Burnout Syndrome: Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis and Treatment

The term "emotional burnout" has not yet been firmly entered into the household vocabulary, but all working people have come across it. Occupational stress every year brings great losses due to problems associated with the mental health of employees. What is the danger of the syndrome? How to identify and overcome it? Answers to these and other questions can be obtained by reading this article.

The meaning of the term

The definition of burnout syndrome (CMEA) is as follows: this is a protective mechanism of psychological protection against stress that occurs in the labor sphere. It arises due to a person's prolonged stay in a tense atmosphere, as a result of which he loses the bulk of his emotional and physical energy. The most often manifested syndrome of emotional burnout among teachers, business leaders, social workers. The main reasons for this phenomenon are considered routine, busy schedules, low pay, desire for superiority, as well as other similar factors. The syndrome of emotional burnout is also manifested in medical workers. This is due to increased responsibility for the health and lives of patients. It is imperative to correct the burnout syndrome to avoid possible mental and physical health problems.

signs of burnout

History of occurrence

The term burnout syndrome appeared in the early 70's. Scientists have found that a few years after the beginning of their seniority, workers begin to experience a near-stress state. Work ceased to please, endurance decreased, a feeling of irritation and helplessness arose. But in the fight against symptoms, the methods of psychotherapy did not bring the necessary result.

In 1974, in the United States, the psychiatrist Freudenberg published his first work on this topic, which he called "Burnout" or "Burnout" in Russian.

The social psychologist K. Maslach in 1976 described burnout as a loss of empathy and understanding of clients or patients by the employee, as well as emotional and physical exhaustion, low self-esteem and a negative attitude to their professional duties.

Initially, the syndrome was characterized by exhaustion and a sense of futility , but gradually the symptoms expanded. Researchers eventually began to attribute emotional burnout to a psychosomatic manifestation, which means an approaching disease. Now the syndrome is attributed to stress caused by difficulties in maintaining a normal lifestyle.

Signs of occurrence

Burnout is often confused with stress, although these are different phenomena. Modern medicine distinguishes about 100 signs of this condition. The course of the syndrome consists of three types of symptoms: physical, psychological and behavioral. The first signs appear in the patient in the form of:

  • Headache.
  • Shortness of breath.
  • Insomnia.
  • Violations of the digestive tract.
  • Sore throat.
  • Physical weakness.
  • Chronic fatigue syndrome.

Psychological and behavioral symptoms manifest themselves in the form of:

  • Apathy and boredom.
  • Suspicions.
  • Self-doubt.
  • Loss of interest in the profession.
  • Feelings of guilt.
  • Remoteness from the team and family.
  • Feelings of loneliness.
  • Increased irritability.

Basically, before a manifestation of a syndrome of professional emotional burnout, a person has an increased activity. The employee is completely absorbed in the work, while forgetting about his own physical and emotional needs. As a result of this rhythm of life, exhaustion occurs. A person cannot recover strength even after a good rest. After which he is removed from work and develops indifference to it. Along with this, his self-esteem falls and his self-confidence disappears, he ceases to receive job satisfaction.

What is the difference between burnout and stress?

Signs of the syndrome become apparent already in the last stages. Initially, a person experiences stress, which, with prolonged exposure, provokes emotional burnout. Distinctive features are such signs:

  • Emotional manifestations. During stress, they are expressed very violently, but with burnout, on the contrary, are absent.
  • Feelings and feelings. Stress causes a person to be more active, and burnout syndrome - helplessness and hopelessness.
  • Mental manifestations. During stress, the worker feels anxiety, and with the syndrome, depression and alienation.
  • Thought processes. Under stress, a person does not have enough energy resources, and during the syndrome - motivation.
  • Loss of energy. During stress, the employee feels a lack of physical strength, and during emotional burnout - emotional.
physical manifestation of burnout syndrome

Thanks to the knowledge of the distinctive characteristics, burnout of the employee can be detected in time. Thus, prevent irreversible processes in human health.


In addition to common symptoms, it is important to know the extent to which burnout syndrome occurs. The test, as a rule, is used already in the last stages, when a person turned to a specialist. But it begins to develop gradually. Greenberg leads 5 stages of the development of the syndrome:

  1. "Honeymoon" - a person is passionate about his work. But constant stresses lead to the fact that he receives less satisfaction from the process, and the employee begins to lose interest in it.
  2. "Not enough fuel" - a feeling of fatigue, apathy appears, there are problems with sleep. If there is no additional motivation, then the employee loses interest in the labor process, while his productivity decreases. A person at this stage can violate discipline and withdraw from his duties. If the motivation is very high, then continues to work hard to the detriment of his health.
  3. "Chronic symptoms" - increased labor activity can lead to various diseases and psychological experiences. A workaholic can develop irritability, depression, a feeling of being cornered and lack of time.
  4. “Crisis” - under the influence of chronic diseases an employee may partially or completely lose his ability to work. Emotional experiences against this background intensify, and a feeling of dissatisfaction with the quality of life appears.
  5. “Wall breaking” - psychological and physical problems become acute and can cause the development of dangerous diseases. His career and life are at stake.

In the first stages of the syndrome, it is often possible to maintain a job and a position, unlike the last two. It is important to timely identify CMEA in a person in order to avoid the development of serious diseases.

Causes of burnout

Each person is individual and perceives events in his own way. Under the same conditions, one may experience emotional burnout, while the other may not. For personal reasons include the following character traits:

  • Humanism.
  • Pessimism.
  • Increased susceptibility.
  • Suspiciousness.
  • Introversion.
  • The ability to sacrifice.
  • Constancy.
  • Increased responsibility.
  • The desire to control everything.
  • Daydreaming.
  • Idealization.
  • Increased expectations from work results.
how does professional burnout syndrome manifest

Also highlight the situational factors of the syndrome of emotional burnout, which can provoke its appearance. These include:

  • Work under close control.
  • Unhealthy competition.
  • Very responsible job.
  • Conflicts with superiors or colleagues.
  • Primitive and monotonous work.
  • Poorly organized work.
  • Overtime work.
  • No break.
  • Heavy atmosphere in the team.
  • Lack of support from family and friends.
  • Increased physical and emotional stress.

The most commonly exposed burnout syndrome is young professionals whose work is related to people. At the dawn of their career, they are completely immersed in the work and bear increased responsibility for it.

What professions are at risk?

Most often, people who work in the "man - man" system are exposed to the syndrome. These include such specialties:

  • Medical workers - the syndrome of emotional burnout in them is manifested due to a constant sense of responsibility for the life and health of patients. They are often in the role of a “vest” and, with an unfavorable outcome of treatment, become a kind of “target” for the patient or his relatives.
  • Teachers - their emotional burnout is manifested due to psychological pressure from students, their parents, superiors and colleagues. They are often in a tense environment and poor work organization. The emotional burnout of teachers is enhanced by low salaries.
  • Psychologists - the syndrome occurs due to a constant stay in the psycho-emotional stress from the problems of their patients.
burnout syndrome in healthcare providers

Employees of law enforcement agencies, the Ministry of Emergencies, social services and other professions, who are daily in difficult conditions, while interacting with other people, are also subject to CMEA.

Is the syndrome harmful to health?

Burnout syndrome helps a person cope with excessive stress. Thus, protection is triggered, which disables emotions in response to various factors that can injure the psyche. You do not need to be ashamed of this syndrome, since it manifests itself only in a healthy body. This condition helps a person to save energy. If the protective function does not work, then irreversible changes in the psyche and human health may occur.

What are the consequences of the syndrome?

If you do not start treatment for burnout, then in the first three years a person may have heart attacks, psychoses and other physical and psychological disorders. If no measures are taken, then chronic diseases such as depression, problems with the immune system and internal organs will form in the future. New diseases cause new stress, which only exacerbates the human condition.


The psychologist can use special techniques to identify the presence and determine the severity of the phenomenon. Diagnosis of emotional burnout is carried out using various questionnaires:

  • "Definition of psychological burnout" A.A. Rukavishnikova. The technique is often used by psychologists.
  • "Diagnosis of emotional burnout" - method Boyko V.V. The questionnaire helps to identify the level of development of the syndrome.
  • "Professional burnout" C. Maslach and S. Jackson. The technique helps to detect the presence of the syndrome.

These methods can be used as a self-diagnosis, for example, the method of emotional burnout Boyko VV, if there are some of the symptoms of the syndrome.

Treatment by a psychotherapist

With persistent changes in the psychological perception of a person's work activity, you need to seek the help of a specialist. The therapist will first conduct a diagnosis to confirm the diagnosis, as well as to determine the degree of its progression. After which he will take a number of measures. Treatment of burnout syndrome consists in the use of such approaches:

  • Psychotherapy - it includes training the patient in relaxation techniques, increasing emotional intelligence, conducting various trainings to form communication skills, and increase self-confidence.
  • Drug therapy - antidepressants, sleeping pills, nootropics and other drugs are prescribed to relieve symptoms. Assign with a severe form of burnout.
how to overcome professional burnout

Psychology in this case recommends using the active listening technique. The patient needs to be given the opportunity to discuss the emotions he experiences. He can do this in individual consultations or in meetings with colleagues. After discussing events, a person can throw out his emotions and feelings. In this way, he will learn how to resolve conflicts and build productive working relationships with colleagues.

If this method does not bring results, then you need to think about changing jobs or areas of activity. It is advisable to change it to an area that is not related to people.

Self struggle

Burnout at an early stage can be dealt with yourself. If a person begins to feel several of the symptoms, then it is necessary to begin the fight against the syndrome. To do this, use the following tips:

  • Take care of yourself. It should replenish the energy spent. For this purpose, you need to go to bed on time, eat right and provide yourself with moderate physical activity. During the week, you must definitely find time for classes that bring satisfaction and positive emotions.
  • Change the view of the situation. It is necessary to reconsider your professional duties, perhaps there is an option to engage in a more interesting occupation or to distribute the load on employees. It is important to identify ways to change the problem situation. In this case, you need to work on yourself.
  • Limit the negative impact of stress factors. It is necessary to adjust relations and affairs at work. It is important to convey to the team and superiors that it is necessary to increase efficiency for long-term cooperation.
  • Establishment of social ties. You need to interact with the team, you can find mentors or help others around yourself. The main thing is to break out of a vicious circle of responsibilities. Mutual support will help to cope together with difficult situations at work and find new friends.
exercise as prevention of burnout

These recommendations will help to cope with the syndrome in the initial stages. If the employee has persistent changes in the psyche and health, then you need to use the help of a qualified psychologist.

Prevention of burnout

In addition to working on yourself, under the supervision of a psychologist, you need to regulate interpersonal relationships with the team and revise working conditions. Most often, patients change their place of work, but if this is not possible, then you can use the following tips:

  • Division of labor goals into short-term and long-term. The former help strengthen motivation and quickly show the result.
  • Take small breaks at work. This will help restore strength.
  • Maintain a positive dialogue with yourself, learn to relax.
  • Adhere to a healthy lifestyle, which includes a balanced diet and physical activity.
  • Regularly change the type of activity, not stopping at one thing.
  • Arrange a day off once a week when you can do whatever you want.
  • Avoid perfectionism.
  • Do not engage in unhealthy competition at work.

These recommendations will help improve the patient's condition. Tips can also be used as further prevention of burnout, after a person has fully recovered.

Team burnout prevention

Since the syndrome often occurs due to adverse conditions at work, it can manifest itself in several employees at once. As a result, the performance of the team as a whole can significantly fall. Managers should use the following tips:

  • Pay attention to the "calls". It should be watched by employees. An alarming sign will be the manifestation in the behavior of workers of helplessness, viciousness, distraction. It is necessary to control their emotional and physical condition.
  • Moderate load. Employees should not be allowed to work to the limit of their capabilities. It is important to determine the optimal level of employment.
  • Mandatory rest. The work schedule should be standardized, with mandatory weekends and holidays.
  • Optimization of work. Employees need to know what result is needed. It is important to provide them with all the necessary resources and create comfortable working conditions for them.
  • Acknowledgment for the work. Praise, diplomas, bonuses are a strong motivation. The boss should notice even minor employee achievements, emphasize his investment in the common cause.
  • Training. Training and further career growth will help a person develop at work. Thus, it will be possible to avoid the daily routine, which is one of the factors of emotional burnout.
  • Team building. Unhealthy competition in the workplace must not be allowed. It is important that respect and mutual assistance become normal. You can take advantage of various trainings that will help in this.

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prevention of burnout

So, emotional burnout can harm mental and physical health if you do not start healing on time. The syndrome serves as a protective mechanism for the human psyche. It can be identified using special techniques. Self-treatment is possible in the initial stage of the syndrome, but the latter cannot be dispensed with with the help of a psychologist. It is important to prevent emotional burnout, especially for employees in the "man-man" system.

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