Intel Core i7 950 processor: specifications and reviews

The ideal processor solution for enthusiasts, released in 2009, is the Intel Cor i7 950. Other models of this line were much more expensive, while the rest of the CPUs of the same model range could not compete with him from a performance standpoint. Therefore, this chip ideally at that time combined price and performance.

i7 950

What is this CPU capable of?

Even now, 6 years after the start of sales, the Intel Core i7 950 processor allows launch most applications, starting from the most demanding three-dimensional games of the latest generation (albeit not at the maximum settings) and ending with the same "Photoshop" of the latest version. And this is not surprising. This processor was positioned as a solution for computer enthusiasts and installed on server motherboards. Therefore, it can be safely attributed to the decisions of the premium segment, the lucky owners of which did not think about the system requirements of any software.

Contents of delivery

A typical supply package for the CPU of that time was with Intel Cor i7 950. Characteristics the chips were indicated on the blue box along with its markings. It also had a square window that displayed the top of the processor. The chip designation was applied on it, which made it possible to compare the declared values ​​with those indicated on the CPU. Also included is a cooler. For the normal mode of operation, its capabilities were quite enough. But after all, it was a solution for computer enthusiasts, and, as a result, they definitely could not do with a regular system. Therefore, in order to reveal the full potential of this chip, it was necessary to buy an improved air cooling system, or even liquid. Also, a specialized thermal paste was supplied with the chip, which was applied to the CPU before installing the cooling system. It could be used when installing both a standard cooling system and an improved one. Another important accessory included is a sticker with the logo of the developer and the type of CPU installed. It was necessary to stick it on the front panel of the system unit in a characteristic square recess. The list of documentation was limited to the usual instruction manual and, of course, the warranty card. By the way, the warranty period for this product was 3 years.

core i7 950

CPU socket

One of the most productive sockets was used to install this semiconductor chip - “Socket 1366” (the number 1366 means the number of legs in the CPU and simultaneously the number of contacts in the motherboard into which it is installed). These were the most productive motherboards in 2009. The server solutions of the Intel Corporation, the Xeon processors, were installed on the same socket. As a result, Intel Cor i7 950 could boast of phenomenal performance, which even now, albeit with a certain reservation to not maximize the settings of some games of the latest generation, but still allows you to run any software at the moment.

Semiconductor chip manufacturing technology

I7 processor 950 manufactured according to the most advanced technological process at that time - 45 nm. This made it possible to ensure a relatively small size of the silicon crystal, while the chip was in an acceptable thermal package. Of course, the most recent Intel Corporation solutions are already manufactured using a 14 nm process. But do not forget that this chip was manufactured in 2009 - 7 years have passed since then.

intel core i7 950

Fast memory and its amount

Like most of today's most powerful processor solutions from Intel, the i7 950 boasts a three-tier cache. The first level was divided into two equal parts. One of them was intended for storing CPU commands, and the second for data. The size of each of them was equal to 4 clusters (each of them was strictly tied to one specific computing module) of 32 Kb. In total, 64 Kb for data and 64 Kb for instructions were obtained. The second cache level had a similar organization. Only in this case were already allocated 4 clusters of 250 KB, or in total it was 1 MB. Unlike the first level of the cache, there was no longer a separation of memory into instructions and data. The last, third level of the cache was general, and its size was 8 MB. All this fast memory to this day provides the flawless performance of this CPU.

Supported RAM Types

Intel Core i7 950 supported advanced at that time and not very outdated now DDR3. It should also be noted that this chip was equipped with a three-channel memory controller, the maximum throughput of which was 25.6 Gb / s. In addition, it should be noted that the maximum amount of RAM in a PC based on this CPU could reach 24 GB. Accordingly, this processor solution should operate under the control of a 64-bit operating system. Otherwise, of the total installed amount of RAM, it will only be possible to use 3.6 GB, some of which will be occupied by the operating system and system applications.

Maximum temperature

In normal mode Intel Core i7 950 worked in the temperature range from 30 to 45 degrees. If the CPU accelerated on a standard cooling system, then this range could expand to 55 degrees (depending on the value of the supplied voltage to the processor and the final clock frequency). But with improved air cooling systems this problem did not arise, and the maximum operating temperature reached the same 45 degrees. The same is true for specialized liquid cooling systems. And finally, it should be noted that the maximum allowable temperature for a given semiconductor crystal was 67.9 degrees, and its thermal packet was 130 watts.

i7 950 temperature

Clock frequency

The nominal clock speed that the Intel i7 950 processor boasted was 3.06 GHz (with a multiplier of 23 on the motherboard and a system bus frequency of 133 MHz). But this semiconductor solution was equipped with proprietary Turbo Boost technology from Intel Corporation. Its essence boiled down to the fact that, depending on the degree of complexity of the problem being solved, Intel Cor i7 950 could dynamically change its frequency. In multi-threaded applications, a multiplier of 24 was set, and this already allowed to reach a frequency of 3.2 GHz. Well, if only one computing module took part in the work, then the multiplier could take the value 25, in which case the user already received 3.32 GHz. In this case, the thermal mode of the CPU did not change.

Computing cores and threads

Core i7 950 boasts the presence of four 64-bit computing modules. This made it possible to ensure an impeccable level of performance of this processor solution in multi-threaded applications, especially since most application software is even now optimized specifically for such a number of cores. But this processor has another important feature, which is the support of Hyper Trading technology. Its essence lies in the fact that two computing threads are created on one physical computing core at the software level. Of course, such an engineering solution does not allow this CPU to fully compete with a real 8-core chip. But, on the other hand, this in some cases allows you to get an additional performance increase of 10-15% compared with a conventional 4-core chip.

intel i7 950 bloomfield

The code name for the Intel i7 950 chip is Bloomfield. This was the name of the solutions for workstations and personal computers with an improved level of performance.

Overclocking and performance boost

All motherboards for Socket 1366 were made in an exclusive design with a special cooling system. Therefore, possible problems with it, as a rule, did not arise during acceleration. Also, for overclocking, there should be a margin in power supply capacity (it is best to use 1000 V power supplies for these purposes - this will maximize the CPU performance). As noted earlier, a regular cooling system for overclocking is not enough. Therefore, it was necessary to acquire a specialized solution, and it was recommended to use a liquid solution. Before overclocking, it was necessary to install special software on the PC that would monitor the status of Intel Cor i7 950. The temperature of the CPU was controlled using the utility “Speed ​​FAN”, and its parameters - “CPU-Z”. Well, stress resistance was tested by AIDA 64. All this software needed to be installed in advance. Further, the overclocking procedure is as follows:

  • We go to the BIOS of the motherboard.

  • Reduce the frequency of RAM to the minimum acceptable value.

  • Increase the processor multiplier by one value.

  • We save the values ​​and reboot the PC.

  • We check the operation of the system as a whole.

  • We increase the frequency until the computer is stable.

  • If the PC does not start, then reset the BIOS settings using the appropriate jumper and return to the previous operating parameters.

i7 950 Specifications

An additional increase in performance can be obtained by raising the voltage to the processor, but this can be done only as a last resort: an increased load quickly destroys a semiconductor crystal. The real stable frequency during overclocking for this CPU is 4-4.2 GHz, which, in comparison with the standard 3.06 GHz, allows you to achieve a performance increase of 30-40 percent.


At the time sales began, the Core i7 950 was priced at $ 562 by the manufacturer. Many who complained about its overpriced. But, on the other hand, this chip in terms of performance did not have, in fact, analogues from competing platforms from AMD. Even then its flagship “Fen 1090” could not compete with him and was much cheaper. A year after the start of sales, in 2010, the price of this semiconductor crystal dropped to $ 294. Subsequently, Intel replaced the 1366 socket with 2011, and this platform for computer enthusiasts has faded into oblivion.

Reviews on this central processor

Basically, there were only pluses at Intel Cor i7 950. Reviews highlighted such of them:

  • A phenomenal level of performance and the ability to run any software.

  • Excellent overclocking potential, which allows under certain circumstances to get an additional 30-40 percent of performance.

  • High reliability motherboards.

But he had only two shortcomings:

  • Relatively high cost. But this is easily explained by the fact that AMD did not have direct competitors to this semiconductor crystal.

  • Weak complete cooling system, which did not allow to bring the CPU out of normal mode. For these purposes, I had to buy a specialized cooling system, which made it possible to get very solid 4 GHz even by today's standards.

intel core i7 950 processor


An excellent solution for computer enthusiasts for 2009 was Intel Cor i7 950. It combined a high level of performance and a relatively low cost. Otherwise, this CPU is even enough now to run any task.

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