Archangel Zadkiel and Saint Amethyst

All world religions recognize the existence of a supersensible world populated by various spirits. These entities can be good or evil, have reason and free will. Also, spirits have a clear subordination and various ranks. Of course, talking about the world of intangible entities is very difficult, since in the Christian tradition, Scripture and Tradition are fundamental. Islam relies on revelation to the Prophet Muhammad. Various eastern syncretic religions derive knowledge from their sacred texts and mystical experiences that their spiritual leaders experienced. Judaism finds the justification for the existence of spirits in the Holy Text of the Old Testament and various Kabbalistic and mystical books.

Archangels in Christianity

It must be understood that, when considering the issue of angiology in Christianity, the reader should be acquainted in the sense of qualifying spirits among various Christian denominations. The Protestant paradigm that arose in 1517 is rather cold in relation to the angels. However, representatives of more conservative Christianity, namely Western and Eastern Christians, respect these official entities. Let us turn to Eastern traditions: Orthodox dogmatic theology speaks of the existence of an invisible world of spirits, where angels and demons live. The number of angels is not known to man for certain, but their number is finite. Also, relying on Scripture and Tradition, the Church establishes a certain number of archangels, but Zadkiel is not present between them. The appearance of this angel is associated with the development of Kabbalism.

Archangel Zadkiel in Jewish tradition

The first mention of it is found in Kabbalistic writing, and it is also known as Zadkiel, which means “righteousness or mercy of God”.

archangel zadkiel

Some Kabbalistic commentators call him the head of the dominion of angels. There is an ancient legend which says that the archangels Zadkiel and Gabriel were the Most Holy Theotokos. There are other opinions regarding this spirit. The well-known interpreter of Kabbalistic texts, Rabbi Bershenot believed that all the appearances of angels in the world were directly related to this spirit.

Theosophy and the Archangel Zadkiel

Theosophy is not a religion, but it is difficult to call it science. Rather, this current can be attributed to the Gnostic direction, which is trying to detect some hidden knowledge from all creatures on earth. Only a select few can get the keys to understanding sacred information. For example, Blavatsky and Roerich attempted to resuscitate Gnosticism.

archangel zadkil essences of another world

However, this was not done in its pure form, as it was in the first centuries of Christianity, but combined with the Kabbalistic tradition, and in their teachings one can find occult tendencies and oriental mysticism. It is in the composition of this current that a new interest in astral entities appears . What is remarkable about the archangel Zadkiel? The essences of another world are powerful spirits that can influence the material world. According to the Theosophists, all of them can be subordinate to man and help him to achieve various goals.

History of the Archangel Zadkiel and Saint Amethyst

The story of this archangel of the seventh ray of violet flame is associated with the cult of the sacred fire that burned on the island of Atlantis. The temple dedicated to him was on the island of Cuba.

archangel zadkil violet flame

Saint Amethyst is the sister of Zadkiel, and she helps in managing the universe, because together they are responsible for the justice and energy of the violet flame. The ministers of this cult believe that in the process of human development, all the great leaders were trained in the temple of the archangel Zadkiel, who at the moment has ascended into the infernal world and is located there in the form of a cube.

Nature of the violet flame

The followers of religious doctrine try to connect the energy of the violet flame with the essence of the deity, which is even more paradoxical because the gap between human and divine nature is insurmountable - the finite being cannot understand the infinite ideal.

archangel zadkil violet flame prayer

Nevertheless, relying on existing texts, it can be assumed that the violet flame is a kind of Holy Spirit. Enlightenment and grace are received from God after a long prayer, but the impersonality of this flame eliminates all attempts to find a logical explanation for the phenomenon. Archangel Zadkiel has a direct relationship to these divine miracles. The violet flame is an extraordinary gift to man, and all those who come in contact with a miracle receive instant healings, a lot of money, and also hope for immortality in the government of the transformed land.

archangel zadkil prayer

Love is the most important gift that a person gains from the violet flame. The manifestation of love becomes limitless and completely absorbs a person. After this energy enters the soul, the whole world will be transformed, old things will appear in a new form, the individual will receive the ability to comprehend the true meaning of things.


How should I apply to hear the request of the Archangel Zadkiel? The violet flame (a prayer addressed to a great essence must come from a pure heart) can help only after a sincere libation. But for it to reach its destination, it is necessary to reconcile with all people. The archangel, along with his sister Amethysta, always helps those who believe that help will be provided. By the power of their prayer to the violet flame, they protect our world from evil spirits who seek to destroy everything.

Archangel Zadkiel in Orthodoxy

They also do not allow demons to control people, and humanity - to wallow in vice. Turning to them, a person may ask a logical question: “Will the archangel Zadkiel help the violet flame as well?” The prayer directed to them will be heard - as followers of this cult believe.

Moreover, asking for help from great entities is necessary. How to turn to the violet flame? What libation will Archangel Zadkiel probably accept? The prayer listed below combines the appeals to both of them:

“The greatest of the archangels of the violet flame, seeking unspeakable joy from the flame that supports the universe!” Look at the worms at Your feet, send them a purple spark so that the energy nodes are enlightened and open, the demons retreat. So that wealth testifies of Your Grace to them.

archangel zadkiel

Enemies will die and die of hunger, epidemics, and let their children be stillborn! But You are the greatest of the archangels of the violet flame with the dazzling sister of Amethyst, do not turn Your eyes of fire from Your faithful followers, who are ready to sacrifice themselves according to Your word. "


The confidence of the followers of this teaching is based on the fact that the archangel Zadkiel and his sister Amethyst are perfect creatures that were created for an exclusive purpose. This task is to save the world from destruction and help humanity. Undoubtedly, thanks to the violet flame, people get extraordinary power, which helps them in difficult moments of life. How do Christians relate to the cult where the archangel Zadkiel appears? In Orthodoxy, the doctrine associated with these entities is not yet developed, since this denomination adheres to other ideals.

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