The use of succinic acid in cosmetology: benefits and harms, recipes at home

Succinic acid has long been used in cosmetology. With its help, you can solve a number of skin problems. In general, the substance is currently widely used in various fields. But succinic acid is most in demand in cosmetology. It is very effective in preventing the wilting of the skin, and also gives them firmness and elasticity.

What is succinic acid?

The body receives butanedioic (succinic) acid in the process of metabolism in the form of salts. Normally, it is produced in our body in sufficient quantities, which is enough for daily needs. But if a person is not completely healthy and is regularly under stress, experiencing physical or mental stress, the body may well lack the available substances.

Among the products that contain succinic acid are: turnip, barley, oysters, cherries, gooseberries, kefir, yeast.

Beneficial features

Succinic acid has been widely used in cosmetology. The tool can be used for people of any age. It is recognized as safe for the face. Therefore, creams can be used even for the area around the eyes. In modern stores you will find a lot of products that have succinic acid. The benefits and harms in the cosmetology of a substance are the subject of an eternal debate among specialists in this industry. However, this does not apply to butanedioic acid, since it is considered completely safe.

Succinic acid tablets

The benefits of its use are quite noticeable:

  1. Helps cleanse skin at the cellular level.
  2. It makes the skin more elastic.
  3. Tightens pores.
  4. Included in face masks.
  5. Saturates the cells with useful substances, restoring the normal level of water-salt balance in them.

According to experts, the use of succinic acid in cosmetology is justified, since its effect is aimed at rejuvenation. The effect of its application resembles the well-known coenzyme Q 10. But if the latter is quite expensive, then the acid is much cheaper. Everyone can buy tablets on its basis in any pharmacy without a prescription.

The use of succinic acid in cosmetology will solve a lot of problems: get rid of bags under the eyes, remove the crow's feet, and establish blood circulation in the capillaries. If you carefully look at the composition of creams and other products sold in stores, you will notice that this substance is very often used. However, this does not stop you from acquiring acid tablets, crushing them and adding to your mask or cream.

Beauty Injections

The extensive positive properties of the drug have found application in many industries, including cosmetology. Succinic acid injections have long been used in beauty salons.

Beauty Injections

We have all heard about the biorevitalization of Gialual. Its use is based on a component consisting of succinic acid and hyaluronic. The use of the first is highly justified. After all, it provides a quick restoration of the skin, which means it will give visible rejuvenation. Succinic acid will help to establish microcirculation, improve cells, smooth wrinkles and much more.

Face tonic

Of course, not every woman can afford to regularly visit beauty salons for professional care. However, numerous procedures can be performed independently at home. Amber acid in cosmetology is very popular. It is very convenient that the drug is very inexpensive and is sold in any pharmacy. This makes it possible to independently perform some procedures. Perhaps their effectiveness is not as high as that of the salons, but it’s still worth it to provide decent skin care.

Succinic acid in cosmetology

The use of succinic acid in cosmetology is not limited to salon procedures. At home, on its basis, you can independently prepare many cosmetic products - nutritious, cleansing and whitening.

An indispensable care product is a tonic. It can be prepared on the basis of acid. To prepare 100 ml you will need:

  1. Mineral or artesian water - 100 ml.
  2. Powder made from one tablet (for dry skin) and from two - for oily skin.

The liquid can be slightly warmed up so that the powder dissolves better. The resulting tonic can be used several times a day.

Another recipe will allow you to prepare a slightly different liquid for the face. To do this, we need 2 tablets of acid, fragrant water (50 ml), essential oil of ylang-ylang or rosemary (10 drops each). Tonic should be stored in the refrigerator, but not more than a week. If you want to extend its life, you can add a teaspoon of alcohol to it.

Face masks

Succinic acid has been widely used in cosmetology due to its antioxidant properties, which guard the beauty and youth of the skin, preventing early aging. If you want to check the effect of the substance on yourself - prepare your own face mask. Its effect on the skin will be no less effective than that of professional products. Masks will help not only rejuvenate and cleanse the skin, but also even out the relief. But for this they need to be applied in courses consisting of 10-15 procedures. It is better to use them in the autumn-winter period to protect yourself from the appearance of age spots.

Face masks

To get a good effect, it is important to choose the right recipe based on succinic acid. Indications in cosmetology for the substance are wide due to the fact that it is suitable for use on all skin types.

Anti-aging mask recipe:

  1. 2 tablets mummy.
  2. 2 tablets of succinic acid.
  3. 10 cap oils (you can use almond, olive or grape).
  4. Tsp herbal broth or warm water.

The tablets are placed in a container and filled with liquid. For faster dissolution, it is recommended to grind them into powder. Add oil to the resulting mass and mix thoroughly. Apply the finished mask to the face and hold for about 20 minutes. After we wash it off with warm water. Mummy in this recipe enhances the anti-aging effect, thanks to the ability to activate cellular processes.

Mask for oily skin

To prepare a mask for oily skin you will need: green or white clay (25 g), succinic acid (2-3 tablets), tea tree oil, peppermint or rosemary (2-3 drops), warm water (table. L.) .

Means for rejuvenation

The mask is prepared in ceramic dishes. The tablets are pulverized and mixed with clay, water and a few drops of essential oil are added. The ingredients are stirred until a homogeneous slurry is obtained. The mask is applied to the skin and waited for 30 minutes. In order for the clay not to tighten the skin, it can be moistened with a spray bottle as it dries. Such a mask evens out the complexion, makes black spots less noticeable and reduces inflammation. Long-term use will align the relief.


Succinic acid is actively used by cosmetologists for peeling. However, to carry out such a procedure at home is not at all difficult. For this you will need: succinic acid (3 tablets), milk or water (25 ml). The ingredients must be mixed and applied to the face for about 15 minutes. After skin wash with cool water.

Peeling allows you to exfoliate the skin, increase blood circulation, saturate the tissue with oxygen. However, it is worth remembering that the procedure can be performed no more than twice a week.

Hair masks

Succinic acid, due to its properties, is used in various fields. Users are attracted not only by the good result of using acid, but also by its availability. Succinic acid has also found active use in cosmetology. Recipes for miracle face and hair products, we will give in our article.

Every girl dreams of lush hair, but, unfortunately, haircuts, styling and painting leave their consequences. Succinic acid is actively used as a hair care product. It is also used to enhance the action of masks, scrubs, shampoos.

Effective hair product

A nourishing hair mask is prepared very simply. The number of ingredients depends on the length of the hair:

  1. Honey (two or three tables. L.).
  2. Yant. acid (3 tab.).

Before use, honey must be heated in a water bath. After it, crushed tablets of succinic acid are poured into it. The resulting mass is applied along the entire length of the hair. From above you can put on a hat or wrap your head with cling film. The process will be more effective if the hair is insulated with a towel. After 30-40 minutes, the mask can be washed off using ordinary shampoo. Succinic acid exfoliates well keratinized skin cells, due to which honey more actively affects the hair bulb.

Head scrub

Based on succinic acid, you can make beautiful scrubs not only for the face, but also for the scalp.

Ingredients: Amber. acid (2-3 tab.), water, soda (tbsp. l.), small salt (2 tablespoons. l.).

We mix all the dry components and add warm water to get a sufficiently thick mass. It is applied by massaging movements to the scalp. Rub the scrub for five minutes, and then wash off. Such a simple procedure will help to deeply cleanse the scalp and accelerate hair growth, due to increased circulation after massage.

Succinic acid in cosmetology: reviews

Summing up the conversation, I want to pay attention to the reviews of people who used the miraculous substance. Is succinic acid really so effective?

Succinic acid for hair

According to cosmetologists, the use of acid for salon procedures gives very good results. However, positive changes can only be achieved through systemic application. One or two procedures will not solve the problems. You can judge the results of using the substance as a hair product only after a month of regular masks. Users note a more intense growth of hairline and an improvement in appearance.

Face care using succinic acid is no less effective. Of course, the remedy will not do a miracle and will not rejuvenate you. But it will support the condition of the skin and prevent the appearance of new problems and wrinkles. Women note a decrease in pigmentation when using acid and a smoothing complexion. The substance copes well with pores and acne, problem areas become less noticeable. Gradually all redness and peeling go away. However, the procedures should be regular in order to obtain the desired effect.

Instead of an afterword

The amazing properties of succinic acid allow it to be used in many areas of life, it is especially in demand in medicine, which indicates its effectiveness. Regular intake of the substance helps to strengthen the immune system, cope with diabetes, improves the condition of people with thyroid diseases. It is not surprising that such an interesting tool is used in cosmetology.

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