The best oils for high mileage engines

It is known that cars with high mileage need special care, which is associated with a high level of wear of components. What oil should I choose for such a car? Next, we consider the main features of the choice of this product, as well as a list of the most suitable oils for vehicles of this type.

KIA High Performance Engine Oil

Which engine is considered worn

What engine needs the use of oil of the type in question? Practice shows that when determining the deterioration of a car engine, the brand of car is of no small importance, since it is the manufacturer who determines the mileage, overcoming which the motor is considered worn and needs additional care and the use of special, more gentle materials.

So, for the most part, the average optimal mileage established for cars is about 150-200 thousand kilometers. These data relate, for the most part, to domestic production machines. As for foreign manufacturers, they set the limits as numbers exceeding 300,000 km, up to 1,000,000 km (Mitsubishi 4G63, BMW M30 and M50, Honda D-series, Toyota 3S-FE).

High mileage engine oil viscosity

The main tasks of the oil

Before you begin to consider the list of the most suitable oils for engines with high mileage, you need to decide on a list of those tasks that the infused product must handle.

So, from among the tasks assigned to engine oil for used cars, the paramount are:

  • engine corrosion protection;
  • prevention of possible chips between engine parts, as well as the formation of gaps between them;
  • removing residues of unprocessed fuel;
  • removal of fine metal elements and other types of contaminants generated as a result of engine operation into the filter.

The benefits of high-performance engine oils

When choosing a product for the lubrication of a used engine, it is worth giving preference to those that are designed to cover all the needs of an automobile engine at this stage of life. Oils intended for worn engines have a number of advantages over other grades of this type of product. They are as follows:

  • reduction of friction of materials and their abrasiveness;
  • such products have low-temperature pumpability, so that starting the engine in the cold season is much faster and easier;
  • such oils contain detergents designed to eliminate plaque, slag and soot from the walls of the motor;
  • oils of this type have an improved corrosion protection index.
    Best Long Range Engine Oil

Types of oils

The modern market for automotive service products offers a large selection of engine oils for high mileage engines. Depending on the basis on which the product is made, they are all divided into three types:

  • synthetic;
  • semi-synthetic;
  • mineral.

Synthetic oils are based on petroleum refined products. Their main impact is aimed at improving engine starting in the cold season, as well as ensuring engine wear resistance. The products of this type are characterized by thermal oxidative stability, a high viscosity index, as well as a low level of volatility.

Speaking of semi-synthetic oils for engines with high mileage, it is worth highlighting that products of this type are created on different bases:

  • hydrocracking;
  • mineral;
  • polyalphaolefin or PAO;
  • glycolic.

In addition to all of the above, some semi-synthetic oils are the result of oil refining obtained as a result of hard hydrocracking. By the nature of their action, semi-synthetic ones are similar to synthetic ones. This type of product has a low cost, which attracts buyers. Experts note that the quality of this type of oil is less high-quality than the previously considered type, as it has lower antioxidant and energy-saving properties.

As for mineral oils, it is immediately worth noting that this particular type of product is able to form a high-quality film that protects the motor well from friction, pollution and damage. As a rule, active additives are added to the composition of mineral oils, which make the product more valuable and in demand on the market.

Long-Range Engine Oils

What type of oil is appropriate to use

What oils for high mileage engines should I choose for certain car brands? When solving this issue, first of all, it is necessary to rely on the instructions provided by the car manufacturer.

Practice shows that the most unfortunate product option for used engines is one that is made on a semi-synthetic basis. This is primarily due to the fact that this type of oil has high flow rates, which does not affect the overall performance of the motor in the best way.

For domestic machines, it is recommended to use mineral oil. This is due to the fact that this type of product creates a compacted oil film, and is also quite economically consumed. It is undesirable to use semisynthetics for domestic machines, since some components contained in the composition of such products are distinguished by their aggressiveness and have the ability to spoil the condition of parts.

Next, consider the list of the best oils for high mileage engines that are widely used by modern car enthusiasts.

Best oils

The list of oils intended for use in high mileage engines includes products of both domestic and foreign production. They gained their popularity due to their economical use and high efficiency. The list of the best products of our time includes:

  • Lukoil Lux 10W40;
  • Mobil
  • ENEOS by JX Nippon Oil & Energy;
  • Shell Helix HX7 10W-40.

Next, we consider the features of each and the listed types of oils, as well as some recommendations regarding their use, left by experts in the field of servicing automobile engines.

Oils for high mileage engines

Lukoil Lux 10W40

Lukoil Lux 10W40 oil bribes motorists with its low cost, which slightly exceeds the price set for synthetic products - about 800 rubles for 4 liters of product. In the reviews, it is noted that the oil in question from the manufacturer "Lukoil" is an excellent tool for caring for non-boosted engines. Practice shows that during use, this product can withstand up to 7-8 thousand km without a noticeable decrease in its functions.

The considered oil for engines with high mileage has excellent anti-wear properties and does not contain aluminum, which is also its advantage.

In the reviews of motorists, you can also observe negative feedback about the product. They quite often notice that the Lukoil Lux 10W40 oil has a low-temperature viscosity, which is why it does not at all facilitate the process of starting an engine in freezing weather.


The manufacturer Mobil has long been famous for the technical characteristics of its products. Practice shows that Mobil 1 ™ ESP 5W-30 and Mobil 1 0W-40 oils are excellent for used car engines. These products are made on the basis of synthetics, and the peculiarity of their compositions is that they have a low level of ash content.

The product manufacturer himself often notes that Mobil is the best high-mileage Audi engine oil. The advantage of such a product is that it can be used for both gasoline and diesel engines.

Choosing Mobil oil for high mileage engines, the motorist significantly prolongs the life of the entire motor. This product tends to reach moving parts rather quickly (15 seconds faster than its counterparts), and the circulation process itself begins immediately from the moment the engine starts, thereby significantly reducing the operating costs of the motor.

Audi High Performance Engine Oil

ENEOS by JX Nippon Oil & Energy

The excellent engine oil for Honda long-range engines is the ENEOS product from JX Nippon Oil & Energy. This tool provides a high durability of the motor, and also reduces its wear. In reviews of this product it is very often noted that with its regular use the motor gains new energy, due to which it becomes more dynamic and, as stated in most comments, gains new energy.

The advantage of such a product is that it contains additives, the action of which is aimed at saving fuel, as well as at reducing the level of engine wear.

The cost of ENEOS oil from JX Nippon Oil & Energy in the Russian market is about 1300 rubles for a container of 4 liters. Consumers believe that this cost is fully justified by the large number of useful properties that the oil in question possesses.

Shell Helix HX7 10W-40

Of the total number of modern fuels and lubricants, Shell Helix HX7 10W-40 is considered the most popular - oil for engines with high mileage. The viscosity of this product ideally provides a reduction in the level of friction, and also thanks to it, a strong oil film is created that protects the inside of the motor and prevents the leakage of oil through the cracks, if any. Moreover, such a product has the property of providing stability of the internal part of the motor to oxidation, as well as to shear type loads.

Honda Engine Oil

Shell Helix HX7 10W-40 is an excellent oil for KIA engines with high mileage. Its cleaning components are able to remove plaque, fuel oil and soot from the inside of the motor. This product can be easily found at Russian gas stations, and at a fairly reasonable cost - about 1100 rubles for 4 liters of oil. Consumers consider such a price to be quite acceptable, since this product performs all the functions that a worn-out motor of domestic or foreign production needs.

Shell Helix HX7 10W-40 oil is ideally combined with gasoline and diesel engines.

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