The original document is ... Definition and types

"You must bring us the originals of these documents!" - a familiar phrase, is not it? It can often be heard during the execution of important papers, admission to a higher educational institution and other similar procedures. But what does the original document mean? It so happened that not all citizens understand the meaning of this concept. In our article today, we will try to fix it.

Copy of document without original

What is the original?

What is the original document? To answer this question, first you need to understand what the word "original" generally means. Speaking in the simplest and most understandable words, the original is a text or image that is unique and individual in its kind. This word is of Latin origin, and it is translated as "original".

What is a script?

The original (original document) is a unique document that is created for the first time and is the primary source. It is intended for copying and reproduction. The original of an official document is also called its first, single copy.

A fairly common practice is when multiple originals are created at once. Many old contracts were created in several copies, all of which were originals, since the contract was concluded between parties that had equal rights and obligations.

What is the original document?

Falsification of documents

Unfortunately, original documents are a type of important paper that is easy to fake, which many scammers use. Most fakes are created in order to deceive the law and falsify the facts. The concept of falsification has gained its relevance from the very moment that the documents began to be used to prove the veracity of an event. Most often, scammers and swindlers fake receipts, but entire documents also do not remain without their attention.

In total, the following types of fakes are distinguished:

  • forgery - replacing one document with another;
  • interpolation - adding a false part to the original text of the original;
  • fake - individual signatures, words, dates, etc.
What does the original document mean?

Beloviki and drafts

Beloviks and drafts are types of original documents. A white-paper is a hand-written or printed white-paper whose text has been copied from a draft, but with editorial corrections. According to legal experts, only the belovik that was signed and certified by responsible people can be considered genuine. Among official documents, the original, as a rule, is Belovik, which is made on a special form and has the signature of an official (in some cases, a wet seal).

Draft documents are also originals. A draft is a handwritten or printed document that reflects the work of the author or editor on the text. As part of the draft documents, many options and editions are distinguished, while each will be considered genuine.

Autographs also apply to the originals - documents written or corrected by the author. The word "autograph" in Greek means "autograph." This method does not always make it possible to establish the identity of the author of the original document, but this becomes possible with the availability of corrections and postscripts by hand.

Copy of the original

In some cases, you may be asked to bring a copy of the document without the original. What is a copy? Let's get it right.

A copy is a document that fully reproduces the original document and at the same time has legal force.

The following requirements may be put forward to you at a bank, migration service, university and other organizations to which you apply:

  1. A copy from the reproduced original should fully correspond to its content up to punctuation marks. There should be no changes, no errors.
  2. A copy from the reproduced original must have legal force, that is, it must be certified by a person who has the right to do so.

Thus, by copy is meant a photocopy of the original, duly executed and certified. A photocopy is not a copy of the original yet. The photocopy, although copied from the original, does not have legal force, since it is not properly drawn up and not certified.

A copy of a document from a legal entity is considered only if it fully reproduces the contents of the original and has the necessary details, namely: the signature of the official who has the right to this, as well as the seal of the legal entity, which gives the copy of the original legal force. As an official, as a rule, the head of the organization acts.

Originals of these documents

What is a duplicate?

Loss or damage to the original document is the main reason for issuing a duplicate of the document. But what is a duplicate document? Let's get it right.

A duplicate is a duplicate of the original, which has exactly the same legal force as the original, but differs in some details. A duplicate is issued to replace the original, so only one duplicate can exist at a time.

The original, copy and duplicate are completely different concepts. The only thing they have in common is the content, determined by the text of the original, which is then repeated in duplicate or copy.

The purpose of issuing a duplicate is to replace the original, and therefore it repeats the main content of the original, but at the same time has its own details, thanks to which it can be distinguished from the original or from another duplicate.

Original duplicate

Rules for issuing a duplicate of the original

The issuance of original documents is a procedure, although not the simplest, but generally understandable to a simple layman. But what should you do if you need a duplicate?

When issuing a duplicate, the following rules are often followed:

  1. The duplicate must be executed in the same form as the original document. If the original was executed on the form, the duplicate must be filled out on the same form. This distinguishes the duplicate from the copy that can be made on a regular A4 sheet.
  2. The duplicate must be stamped or labeled "Duplicate". In the event that the original was not lost, it is necessary to make a link to the issued duplicate at the same time. This procedure invalidates the original and makes its further use unlawful.
  3. The duplicate must be affixed with a serial number.
  4. On the duplicate, it is again necessary to affix the necessary signatures and seals.
Types of original documents

Do not forget that the procedure for issuing a duplicate and its exact details depend on the specific situation, as well as on the body that carries out the replacement.

So, now it’s clear that this is the original document. We hope that the article answered this question, and you learned a lot of useful information!

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