1974 year. What animal was he? History of the eastern horoscope and characteristics of the Tigers

The past 1974 - what animal was he? After all, our life is “subordinate” to two astrological systems (so to speak) - these are western and eastern horoscopes. The European system is 12 months, each of which corresponds to a certain symbol - a zodiac sign. In the eastern horoscope, a certain animal (creature) patronizes each year.

If you take it by years, then 1974 what animal was? Let's figure it out.

Symbols of the Eastern horoscope

1974 what animal

1974 according to the Chinese horoscope is considered the year of the Tiger. He goes third in the system after Rat and Bull. It is followed by the Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Goat, Monkey, Rooster, Dog and Pig.

If you take ten 12-year cycles (120 years) from the past and the future, then the year of the Tiger was in 1902, 1914, 1926, 1938, 1950, 1962, 1974, as well as in 1986, 1998, 2010 and will be in 2022.

Year 1974 - the year of which animal according to the horoscope?

It is known that the arrival of the new year in China has its cardinal differences. It depends on the data of the lunar calendar. The calculation of the next year begins after the second full moon, which occurs after December 22 (winter Solstice).

The year of the Tiger corresponds to the sign of Gemini according to the western horoscope. Here is such a year 1974. What animal he was, you now know.

History of the eastern horoscope

It is not known who and when created the eastern astrological system of calculus. There are the most popular versions of this event. The first says that 12 mythological creatures appeared at the call of the Buddha when he was about to leave this world. According to the second version, all the animals from the horoscope needed to compete among themselves in swimming and running. The third story says that they were assistants to a rat, which was supposed to fulfill the order of its emperor.

1974 by horoscope: its significance for man

A person is influenced by the qualities of the animal in which year he was born - this is the opinion of the eastern sages. Believe it or not is everyone’s business, but there are moments in the characteristics that sometimes help to understand oneself. Let's take our 1974 as an example.

1974 by horoscope

What animal is he - we recognized. Tiger is no less royal creature than Leo. Therefore, those born in the year of the Tiger possess outstanding personal characteristics. For the Chinese, this animal has always been the personification of mixed, ambiguous feelings. On the one hand, it aroused fear and horror in them, and on the other, deepest reverence, respect, and reverent reverence. It came to the point that the very word “tiger” was afraid to pronounce aloud, so as not to call out its appearance.

Therefore, in order not to directly call him, they used the expressions “king of the hill”, “great reptile”, etc. Fears also gave rise to myths: they still believe in werewolves with tiger guises.

Characteristic of a typical representative of the Tiger

Of course, there are no “pure” Tigers. In every person born in this year, to one degree or another, there are certain characteristics. But all of them are united by such features as courage, fearlessness, expressiveness, courage and fortitude. They come to the aid of those who are weaker, they are full of energy, they like to break stereotypes, to create something new. They will never tolerate power over themselves; rather, they will take it themselves. Tigers are born leaders and leaders.

what year is horoscope 1974

Character Features

They are extraordinary, bright, impulsive and always in the spotlight. From them comes a crazy energy that conquers everyone and makes them follow them. It sometimes seems to those around that the Tigers never stop their thought process and never rest - they work so hard and constantly invent, analyze and improve something.

Tigers are innovators and destroyers of old foundations. With their ebullient activity, they can “turn mountains”. They are proud, sometimes a little arrogant, but they are always honest and decent. This distinguishes them from other representatives of the horoscope. Interestingly, even sworn enemies respect them for these qualities.

1974 what animal according to the horoscope

Tigers love competition, rivalry, but only in an honest format. They will never act stealthily, they always speak openly, go all the way to the end. To defend their goal, idea, they can even sacrifice themselves.

Sometimes the Tigers act recklessly, in the heat of their ambitious passions. This can sometimes lead them to the abyss, because they never listen to anyone. However, the Tigers are born lucky, so they do not face a bad end. It’s easy for a tiger to make a career, thanks to their exceptional character, they can achieve success in any field. In terms of money, they are also lucky, but it’s quite difficult for them to maintain a fortified state. They are proud that they achieve everything in life solely thanks to their abilities. Still all Tigers just love adventure.

Tigers are always ready for an open confrontation when it comes to their ambitions and ambition. They hate it when they put pressure on them, they act impulsively from this, but they never give up their positions.

In terms of professionalism, the Tigers are better off choosing the path of a statesman, military officer, or head of an enterprise. Art and science will do, but not so successfully.

Now you know what year is according to the horoscope of 1974, and also with what character people are born under the sign of the Tiger.

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