Certification refers to actions aimed at obtaining confirmation of the declared quality of goods or services in accordance with established standards and requirements. After conducting them and receiving a positive assessment, a corresponding document is issued. It received the name "certificate". It can be issued (if the procedure was mandatory) it is only certain organizations that have passed accreditation. But certification is also voluntary. Then it has the right to issue any organization that decided to engage in this activity.
In this case, the activity is regulated by a special certification law. Its subject is the products necessary for marketing. A specific list is approved by the government. In addition to products, obtaining a certificate may be required for services, jobs, and more. The mandatory procedure is confirmed by conformity in the form of a declaration and certification, and voluntary - in voluntary certification.
The concept
Thus, certificates are documents that certify the presence of the necessary requirements in accordance with the regulations, provisions and contractual conditions. They are issued in one copy. In Russia, the mandatory type of procedure is most often encountered, as a result of which an appropriate document and sign is issued. The latter is sold by the manufacturer or seller of the goods. The validity of the certificate is established by the authority that issued it.
The mandatory type is characterized by state control, which is implemented in accordance with the legislative framework. The main goal here is to confirm the safety of life and health of people, the environment, as well as to prevent damage to property.
A voluntary procedure is implemented at the request of manufacturers or sellers. In this case, the objectives are as follows:
- achieving a high level of competitiveness;
- obtaining conditions for free trade both in Russia and abroad;
- consumer rights Protection;
- certificate of satisfaction of product requirements;
- assistance in the selection of works, services and products;
- quality safety control.
Let us consider in more detail mandatory and voluntary certificates. These are individual species and those that relate to this institution as a whole.
Compliance Document
When manufacturing products, the manufacturer himself issues a document, but not a certificate of conformity, but a declaration. Then for all the information that is set out in it, only the legal entity that issues the goods is responsible. It can be both domestic and foreign manufacturers. But in practice, such a certificate of conformity, or rather a declaration, is issued mainly in the European Union and the United States.
The receipt of a document in connection with the obligation of the manufacturer or seller mainly relates to goods and services that are associated with a high risk to the life and health of the consumer, as well as the safety of the environment and property. In such cases, the procedure is carried out in laboratories specially designed for this purpose. Only with a positive conclusion and the issuance of a document do organizations receive the right to produce or sell appropriate products or to provide services.
The same thing happens when the question arises about the properties of products. The quality certificate in this case serves as a confirmation of the presence in it of all the characteristics that are declared by the manufacturer and are required to obtain the document by the relevant body under the law. This document may be issued as a result of a mandatory or voluntary procedure.
In the first case, it is shown that the product safety certificate indicates the availability of appropriate quality to ensure human health. In addition, the product cannot harm the environment or property.
Types of Certificates
In addition to being voluntary and mandatory, there is another procedure for the conformity of which a product or service is checked.
The so-called TR TS certificate is known, which means compliance with the technical regulations of the Customs Union. Having received such a document, the organization has the right to sell products in Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan. Basically it is a mandatory form.
The certificate of the RF TR means the confirmation of the technical regulations in force in Russia. This type is used less and less. There is reason to believe that it can disappear completely as unnecessary.
The GOST R certificate to this day is a common type by which compliance with the requirements contained in regulatory documents is established.
Electronic certificates
This phrase means the issuance of a document not for a specific type of product or service, but for any of them through the World Wide Web. Due to the widespread use of the Internet, this service is very popular.
Electronic certificates are basically equivalents to paper documents. However, in order to save time and avoid paperwork, they are very often used. For certification, it is usually sufficient to state your name or document number. According to these data, in the organization for which the certificate was issued, they find it and then perform the same actions as if it were presented in paper form.
Maternal certificate
A document is issued when a second child is born in the family. This right has been operating in Russia since 2007 and has already managed to prove its worth. On it receive a certain one-time payment. In 2015, it amounted to 453,026 rubles.
However, the maternal certificate can only be used for specific purposes. So, it is allowed to spend it on improving housing conditions, getting education for children, for mothers' pensions, purchasing necessary products for disabled children, as well as on a car. The last right appeared recently.
Certificate of completion
After passing trainings or courses, documents that have exactly that name are usually issued. They are designed to show the owner of certain acquired skills and abilities. However, as a rule, these documents are not evidence of true knowledge. These certificates are papers issued by organizations with stamps, which with a stretch can be called documents. Suffice it to say that acquiring them will not be difficult without training. And that means, alas, they can hardly boast of anything other than the fact that they can boast of.
Universal gifts
Gift certificates have a completely different utility. This is also a kind of document, giving the right mainly to bearers to make a purchase for a certain amount or to use services of the same nature.
It is very convenient in our age when there are a lot of types of goods and services. If it is known that the person presented wanted to receive a certain gift, but you doubt a specific model or service, then the best solution is to purchase a gift certificate.
Other documents
This type of certificate can also be obtained from a credit institution. Then it is a security that is designed to store and increase invested funds. The certificate is a bank deposit. Its validity period varies. It usually varies from three months to five years. The document gives the right to the depositor after a certain period of time to receive the invested cash amount with accumulated interest.
Also, you cannot ignore SSL certificates. They are offered on sites of various directions. For example, with the help of it, it becomes possible to carry out certain financial transactions or conduct electronic commerce. Also, with its help, they sometimes carry out certain work on a particular site. This type of document, as a rule, does not imply the issuance of paper certificates and is valid only on the Internet.
There is such a thing as a state housing certificate. According to it, a citizen becomes a participant in a special program, which relies on social payments for housing from the federal budget. Hardly anyone doubts the usefulness of such a document. The recipient of it can certainly be called lucky.
You can find such a phrase as a digital security certificate . It means an electronic document that is confirmed by an electronic digital signature , that is, an electronic digital signature of the organization that issued it and / or, if it is registered, certified by the owner himself.
Thus, it turns out that a certificate is sometimes needed by various organizations to carry out their activities. But, in addition to this, companies may themselves be interested in it to promote products and services. Then they either go through the appropriate procedure on a voluntary basis or they themselves issue certificates to consumers, realizing their proposal.