After birth, the uterus contracts poorly: possible causes and treatment features

Pregnancy is a difficult period for the female body. First of all, the hormonal background changes, the mammary glands gradually swell, the uterus grows. It is worth noting that it can increase by about 500 times. In the postpartum period, the uterus gradually contracts. Every woman’s body is a unique mechanism. To reduce the uterus to its original size, a certain period of time is required. There are many factors that can affect this process. In some cases, after birth, the uterus contracts poorly. What are the reasons? How to deal with this?

after birth, the uterus contracts poorly

Body condition

After birth, the uterus is, in fact, a very large wound. Most severely, this organ is damaged precisely in the place where the placenta was fixed. There is a large number of clogged vessels. In addition, on the inner walls of the genital organ are pieces of the placenta and the membranes, as well as large blood clots. With normal recovery in the first three days, the uterus is simply cleansed. At this stage, extracellular proteolysis - dissolution with the help of proteolytic enzymes of pathogenic bacteria, as well as phagocytosis, is of particular importance. These processes contribute to the development of wound secret, which is also called lochia.

During the first day, the discharge is bloody. On the fourth day, the lochia become serous-sucrose. Three weeks later they brighten. After about a month and a half, the discharge almost completely stops. Restoration of tissue in the uterine cavity occurs within three weeks. The place where the placenta was attached, heals much longer. Recovery lasts until the end of the postpartum period. At this time, some changes are taking place in the female body. But what if the uterus does not contract after childbirth?

poorly contracted uterus after childbirth

How long does it take to contract a uterus?

Is it possible to determine whether the uterus is contracting poorly after childbirth or is its recovery proceeding normally? First of all, it is worth paying special attention to the timing. Normally, uterine contractions occur within 1.5–3 months. The most active organ is reduced in size during the first day. After the birth of the baby, the uterus is about 11-12 centimeters in diameter. This allows you to enter the hand into the cavity of the organ to remove residual afterbirth. After a day, the channel is significantly reduced. As a result of this, only two fingers can be inserted into the uterine cavity, and after another day - one. The entire organ canal will only close by the end of the third week.

Does the weight of the uterus change?

The weight of the uterus also decreases. Immediately after birth, the organ weighs about 1 kilogram. After a week, this figure decreases to 500 grams. And after two - up to 300 g. By the end of the postpartum period, the weight of the uterus is 50 grams. The organ by this time is completely reduced to its original volume. However, in some situations, after birth, the uterus contracts poorly. This may be due to hypotension or atony. Both conditions are dangerous for women's health. Such phenomena can lead to bleeding or to a number of more serious complications.

the uterus is contracting poorly after childbirth what to do

The uterus is contracting poorly after childbirth: causes

There are a lot of factors affecting the process of uterine contraction. This list includes:

  1. Big weight newborn baby.
  2. Difficulties that may arise during childbirth and during pregnancy.
  3. The number of fruits.
  4. The location of the placenta.
  5. The health status of the woman in childbirth and so on.

The uterus after birth is poorly contracted in those women who have:

  • Pregnancy was complicated, for example, accompanied by abnormalities such as nephropathy or hypertension.
  • More than one fetus developed in the uterine cavity.
  • The placenta was low attached.
  • The fruit was large enough.
  • The body is severely depleted.
  • The labor activity was weak.

After birth, the uterus contracts poorly in those who behave passively and practically do not move.

If the uterus does not contract at all ...

There are situations when the body does not contract at all. It can also be caused by many factors. The uterus does not contract if:

  1. During pregnancy or childbirth, there was her excess.
  2. There was a trauma to the birth canal.
  3. During pregnancy, polyhydramnios was noted.
  4. There is an inflammatory process not only of the appendages, but also of the uterus itself.
  5. There are benign tumors - fibroids.
  6. Blood coagulation is impaired.

In the presence of such pathologies, the uterus does not contract after childbirth. What to do in such cases? Who to contact?

why the uterus is contracting poorly after childbirth

Doctor Examinations

Almost immediately after giving birth, a young mother is put on a lower abdomen a large heating pad with ice. This allows you to temporarily stop bleeding, as well as accelerate the process of uterine contraction. For several days, doctors conduct regular examination of women in labor. By palpation, the size and condition of the organ is determined. This allows you to determine the speed of contraction of the uterus. With such an examination, the doctor can detect a low ability of the body to independently decrease in size. Its bottom under this phenomenon remains soft. If the uterus contracts poorly after childbirth, then the woman is left in the hospital. An extract home will happen only after the doctor is convinced of the reduction of the organ in size.

The uterus is contracting poorly after childbirth: what to do?

If a doctor after examining a woman notes a very slow contraction of the uterus, then special drugs are prescribed for therapy. Typically, this is "Oxytocin" or "Prostaglandin." Their active substances stimulate the contractile activity of the body. In addition, the gynecologist can prescribe an external massage to the woman in labor through the abdominal wall.

If the uterus has not contracted after childbirth, then it is worthwhile to put crumbs to the chest more often. Natural feeding of the baby stimulates this process. It is for this reason that many young mothers have their baby put to their breasts even in the delivery room. In addition, doctors recommend moving as much as possible. If the birth was natural, then a woman can lie on her stomach. Experts even recommend sleeping on it. Thanks to this, the uterus contracts much faster.

A new mother should not forget about personal hygiene. After childbirth, a woman should be washed with warm water twice a day. If there are external seams, then they must also be carefully processed. Usually it is recommended to use a weak solution of potassium permanganate for this.

the uterus is not contracting well after birth

Urination and contraction of the uterus

Often, through the fault of a woman, the uterus after birth is poorly reduced. What to do in such cases? Regular urination affects the contractile activity of the body. Many women in labor simply do not betray this value. In addition, many women during urination may experience discomfort and pain that arise due to internal sutures. As a result, most women in labor try to use the toilet as little as possible. It is not right. Urination speeds up the process of uterine contractions. Therefore, experts recommend more often to empty the bladder, despite the pain and discomfort.

what to do if the uterus does not contract after childbirth

If all else fails ...

If the uterus of the woman in labor does not contract and the above methods do not help, then cleaning the organ cavity can solve the problem. The reasons for the development of such a phenomenon are many. In some cases, the uterus ceases to contract normally if more postpartum secretions - lochia - have accumulated in its cavity. Also in the body cavity there may be pieces of the placenta and blood clots. Often they clog the uterine pharynx.

Without cleaning the body cavity, such accumulations can cause an inflammatory process. At the same time, it will develop not only in the uterus, but also beyond. If cleaning did not help, then the consequences for a woman can be dire. To restore the uterus in size, doctors can prescribe surgery. In the worst case, surgery is performed and the organ is removed. Specialists resort to such measures in rare cases. Healthy women who follow the recommendations of doctors feel good after giving birth to a baby. Their uterus contracts well, and there are no problems.

the uterus does not contract after childbirth what to do

In conclusion

Now you know why the uterus is contracting poorly after childbirth. To speed up this process, you should follow all the recommendations of specialists. In special cases, the gynecologist may prescribe special medicines. Do not forget that the slow contraction of the uterus is a dangerous phenomenon for a woman in labor, which can cause serious disorders in a weakened body. In some cases, organ removal is required.

In order to avoid such a pathology in the future, doctors recommend pregnant women not to be lazy and not to avoid small physical exertion. It is for this reason that expectant mothers should more often be in the fresh air. In addition, an evening walk can improve sleep. In addition, a pregnant woman can perform a special set of exercises and even swim.

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