White spots on teeth: reasons, what to do, how to get rid?

A smile paints the face of every person. But even if it is perfect, just one white spot on the teeth can easily spoil the whole impression. Why do such defects occur in the oral cavity? What is the reason for their appearance? Is there any way to deal with them? These questions are asked by most people who have discovered such changes in their teeth.

White spots: causes

Healthy tooth enamel is usually light, with a slight pearlescent shine, and each person has its own unique shade. Defects appearing, expressed in the form of white (discolored) spots, are much lighter than the natural color of enamel and therefore are striking. They can have a different shape, size and depth. May appear on one or several teeth at once.

white spot prevention and treatment

Despite the fact that such manifestations (except for an aesthetic violation) do not cause any discomfort, they often indicate the unhealthiness caused by some pathologies. Therefore, you should not postpone a visit to the dentist until the seemingly harmless at first glance specks declare themselves. After all, they are a signal of the beginning of the destruction of tooth enamel.

Tooth enamel

As a rule, the tooth surface is smooth and glossy, resembling porcelain. Acids secreted by pathogenic microorganisms, normally constantly present in the oral cavity of each person, are able to act on enamel.

Destruction of the surface layer of the tooth does not occur instantly - it is a rather lengthy process, therefore, people do not immediately notice the formation of any changes. White spots on the front teeth are striking, but the formation of foci of demineralization in other areas is not immediately noticed. Therefore, it is important to visit the dentist regularly to exclude the possibility of destruction of the hardest part of the human body.

Congenital and acquired pathologies of tooth enamel

It is important to divide such neoplasms into those that appeared from the moment the tooth erupted, and spots that appeared at a later date. Very often, congenital factors become the causes of stains: severe pregnancy of the mother, toxicosis, chronic diseases of the digestive system, prematurity.

The most common causes of white spots on a child’s teeth are injuries. Bruises of primary teeth can provoke disturbances in the development of permanent enamel.

Such abnormalities in the development of the tooth-cladding layer are usually manifested in frequently ill children and children with weakened immunity. Under the influence of some diseases that occurred during the formation and mineralization of temporary or permanent teeth, enamel is underdeveloped. In medicine, this phenomenon is called "hypoplasia."

teeth whitening

Stains appearing in children and adults may be associated with excess fluoride in the body. Despite the fact that this substance is necessary to strengthen the enamel, in large quantities it acts poisonous. This trace element is part of many pastes, therefore, in combination with fluorinated water, it can gradually accumulate in the body and provoke the formation of white spots on the teeth.

Similar defects can also occur due to non-compliance with oral hygiene, as well as with prolonged use of orthopedic appliances.

Violations of the enamel layer can develop due to a lack of necessary trace elements in the body. Here, calcium and vitamin D play an important role. Stresses and unstable psycho-emotional states, disturbances in the daily regimen, and unhealthy diet can also become factors that provoke the appearance of white spots on the teeth.

The causes of such phenomena can be hidden in the formation of some pathological processes in the body. Therefore, if the tooth enamel begins to weaken, it is necessary to undergo an examination and pass the necessary tests.

Carious factors

Another cause of such defects can be caries. And although most often this disease appears in the form of dark spots, it is often accompanied by just such manifestations.

In fact, white spots on the teeth of a child or an adult are demineralized areas of tooth enamel that have lost their luster. Most often they appear in the cervical region of the tooth and are accompanied by increased pain sensitivity. After some time, the affected area begins to darken. On examination, the dentist most often diagnoses caries.

dental braces

How to get rid of white spots on teeth

It is almost impossible to independently establish the true cause of the appearance of the spots - only a doctor can determine the exact condition of the teeth, determine the causes of their appearance and prescribe the appropriate treatment. Therefore, if such a pathology is detected, it is necessary to seek professional help from a dentist. If the cause is caries, it is necessary to cure a bad tooth in order to preserve it.

How to cure hypoplasia

When it comes to hypoplasia of deciduous teeth, a special diet is prescribed, which includes a lot of calcium. Dental interventions in this case are symptomatic. Very often in such cases, enamel coating with special dental agents or silvering of the teeth is recommended. Such treatment of white spots on the teeth allows you to save them until the physiological change. Permanent teeth after such exposures tend to grow healthy.

How to get rid of fluorosis

If a doctor diagnoses fluorosis, then first you need to adjust the diet and stop using fluoride-containing toothpastes. Fish and spinach should be excluded from food.

unique shades of tooth enamel

In the initial stages of development, fluorosis can be cured. As a medical effect and remove white spots on teeth, dentists use remineralization techniques using applications and electrophoresis. These procedures are carried out with drugs with complexes of substances of natural origin.

Improper care

Often, such violations occur as a result of orthopedic interventions. Staples attached to the teeth to correct the bite, or the use of special rings, can prevent saliva from wetting certain areas of tooth enamel. This can lead to natural remineralization.

Improper oral hygiene can also be the main reason for the development of pathogenic flora, leading to an aggressive attack of pathogenic bacteria on tooth enamel. In this case, use whitening toothpastes, which include calcium. They help brighten the teeth in several tones and allow you to even out the difference between the stain and the shade of tooth enamel. As a result, the stain becomes less noticeable.

What to do when a white spot appears

When white spots appear, aggressive agents cannot be used. The defect that has appeared is a sign of weakening of tooth enamel, for the restoration of which special means and a careful attitude are needed.

Since one of the reasons why white spots on the teeth formed for no apparent reason can be nutritional disorders, the correction of the daily menu is primarily necessary. Foods consumed should be rich in calcium, magnesium and zinc.

Vitamin D contributes to better absorption of calcium, so it also needs to be consumed in sufficient quantities when white spots appear on the teeth. Therefore, it is necessary to consume fish and seafood in large quantities. From the diet, it is necessary to exclude any sweets and non-natural products.

Dentistry: options and treatment regimens

The appearance of discolored or chalky stains on the teeth requires appropriate treatment, since they can not only become a noticeable cosmetic effect, but also provoke the formation of pits, grooves and depressions, which darken over time.

prevention of white spots on teeth

Modern medicine offers many options for removing white spots on teeth. This may be ozone therapy, fluoridation, mineralization, electrophoresis, etc. However, most experts believe that such methods eliminate only the consequence, and the true cause of the disease should be sought in the deterioration of the general state of health.

Caries treatment

If caries becomes the cause of cosmetic defects, it is necessary to clean the surface of the tooth and strengthen the enamel using fluoridation or the use of a calcium solution.

Enamel fluoridation can be simple or deep. In the first case, a cap filled with fluorine-containing preparations is used, or a brush is used to apply fluoride varnish. The main purpose of this procedure is to create a protective film on the tooth surface. The process of deep fluoridation involves the application of medical preparations in two layers: first, a fluorine-containing composition is applied, and then calcium hydroxide. These substances penetrate the tissue through the pores and seal them.

Tooth injury

If one or more teeth is slightly injured, then they are treated with special compounds to strengthen the enamel. In cases of serious damage, tooth reconstruction is required. A seal not only restores chips, but also prevents the tooth from collapsing further.

deciduous teeth

Folk techniques for treating white spots

Sweet and sour foods with excessive consumption destroy tooth enamel. Therefore, first of all, it is necessary to observe basic oral hygiene: brush your teeth twice a day and rinse your mouth after each meal. However, if white spots appear on the teeth, what should I do?

Many people use this recipe: they mix two teaspoons of baking soda with one teaspoon of vinegar and brush the teeth twice a week with the resulting paste. However, this method aggressively affects tooth enamel and therefore dentists do not recommend using it.

The next method is to mix salt and lemon juice (a few drops of lemon juice per teaspoon of salt). It is believed that this allows you to not only whiten your teeth, but also to eliminate inflammatory processes in the oral cavity. Before using such a technique, you should consult your dentist.

Many people use banana peels to mineralize tooth enamel. To do this, each time before hygienic cleaning, the teeth are rubbed with the inside of the skin. It is believed that this method allows not only to prevent the development of caries, but also allows you to whiten your teeth.

Defect development prevention

Bleached (white) spots can be found on fangs, front and chewing teeth. They can appear on the crown of the tooth or in the cervical region, can vary in shape, texture and depth.

The nature of the formation of such disorders can be associated with both carious factors and the development of undesirable pathological processes in the body. A frequent reason for their formation is a lack of vitamins or an excess of fluoride in the body.

oral hygiene

It is very difficult to detect such spots on your own and many people learn about the presence of such formations only when the disease is already declaring itself. Therefore, a timely visit to the dentist is considered the best prevention of their appearance and development.

Important preventive measures against stains are:

  • maintaining good oral hygiene;
  • balanced diet low in sugar and acids;
  • regular intake of vitamin and mineral complexes.

From the point of view of dentistry, prevention and treatment of white spots is remineralization (with fluorosis), fluoridation and mineralization (with a lack of necessary minerals in tooth enamel), as well as silvering and ozone therapy (in the treatment of white spots).

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