Is it possible to do pregnant inhalation with saline: recommendations of specialists

During the period of gestation, the protective abilities of the immune system are reduced. A woman becomes more vulnerable to infectious lesions, which is why even a common cold can become a reason for prolonged treatment. Since many methods of therapy are contraindicated for the expectant mother, we will figure out whether it is possible to give a pregnant woman an inhalation with saline.

What kind of procedure

The essence of inhalation in the introduction of a pharmacological drug by converting it into steam, small particles. The medicine immediately enters the respiratory passages and locally acts on the mucous membranes of the bronchi and nasopharynx. Such treatment allows medicines to bypass the stomach and almost bypass the general blood flow, and therefore they do not have a negative effect on the functioning of the digestive tract and liver.

The procedure does not cause discomfort, works great for colds and can be recommended for pregnant women, since it quickly and safely eliminates the symptoms of the disease, inhibits the development of the virus and prevents further complications.

Inhalation for pregnant women

Procedure benefits

Modern inhalation has many advantages. The procedure is allowed for pregnancy, but can not be carried out using a nebulizer in case the patient has a fever. Inhalations are indispensable in the fight against colds, especially when the patient can not take conventional medications.

The use of this method in the early stages of the common cold will make it possible to reduce the activity of pathological microflora, prevent the subsequent development of the disease, and accelerate the overall healing process. Effectively works against a cold and cough, and also eliminates an unpleasant sore throat.

Contraindications for inhalation during pregnancy

Understanding whether a pregnant woman can be inhaled with saline, it is necessary to consider the presence of a tendency to allergies and choose those drugs that do not cause a negative reaction of the body. During the period of bearing a child, inhalation with iodine, essential oils of cedar, basil, dill, rosemary, cypress, nightshade and marjoram should not be carried out.

Categorical contraindications for inhalation are heart disease.

What is saline

The drug is created in a laboratory and can be used as an independent medicine or in combination with other compounds. Saline solution is completely safe, therefore it is approved for use in relation to pregnant women and children.

If it is not possible to purchase a finished pharmacological product, it is permissible to make it at home on your own. It is important to understand that such a medicine will not be sterile, therefore, carrying out inhalations with a home saline solution is fraught with getting on the mucous membranes of microbes. Medical experts advise nevertheless to use pharmacy medicines, in addition, they are inexpensive. You can purchase a sterile composition in any pharmacy.

Saline solution for inhalation

Can pregnant women inhalation with saline

During the period of gestation, the use of drugs is always a risk. Even seemingly harmless drugs can harm the baby. Doctors agree that pregnant women can be inhaled with saline, but only 0.9% NaCl, which is completely safe in each trimester.

A woman needs to adhere to a list of important rules:

  1. The choice of drug. It is necessary to exclude medications that can provoke an allergy. If any adverse reactions occur, the session must be stopped immediately. Pregnant women are forbidden a lot of herbal preparations and essential oils, so for inhalation it is best to use pure saline, without additives.
  2. The temperature of the composition for inhalation. A session is allowed to be carried out only if the temperature of the inhalation does not exceed 40 degrees Celsius. It is also important to control that there are no sudden changes in temperature, that is, you must not inhale too cold air immediately after inhalation. Otherwise, you can only aggravate the situation.
  3. Breathing technique. In the process of inhalation, it is necessary to take deep breaths with the nose or mouth. The procedure can last about 10 minutes. If a woman feels a deterioration in well-being, dizziness, you must immediately stop the session.

If a future mother has a cold accompanied by an increase in body temperature, inhalation is strictly prohibited.

Sick pregnant woman

How to prepare saline at home

Inhalation with saline to pregnant women is a common practice. The popularity of this method is associated with the low cost and availability of this method of treatment. Nasal passages can also be flushed with saline to eliminate a runny nose. It is recommended to rinse the mouth and throat composition. One of the important positive factors is the ability to independently prepare inhalates for the specified physiotherapy.

To prepare saline solution at home, you need to take one teaspoon of salt and boil a liter of clean water. Then cool the liquid to about 37 degrees and slowly pour salt crystals into it, constantly stirring the inhalants. It is important that no undissolved grains remain at the bottom of the container.

The finished product can be stored in the refrigerator or in a cool room, but not longer than 24 hours. If not purified water is used, but purified water, it should also be heated, since salt is more easily dissolved in a warm liquid.

Cold in a pregnant woman

Inhalation with saline in a nebulizer

A nebulizer is a device whose main task is to turn a liquid into a vaporous state, an aerosol and a semblance of fog. As a result, this allows the composition to penetrate the most distant airways and even the lungs. The drug was originally developed to combat bronchial asthma, pneumonia and other complex pathologies, since it allowed delivering pharmacological preparations to the lungs even in case of bronchial constriction. But today the device is universally used for any acute respiratory infections and is often practiced for inhalation with saline when coughing in pregnant women.

Cold inhalation nebulizer

With classic SARS, sputum actually accumulates only in the upper respiratory tract, that is, there is no need to transport the medicine to the lower passages. It will be more beneficial to breathe regularly in moist cool air, more often to relax and drink as much water as possible. If a cold goes without complications, then excess fluid in the alveoli is simply not needed. In more complex cases, the nebulizer is a real lifesaver. Inhalation for pregnant women with a runny nose with saline solution with a nebulizer is much simpler and more comfortable.

Inhalation to pregnant women and saline

The answer to the question of whether a pregnant woman can be inhaled with saline is definitely positive. The procedure will not harm the health of the expectant mother and her child. During the gestation period, this particular manipulation will become the basis for the treatment of cough and sore throat. Saline solution fights wet cough remarkably, unlike a number of herbal preparations, moreover, it does not cause allergies.

Experts advise to conduct sessions 3-4 times a day half an hour after a meal. After the procedure, you must not eat, drink, immediately go outside and breathe cool air. It is better to lie down, wrapped in a warm blanket and relax.

What can be added to saline

Only a few oils are allowed to be introduced into saline, choosing those that have an anti-inflammatory effect. In the absence of contraindications and allergies, you can use pine, fir and eucalyptus. Particular attention should be paid to quality, not trying to save on products, choosing the drug of a dubious manufacturer. Initially, you need to consult your doctor, and then act in accordance with his recommendations. Otherwise, you can harm the health of the expectant mother and her baby.

Treatment of a cold during the period of bearing a child

A mixture of eucalyptus and saline solution for inhalation will help to cope with a dry form of cough. Dosage for pregnant women is determined only in conjunction with a doctor. Usually, one spoonful of eucalyptus leaves is taken per 200 ml of liquid. Then the mixture is brought to a boil and left to infuse for half an hour.

You can also use a decoction of chamomile, which is characterized by antiviral and antiseptic actions. First you need a spoonful of chopped flowers to brew in 200 ml of boiling water, using a water bath. Then connect the resulting broth with saline and carry out the procedure.

You should always remember that plants can provoke an allergy in a pregnant woman.

The main recommendations for the procedure

In order for pregnant pregnant women to have effective colds and cough inhalations, it is necessary to adhere to simple but important rules:

  • Carry out the procedure at least 30 minutes after eating.
  • Within 2 hours after the session, do not eat or go outside.
  • In the process of inhalation, breathe deeply, but evenly.
  • Every day, prepare a new solution.
  • Breathe healing steam 3-4 times a day.
  • Each session should last about 10 minutes, no more.

If you follow all the recommendations, as evidenced by the reviews, saline solution for inhalation in pregnant women will cause only positive results, help to cope with the uncomfortable symptoms of a cold, without causing harm to the fetus.

What other inhalations are allowed to do pregnant

If a woman during the period of bearing a child wants to do inhalation not using physiological saline, but using ordinary water, a small amount of medicinal plants can be added to it. This is permissible after the approval of the doctor, as well as if the pregnant woman had already conducted similar sessions before and they did not cause complications, nausea or allergies. You can apply calendula, chamomile, linden. Such herbs will not be able to radically solve the problem of coughing, but will help to relax and make the procedure as a whole more pleasant.

pregnant colds

Can a pregnant woman do inhalation with saline? This composition is not contraindicated during the period of bearing a child, because it is, in essence, just water and salt. But as an inhalant, he effectively fights the symptoms of a cold, helps to cope with a sore throat, cough, runny nose.

Sessions are conveniently carried out using a nebulizer - a special inhaler that can be purchased for home use. The device is able to break down the drug into small particles and help transport the resulting components through the respiratory tract. In any case, before proceeding with such treatment, you must consult your doctor. During pregnancy, a woman is responsible not only for her health and well-being, but also for the condition of the baby.

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