Usefulness and calorie content of charlotte with apples, recipe for cooking

Despite the French name Charlotte, the dish named by him appeared not in the homeland of Dumas and Maupassant, but in England. It was dedicated to passionate apple lover Queen Charlotte, George's wife III. Nevertheless, the dish was modified and received particular sophistication in France. There it is made from white bread with fruit soaked in liquor, with custard. Culinary specialists use not only apples, but also pears, peaches, and rhubarb. In our country, this dish got the simple name “charlotte”. Its calorie content is quite low, and the benefits to the body are significant. The recipe is also very simple.


This “whip-up dessert" consists mainly of apples. By themselves, they are a useful product, and baked ones are even more so. They have many vitamins and antioxidants, flavonoids, tannin, pectin and other beneficial substances. Apples increase immunity, remove toxins. And baked fruits are also easily absorbed by the body. Therefore low calorie charlotte with apples - not the only thing that can be said in favor of this dish. Dessert is not only sparing the waist, but also reflects well on health.

Calorie Charlotte with apples

The energy value

It, as in all dishes, depends on the recipe. More precisely, from the ingredients that you use for cooking. As we mentioned, the classic charlotte is made from white bread, or rather, from a real French baguette, and not from "that-it-not-why-that" which is given out as a loaf with us. Therefore, in the Russian version, the housewives use flour, eggs, sugar, in some recipes even sour cream and butter. In a word, they have a cake “Charlotte with apples”. The nutritional value of such a product is appropriate. Of course, the dessert turns out to be very tasty, but a dieter can only eat a small piece of it.

Charlotte calories
But if you include only hard flour , apples, cinnamon, a little sugar and egg whites in the dish, then the calorie content of charlotte with apples can be reduced from 300-400 to 180 Kcal per 100 g of product. You just need to consider all sorts of little things, up to replacing grease forms with grease on parchment paper. For comparison, consider two recipes for this dessert.

Charlotte with apples Polish

Sift 300 g of flour, rub 200 g of frozen butter there, and knead all this into the crumbs with your hands. In another bowl, mix three egg yolks, 120 g sugar, two tablespoons sour cream and a pinch of salt. We combine both masses, knead the dough, wrap it with foil and put in the refrigerator for an hour. We clean one and a half kilograms of apples, cut into cubes. Stew them with a spoonful of sugar until soft, and then mix with a small amount of flour. Sprinkle the filling with vanilla and cinnamon. Grease the form with fat. From most of the test

Charlotte cake with apples
form the bottom of the pie and the sides. We prick it with a fork and set it to bake in a preheated oven for 12 minutes at 180 ° C. In the prepared “basket”, put the filling from the dough. We cover with a lattice of strips of the remaining dough. Bake another half hour. Calorie Charlotte with apples in Polish it will be about 400 Kcal per 100 g of cake.

Diet recipe

Beat whites with sugar, gradually introduce hard flour. We cover the form with parchment paper. We chop apples on it. Fill with the dough. We bake for half an hour at a temperature of 230 ° C. As a result, the calorie content of charlotte with apples will be 173 kcal.

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