamins C, B, A, E, P. The elements that make up the preparations are distinguished by powerful antioxidant properties that improve the appearance of the skin.
  5. Minerals Most often, chemical salt, macrocells, including selenium, magnesium, phosphorus, etc. are used. Mineral additives are selected depending on the desired action of the procedure.
  6. Organic acids. As a rule, these are glycolic or pyruvic acids that stimulate cell regeneration.
  7. Medications. Among them are certain medications, the use of which is allowed only for individual indicators.

When choosing a drug, a cosmetologist is guided by a number of indicators, in particular: features and skin type, pigmentation, age-related changes, rashes, and other factors. A wide range of drugs allows you to make a cocktail to achieve the best result in each individual case. It is important to remember that the specialist conducting it is responsible for the result of the procedure, therefore it is necessary to contact an experienced master with good recommendations.

Photos before and after face mesotherapy can be found in this article. They confirm that the result of the manipulation is immediately visible.

complications after face mesotherapy

Indications and benefits

We examined what it is - non-injection facial mesotherapy, as well as a procedure performed using injections. Now we mention the advantages and positive aspects of carrying out such manipulations.

This cosmetic procedure has a number of indications, among them there are:

  • deterioration of the skin due to adverse weather conditions;
  • the need to restore skin tissue after surgery;
  • decrease in muscle tone of the face;
  • sagging skin;
  • pronounced signs of aging, loss of facial contours, facial wrinkles;
  • double chin;
  • acne, acne, problematic skin of the face;
  • seborrheic dermatitis;
  • the presence of body fat;
  • nasolabial folds;
  • tendency to swelling;
  • circles under the eyes;
  • unnatural pallor and unhealthy appearance of the face;
  • creases;
  • pigmentation;
  • scars, scars, rosacea.
  • loss of skin elasticity, reduced turgor;
  • tendency to dryness or, on the contrary, excessive work of the sebaceous glands.
mesotherapy around the eyes reviews

The advantages of taking a course of mesotherapy include:

  1. The course of mesotherapy, including the non-injection method, provides a long-term result, without the need to regularly resort to supportive procedures.
  2. The procedure is recommended for women of all ages. In particular, it is effective in combating age-related skin changes.
  3. A correctly selected drug virtually eliminates the risk of adverse reactions. Before performing the procedure, it is recommended to pass a small test for individual intolerance to the components of the drug in order to avoid allergic reactions.
  4. Mesotherapy performed on an outpatient basis makes it possible to achieve the best results.
  5. In almost all cases, skin cells respond well to the injected drug.
  6. The ability to get rid of several facial skin problems without resorting to other procedures.
  7. Achieving the desired result as soon as possible.
  8. Compared with many other cosmetic procedures, patients allocate an affordable price for face mesotherapy.
face mesotherapy contraindications


It should be noted that mesotherapy is carried out in two ways: non-injection or by injection, so some contraindications may prohibit the procedure in one way, but do not exclude the other. Facial mesotherapy using a non-invasive method is considered less dangerous, since in this case the risk of side effects is reduced, in addition, the procedure is painless. This method is carried out by injecting drugs with a laser, a mesoscooter, a magnet, a special cosmetic device that affects the skin with cold.

In turn, contraindications to face mesotherapy can be divided into absolute and relative. In the first case, the introduction of drugs by injection is completely excluded, since it can provoke a complication of the conditions of existing pathologies or worsen the general state of health. These include:

  1. Oncology. Non-injection mesotherapy is allowed for use, however, it depends on the type of tumor and the patient's condition. This is due to the fact that some components of the administered drug can activate the process of renewal and division of cancer cells, as a result of which the disease will begin to progress.
  2. Blood clotting disorder. In this case, the invasive method is absolutely contraindicated, since it can cause bleeding.
  3. Pathological fear at the sight of an injection is a rather rare case, but it does occur. In this case, injection of a vitamin cocktail can be recommended.

If we talk about relative contraindications, they are temporary. That is, the introduction of injections is unacceptable, but only during the period until certain signs or circumstances that do not allow the procedure to be eliminated. Relative contraindications include:

  1. Pregnancy and lactation. Despite the fact that studies regarding the effect of the cosmetology procedure on the condition of the child have not been conducted, in order to eliminate the negative consequences, it is advisable to postpone the session until the woman stops breastfeeding.
  2. Taking medications that can affect blood coagulation. Therefore, before starting mesotherapy, it is important to inform the cosmetologist about all the medicines that are currently taken. This will help to avoid undesirable consequences.
  3. Exacerbation of herpes on the face.
  4. A history of allergy.
  5. The presence of infectious diseases, regardless of their location.

Particular attention is paid to the drugs used during the procedure. So, the introduction of hyaluronic acid is prohibited for patients with hypersensitive skin, as well as open wounds on the face. Artichoke extract is contraindicated in acute renal failure, liver dysfunction, hepatitis.

Feasible side effects

Regardless of the technique used, mesotherapy is considered an invasive procedure, despite the fact that the violation of the integrity of the skin is minimal. Even if all safety measures are followed, there is a risk of side effects.

Such complications after mesotherapy of an injection type face are possible:

  1. Most often these are negative reactions caused by the injected drug. After the procedure is completed, the client may feel a burning sensation, experience pain at the injection sites, and redness appears. Since several components are included in medicinal cocktails, there is always the possibility of an allergic reaction to one of them. This can be avoided only by conducting a test for sensitivity to the drug.
  2. Less often, but the possibility of side effects due to non-compliance with the technology of the procedure is not excluded. For example, if the cosmetologist inserted the needle too deep during mesotherapy, a puncture of the blood vessel could occur, therefore, bruises will probably appear in the puncture sites. If a specialist does not properly sanitize the equipment or workplace used, there is a risk of infection for the client. If the master is not qualified after the procedure, facial scars can be observed or, worse, tissue death (necrosis).

It is worth remembering that minimal bruises after face mesotherapy are still present. Under normal skin conditions, they disappear after 10-14 days.

Given all of the above consequences, it is necessary to carefully approach the choice of a cosmetologist and preparation for mesotherapy.

face mesotherapy Price

How is the procedure

Before the procedure, the cosmetologist will have a brief conversation, will clarify whether the client is taking medication, whether he suffers from certain diseases or allergies. Then he will find out the purpose of mesotherapy and, based on the wishes of the client, he will select the optimal drug for administration under the skin. To increase the effectiveness of the procedure, a specialist may recommend peeling.

To eliminate the risk of adverse reactions, the beautician conducts an allergy test. To do this, the minimum dose of the drug is injected into the wrist, if for some time there is no redness on the skin, they go directly to the procedure itself.

Many clients are interested in the question of whether pain relief is required when performing mesotherapy. This is determined in each case and depends on the threshold of sensitivity. For some, the procedure is associated with deep massage and does not cause discomfort, while in others it causes acute pain. Previously, a cosmetologist can apply a cream to the face, which includes lidocaine, which reduces sensitivity. Mesotherapy is carried out manually or using a device dosing the introduction of a therapeutic composition. Experienced cosmetologists have worked out manual equipment no worse than hardware. The depth and number of injections depend on the condition of the skin, the desires of the client and are appointed by the master.


It was discussed above what it is - face mesotherapy. Patient reviews indicate that it is important not only to choose a qualified craftsman, but also to ensure proper care after manipulation.

After the procedure, it is necessary to refrain from taking medications and alcohol, to avoid prolonged exposure to the sun. In addition, it is recommended to adhere to the following rules so that the action of the procedure has the best effect on the appearance and condition of the skin:

  1. On the day of the planned mesotherapy, other procedures are not performed.
  2. The first day after you can not use any cosmetics, it can get to the puncture site, thereby reducing the effectiveness of the drug.
  3. During the week, it is advisable to avoid hypothermia, overheating and direct sunlight on the face. You should postpone your visit to the pool, sauna, bathhouse and solarium. Massage and active physical activity for several days will also have to be forgotten.
  4. Skin areas that have undergone processing should not be massaged for 2-3 days. Beauticians also recommend that you avoid touching your face whenever possible.

Effect and Results

Due to the fact that the active substances are introduced into the middle layers of the skin, the procedure is much more effective in comparison with the surface effect. The skin is restored from the inside, which provides a lasting result. Often the invasive method is compared with reflexology, which, by acting on certain points, promotes skin rejuvenation.

The visible effect after mesotherapy is not observed immediately, it usually takes several weeks. However, on the day of visiting the salon, some changes are noticeable on the face depending on the pharmacological action of the drug: this is an improvement in blood supply, which manifests itself in an improved complexion, acceleration of the regeneration and metabolism in the skin cells. Mesotherapy is often compared with acupuncture and acupressure.

face mesotherapy before and after the procedure

How many procedures are needed and how often

Many clients are interested in the question of how often face mesotherapy is done and how many will be required to achieve the desired result.

Mainly the duration of the course of mesotherapy is determined by age and problems that need to be addressed. For some, it is enough to improve the skin and improve complexion, for others to smooth out wrinkles, which will take more time. How many facial mesotherapy procedures are needed? On average, the course is from 5 to 7 procedures, as a result of which you can achieve rejuvenation and healing of facial skin.

The best results can be achieved by combining mesotherapy with facial massage, lifting, masks, chemical peeling, biorevitalization.

Patients resort to this procedure for various reasons: to rejuvenate or increase skin elasticity, eliminate scars or the effects of acne.

non-injection facial mesotherapy what is it


Although many people recommend the procedure, it’s still worthwhile to clarify with the master the nuances about what it is - face mesotherapy, and it will also be useful to study reviews.

Women have both positive and negative opinions on this matter. Let's start with positive mammoths, among which:

  • If you turn to a qualified cosmetologist, then after passing the course an obvious result is noticeable.
  • If there are no adverse reactions, then women consider hyaluronic acid to be an effective means. In reviews of mesotherapy around the eyes, they write that the component helps to smooth wrinkles and facial wrinkles.
  • The skin is clearly becoming more elastic.

There are also negative reviews:

  1. They say about mesotherapy around the eyes of a woman: if the skin is thin, then they often have bruises and red spots at the injection sites.
  2. Appearance immediately after the procedure leaves much to be desired (uneven skin). For many, it was a problem to return home or go to the store - everyone on the street is paying attention.
  3. Many note sore injections and discomfort during the procedure.
  4. To remove deep wrinkles and acne, you need more than 10 procedures, which is expensive.
  5. It is necessary to repeat the procedure.

It is worth noting that the injection form of the procedure has more negative reviews. They are primarily associated with the appearance of the skin.

Those who have tried the non-injection procedure say that the pain during it is minor, there are no punctures and red dots after them. Also, everyone notes that the skin has become much more pleasant to the touch, more even and uniform.

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