How to get rid of toxicosis during pregnancy

Toxicosis accompanies the pregnancy of almost every woman. There are two types of toxicosis - early and late (aka gestosis). Early toxicosis begins around the third month and lasts about 12 weeks. In general, the time of onset of toxicosis is individual. Due to hormonal changes, the metabolic rate of both the mother and the child increases, metabolic products accumulate in the blood, and the body needs to get rid of them. No matter how well the mother may relate to her unborn child, in the physical sense it is still a foreign object, and the body must adapt, get used to the fetus. The question is how to get rid of toxicosis during pregnancy and is it worth it at all?

Unfortunately, getting rid of toxicosis does not work out completely. You can only facilitate the course of this process, helping the body of a pregnant woman to transfer it with minimal discomfort. Symptoms such as nausea and vomiting, food intolerance, sensitivity to odors, increased salivation, weakness and drowsiness, irritability, poor health, indicate toxicosis during pregnancy. What to do in this case? There are several basic rules that you need to follow in order to reduce the effects of toxicosis on the pregnant woman.

Before you get out of bed in the morning, you need to eat a piece of stale bread, crackers or crackers and drink with water or juice. Breakfast must be prepared before going to bed. It's better to eat at home lying down. If a pregnant woman leaves home, it is advisable for her to take a light snack with her - fruits, crackers, a bottle of water or tea with lemon juice or mint. Mint candies should always be in your purse - in case of nausea. Citrus fruits also help with nausea.

During pregnancy, it is better to abandon fried, spicy and oily. The food should be light, and it should be taken often, but in small portions. Every 2-3 hours you can have a snack, for example, an apple or nuts. Dishes should not be hot or cold - only warm or chilled. With increased salivation, you need to rinse your mouth with infusion of chamomile or sage, diluted lemon juice is also suitable. In a word, subject to these simple recommendations, a woman will no longer be worried about how to get rid of toxicosis during pregnancy.

Do not take medications for toxicosis on your own. If this is necessary, you should consult your doctor. It is better to periodically cleanse your body with rosehip infusion. Aromatherapy can also help with toxicosis - the most effective oils are peppermint, lemon, anise, rosemary, lemon balm.

You need to walk more often in the park or just in the fresh air. Traveling by public transport is best avoided, but if it doesnโ€™t work out, you should choose the front seat if possible and only look forward without turning your head. Stress and anxiety are also inappropriate.

What is the difference between nausea in toxicosis and nausea caused by other diseases? With food poisoning after vomiting, it becomes easier, with toxicosis, relief does not occur immediately. The time of day is also different. In case of poisoning, the urge to vomit continues until the body gets rid of toxins, regardless of the time of day. If vomiting occurs mainly in the morning, then the cause is toxicosis of pregnancy.

If toxicosis is too severe, then this is an occasion to consult a doctor. In the normal course of toxicosis, vomiting can occur no more than three times a day. Early toxicosis is not harmful to the health and life of the mother and child, while late toxicosis can lead to consequences such as, for example, pulmonary edema or cerebral hemorrhage. Only a qualified specialist, giving recommendations on how to get rid of toxicosis during pregnancy, will take into account all the circumstances surrounding the course of pregnancy in women.

In especially severe cases, when the issue of saving the life of the mother is an acute issue, a decision may be made to terminate the pregnancy through artificial birth. Therefore, if symptoms of toxicosis appear after 30 weeks of pregnancy, and even in an enhanced form, you should consult a doctor as soon as possible. The sooner they begin to treat late toxicosis, the higher the likelihood of a favorable outcome of the pregnancy itself.

Summing up, we can say with confidence that there can be no definite answer to the question of how to get rid of toxicosis during pregnancy. Each case of toxicosis is individual, despite similar external manifestations. Therefore, it must be answered, firstly, by a specialist, and secondly, for every woman there is only one answer to this question, depending not only on the characteristics of her body, but also on the total impact of pregnancy-related factors and circumstances.

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