What is an absolute event?

It is amazing how much a simple phrase can mean if you look at it from the point of view of different sciences. For example, consider the “absolute event”. As a specific term, it is used in jurisprudence, jurisprudence, sociology, history, and even astronomy. Each science interprets the phrase a little different from other disciplines. Consider the main values.

absolute event

Absolute terminology

As can be logically assumed, if we are talking about absolute events, then there are relative ones. And what is an event in principle? With this word it is customary to denote circumstances that, in the general case, are not tied to the human will. If we talk about the law, then only those circumstances that initiate legal consequences play a role for it.

An absolute event is one that is not provoked by the will of some subject present in the situation. Civil law, referring to such phenomena, usually uses the term “force majeure”. The circumstance is absolutely irresistible in the framework of the conditions set by the situation; it belongs to the category of emergency. Examples of absolute events: a disease spreading in the form of an epidemic, a natural disaster, a man-made or just a very large accident, an epizootic. If we consider an absolute event from the point of view of legal sciences, then the moments of birth, death of the subject and other similar ones will also have to be attributed here.

Absolute and relative

Events, the differences between them have long attracted the attention of specialists from different sciences, which has become the basis for the development of a fairly voluminous theory and terminology. In the modern interpretation, it is customary to name such events that are provoked by the will, desire, and aspirations of a person who finds himself in the situation in question. At the same time, only the fact of initiation depends on the subject, and further development takes place regardless of his desire or hope. This difference at the starting point of the process is fundamental for a relative and absolute event. Example: a certain person provoked the beginning of a physical conflict (in other words, fights), but as a result, his opponent received serious bodily injuries and died.

absolute frequency of events

When considering an event, it is not always possible to say absolutely precisely whether it belongs to absolute or relative: the points of view of specialists may differ. To distinguish between concepts and simplify the assessment of causes and consequences, time estimates were introduced. For each individual situation, they are selected individually, taking into account the features of the event, but in any case they are a legal fact, integral to the event.

Events: what do the legal sciences say?

An absolute event is circumstances that describe the reality surrounding the subject of the situation. At the same time, they are independent of the desires, opportunities, and will of this subject. The consequences that an event generates are very different. Let's look at two simple examples: there was a certain house insured against destruction by natural disaster. An earthquake occurred strong enough for the house to collapse. In such a situation, a natural disaster becomes a legal fact, from which it follows that the owner of the now destroyed building receives the right to compensation under the insurance program.

absolute event characteristics

Another example of an absolute event as a legal fact: a certain person died. The consequences that this situation provokes are difficult to put together, there are so many. Some obligations, if the deceased took part in them, cease, while others, on the contrary, begin. For example, if this person had property, the mechanism of inheritance is launched. Depending on the nature of the death, it may also be necessary to clarify the details of what happened.

Separation of concepts: this is important

For modern legal sciences, the separation into absolute and relative events is really important, since they are treated differently from the point of view of existing laws. If legal, civil consequences are provoked by a relative event, you have to delve deeper into the relationship between cause and result. This is necessary to reveal how guilty of what happened is a certain subject who took part in the situation.

Timing is not so important for absolute events, but play a significant role when considering relative. The term of origin is determined by the legislative will, and also depends on the actor. The course of time is always controlled by the laws of time, not depending on the person. For the legal regulation of relations in society, the timing is extremely significant, are one of the key mechanisms used by the system of laws. The duties and rights of a certain citizen can be automatically activated or, on the contrary, completely exhaust themselves only on the basis of terms. Relative, absolute events as legal facts, as well as the time intervals characteristic of them, have become one of the most important tools used by the current justice system in our country.

An absolute event in the context of a sociological approach

From the point of view of sociology, the term in question is a semantic complex that is to some extent unified with the situation under study. Complexity involves the simultaneous assessment of both the spatial coordinates of the event and the time boundaries. To identify the event, it is necessary to have some observer able to determine that the event is taking place or has already ended. From the point of view of sociology, an event can be called what happens in one place, in one time interval, that is, it differs in unity in geographical, temporal coordinates. This is due to the following logic: the coordinates of space, time allow accurate identification of any unique point, and also make it possible to identify the relationship of locations, moments, if any.

absolute events examples

Since any event occurs at a particular time, therefore, it divides the entire scale into “before”, “after”. For each event, sociologists propose to single out co-events that precede the act in question or immediately follow it. Co-events are not the duration of the act in question, since it cannot contain other events within itself. At the same time, this approach allows us to take into account that any event does not occur in an infinitely short moment, but in a certain time period. Georg Simmel paid particular attention to this aspect in his work .

And if more?

From the point of view of sociology, an absolute event is an act in relation to which the observer present in the system can say for sure that there was a beginning, an end. This turns what is happening in full. The scientific approach suggests calling such an act an “atomic” event. It becomes absolute only within the framework of a specific group of observers who have recorded both the beginning and the end of what is happening.

Considering the characteristics of an absolute event, it should be noted that the construction takes place in one of two ways, and this largely determines the parameters of the act itself being studied. In the first case, the initial state is the qualification of the object, which allows the implication of the event. The second option is to evaluate some event as absolute and study the act immediately following it. If both phenomena under consideration are adjacent to each other, if they can be ranked in the same event series, if they have the same chronology, then we can talk about the fact that the second act also belongs to the group of absolute events.

And what does philosophy say?

There is not only the concept of “absolute event” in civil law, sociology, this area has also attracted the attention of philosophers. Here, all arguments begin with the idea that the world we are observing is an absolute event. It occupies all the surrounding space and stretches for the whole time, has no beginning and end and is a full-fledged object. The likelihood that such an event will happen is one.

absolute event and relative difference

From the point of view of philosophy, an absolute event is not determined by the characteristics of the observer, in no way correlates with the specifics of perception of what is happening. In fact, this is an information flow without a beginning and an end, which each individual object can observe in a given interval. From the point of view of the exact sciences, such an approach may seem rather reckless and even stupid, nevertheless it takes place in the humanistic fields. That is, if in jurisprudence legal facts are absolute events, then in philosophy this term refers to everything that happens in total, whether it is a fact, time or spatial coordinates. At the same time, it is said that each fragment observed by a single object also has its own probability indicator - and it is also equal to unity. This allows you to divide the endless stream into deterministic segments, clear and simpler for human perception. An example of such a segment is the fact that a particular reader has read this material. As we can see, the probability of this event is one. However, this wisdom has long found expression in folk sayings and sayings. As soon as an event occurs, there will certainly be a person who is ready to confirm that the situation has long been evolving so that this event turns out to be probable, real. In a word, "that's what was going on."

Fate or science?

It may seem that the above is a concept of fatalism raised to the degree of science. Actually, there is no talk of this (however, it is impossible to deny the existence of fate with 100% accuracy), but it is taken into account that the absolute event to which we turned out to be participants is difficult, it is infinite and at the same time instantaneous, and its components often look different , as expected from the point of view of this or that observer. Some seem unbelievable at all. Nevertheless, they occur, since a system with much more complex mechanisms plays a role than those obvious to a simple observer inside an event.

For philosophy as a science, the main feature of this approach is the declaration of an absolute event as deterministic, and it does not at all play a role in which time direction to consider a sequence of fragments. In fact, it comes down to the following idea: the future has already come, but the observer does not yet know about it. Awareness of this fact allows you to quite freely handle the consequences, the reasons - they can even be interchanged. Scientists get great freedom in the application of inductive, deductive research methods, moreover, they can equate them to one another. This becomes possible, since the reliability of what has already happened and of that, the fulfillment of which we have not yet observed, is equivalent, that is, there is no significant difference.

Future and Past: Probability and Duration

Since an absolute event occurs with a probability equal to one, it can be considered reliable. This becomes a source of bifurcation, and what has already happened is indicated by the probability of “one,” and for the future they use the “zero” indicator, since these events have not yet taken place, although at the same time their occurrence cannot be avoided. In fact, the observer takes a position on the crest of the "bifurcation wave". You can even say, using the winged expression of Karl Marx, that bifurcation is the force that drives our history.

Future, past - how much time separates these two vague concepts for an ordinary person? From the point of view of the exact sciences, it is optimal if it is a moment with a given time duration, precisely defined, stipulated in space. In fact, we are dealing with a sharp probabilistic jump - a unit appears from zero, which takes some given time. A number of philosophers compare this approach with the idea of ​​quantum time, which allows what happens in quanta, despite the contradiction of these events to common (seemingly) meaning.

Events and Math

Returning to more exact sciences, it is necessary to pay attention to the concept of “absolute frequency of events”. Everything here is much simpler, less imaginative than in the previously described approach to terminology and perception of the world. There is a formula by which the absolute frequency of events is calculated; it is usually passed in a high school course or in a university program.

Suppose that a certain (N) number of experiments was delivered. Each of them had a chance for the occurrence of the desired event A. In the considered version of the definition, the absolute frequency of a random event is the number of times when the desired situation still occurred. In addition to the absolute expression, this indicator is also calculated relative to the total number of experiments performed (objects studied, situations, participants). This allows you to identify the percentage that is important for assessing the quality of the system.

There are many options, but what is relevant?

Above, many options for considering the term “absolute events” were considered. In practice, an ordinary person most often faces absolute legal events. Of course, the mathematical aspect of probability, many (if they are deeply involved in the exact sciences) are in the educational course, and in the future they encounter it at work. But this is a fairly small percentage of all humanity. But in real life it is easier to meet absolute legal events. We all insure life, health and real estate, unknowingly calculating the likelihood of an accident, on the basis of which we wonder in which situations to be careful. Each person has a chance to be in an unpleasant situation, the consequences of which will be not only bad impressions, but also civil or legal consequences.

legal facts are absolute events

Knowing which legal facts are absolute events, one can more carefully, correctly, correctly draw up contracts, sign agreements. In general, education in the field of law in our country at the level of the general public at a rather low level, and this creates certain problems, and dishonest companies make it possible to use human naivety. In order not to become a victim of such a relative event, you need to clearly understand which absolute events, if they occur, can give rights and which ones.

Developing the topic: legal facts

Above we have already given examples of absolute events, relative, considered by the legal sciences, and also mentioned the relationship with the term "legal fact". But what does this phrase mean? Consider the terminology more carefully. From the point of view of legal sciences, facts are such indications, on the basis of which legal relations appear, change or cease. Moreover, for any fact, the presence of a hypothesis recorded in the legal standards of society is mandatory. The legal regulation of our society is carried out with the involvement of a huge mass of circumstances that provoke the consequences or their absence.

A legal fact is necessarily specified, it belongs to the category of life circumstances. Based on the rule of law, it is possible to connect legal relations (their origin, development, termination) with the legal fact, as well as consequences that are important for legal science. Facts are both the basis for legal relations, and their actual adjustment in the process of existence, and termination. On the example of a person, moments of birth, reaching adulthood, and death become legal facts. Each of these facts provokes certain consequences.

Legal fact: symptoms

First of all, it should be noted that the fact is expressed externally. Therefore, one cannot recognize as legal facts the feelings of a person, thoughts. In addition, the circumstance expressing a legal fact is associated with specific phenomena or their absence. Finally, only such circumstances that are provided for in legal standards and indicated by the theses can be attributed to legal facts.

absolute legal events

Any legal fact has real force if it was specially recorded, executed, confirmed. Moreover, the fact must be followed by consequences.

Legal fact: functions

It is impossible to overestimate the importance of legal facts for modern legal sciences, since this term is one of the fundamental.Facts have law-forming functions, that is, they provoke consequences that are significant from the point of view of legal regulation of relations within society. In addition, they can change the circumstances, terminate them for the duration. Some legal facts have the function of restoring rights.

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