How to get more pleasure from masturbation: simple ways and tips

According to statistics, 27% of men aged 16 to 45 years masturbate once or twice a week. From time to time, all 95% of men and 72% of women do this.

From a physiological point of view, self-satisfaction is even beneficial. This helps women to maintain reproductive function, while men can improve sperm quality by displacing old sperm from the body. For men who regularly masturbate or have sex, the risk of prostate cancer is reduced.

how to get the most out of masturbation

But still, most people are engaged in self-satisfaction for pleasure, not paying attention to all the advantages proved by scientists. During orgasm, a hormone is released that activates the “pleasure center” in the brain. The same biologically active substance is responsible for reducing pain (including, facilitates premenstrual syndrome in women), improving mood and generally has an extremely favorable effect on the body.

How to get more pleasure from masturbation? At some stage, almost everyone who practices this method of satisfaction asks this question. The fact is that women and men who from time to time do not “mix methods” may eventually stop responding to other types of stimulation, and this will not benefit anyone. To understand, you need to understand the features of male and female orgasms, options, ways to accelerate its approach and make the pleasure more vivid and long.

Features of male orgasm

Physiologically, an orgasm in men occurs at the time of release of seminal fluid from the urethra. Sperm consists of protein fluid synthesized in the seminal vesicles and sperm produced by the testes. The release of seminal fluid occurs as a result of masturbation, sexual intercourse, or nocturnal emissions (usually in adolescence). Sperm release can occur without orgasm, but this is a pathology that not only causes discomfort, but can also be accompanied by significant discomfort.

how to get the most out of masturbation

From a medical point of view, an orgasm begins with involuntary muscle contractions in the prostate. In this case, the man enjoys only for a few seconds. Young people describe their feelings in different ways. Someone calls a pleasant tingling in the groin area, others talk about the warmth that spreads throughout the body. There are men who note numbness of the fingers. Depending on the characteristics of the body, pleasure can be felt very brightly. The severity of orgasm depends on the degree of closeness of the relationship with a partner, experience in a sexual sense, the attractiveness of a woman, the period of abstinence before contact. A significant role is played by age-related changes.

The stages of pleasure

How to get maximum pleasure from masturbation to a man? To understand this, you need to decide on what stages the process is divided into. The achievement of orgasm is accompanied by the following physiological processes: excitement, plateau, orgasm proper, resolution. The initial stage (excitement) can take a long period of time if the man wants and knows how to control himself. When excited, blood rushes to the genitals, the testicles lift slightly up, and the penis becomes hard.

A plateau is the moment when the excitement reaches its maximum point. In this case, the head of the penis is stretched, and the testicles increase somewhat in size. Excitement reaches a maximum point, an orgasm is nearing. Before orgasm, seminal fluid accumulates in the prostate, and the opening of the bladder becomes clogged, which prevents the mixing of sperm and urine. The heartbeat becomes more frequent, blood pressure rises, temperature jumps are possible. The muscles in the area of ​​the prostate involuntarily contract, which is accompanied by the release of seminal fluid. At this moment, the man experiences maximum pleasure.

After ejaculation, the resolution stage is observed. The penis and testicles gradually return to their original state. At this stage, you can repeat sexual intercourse, but it takes some time to recover. It takes from a few minutes to several days. Here a lot depends on the age of the man and individual characteristics. The orgasm in men lasts about three seconds. The duration of this period may vary. This depends not only on individual characteristics, but also on the mood of the man, emotional and physical well-being of the partners.

An orgasm that is achieved both during sexual contact and during masturbation is a complex process that affects the sexual, endocrine and psychoemotional systems. Muscle tension occurs throughout the body. The sensations that partners experience during orgasm are rather abstract, but every man is interested in how to increase the duration of the orgasm or how to get a lot of pleasure from masturbation.

girl enjoys masturbation

Options for orgasm in men

How to get more pleasure from masturbation a man? Young people may experience different sensations depending on the type of orgasm. Physiological involves the passage of all the above steps in sequence. In this case, the maximum degree of pleasure can be manifested as follows: ejaculation after masturbation or sexual contact with a partner (does not depend on the type of intimacy: oral, anal or vaginal sex), without ejaculation (the method is based on special practices that do not involve touching), pollution ( occurs in a dream and, as a rule, in adolescence). When polluted, there are no vivid sensations.

How to have fun without masturbation? Mental orgasm can be achieved by viewing photos or videos of a pornographic or erotic nature. If pathological processes in the organs of the genitourinary system are not observed, then the man experiences excessive stress, as a result of which he reaches orgasm without touching. This is more true for young people and men with vivid imagination. So you can accelerate the orgasm before masturbation or sexual contact with a woman.

Psychological orgasm is the norm for adolescents, and for older men in some cases this may be a sign of the presence of a pathological process of a chronic nature. Some sexologists are also of the opinion that men with unstable intimate lives are more likely to experience a psychological orgasm. But at the same time, watching movies or photographs of pornographic or erotic content, as well as connecting fantasy, is a good answer to the question of how to get more pleasure from masturbation to a man.

Physical orgasm is achieved with any form of penile stimulation. The process involves the usual ejaculation as a result of sexual intercourse, masturbation or ovulation. This group includes pathological forms of pleasure.

how to enjoy anal masturbation

Unlike female pleasure

The genitourinary system of men and women is fundamentally different. For this reason, the process of achieving maximum pleasure is also different. Multiple orgasm in men, for example, is not accompanied by a constant ejaculation. Ejaculation occurs only once, after which there is a recovery process that takes a certain time. The peak of pleasure in women lasts about 15 seconds, while the man maximum enjoys only 5 - 7 seconds. The girl enjoys masturbation by compressing and unclenching the muscles of the inner thigh, but this is not available to representatives of the strong half of humanity. A man will get an orgasm during penile stimulation in almost any case, but the lady should be in the right mood. In women, the pleasant sensations are much brighter and last longer.

How to speed up the approach of orgasm

How to enjoy masturbation a man if the process takes too long a period of time? You can accelerate the approach of orgasm. Many are obsessed with delaying ejaculation to prolong contact, but as a result, a man may lose his quickly desired pleasure. In order for both partners to feel comfortable during sexual intercourse, it is necessary to discuss in advance the desired duration of sexual intercourse. For example, a woman only needs 10 to 15 minutes to enjoy, and then frictions already bring discomfort.

How to get maximum pleasure from masturbation to a man? In the event that self-satisfaction is delayed, you need to try to strengthen the sensations or accelerate the phase of excitement. A beautiful visual picture helps well in this. If a partner can put on beautiful lingerie and take a sexy pose, then in the case of self-satisfaction, men often have enough photos or videos and their own imagination. Alone with yourself, you can feel free to watch porn videos (moreover, watching porn together with a partner is a way to get close and show your desires) of any content and plot.

How to make an orgasm brighter and longer

How to get the most out of masturbation? If there are no problems with the duration of self-satisfaction or sexual contact, then the onset of ejaculation can be delayed. When a man feels that an orgasm is approaching, you need to stop. This helps to compress the muscles in the prostate, which helps not only prolong pleasure, but also strengthen sensations at the time of orgasm. How to get more pleasure from masturbation? Other manipulations will help in this, however, to date, there are no medications that enhance pleasure in men.

how to get more pleasure from masturbation

A man can make the orgasm brighter by increasing the length of the foreplay. In the case of masturbation, the prelude is the appropriate attitude of the young man to self-satisfaction. Someone needs to be left alone with their imagination, another needs only a few clips of erotic content, and the third one just needs to look at some element that causes excitement (for example, stockings on a woman or BDSM elements).

How to enjoy masturbation? You can explore your tastes and sensations by watching not one or two videos, but videos from different categories, various pictures and so on. So you can find that a man is aroused by something that he absolutely could not think of.

Other ways to increase pleasure

How to get maximum pleasure from masturbation to a man? A significant place is occupied by diversity. For starters, you can just try using various lubricants. If you plan to use the grease only for masturbation, then choose something based on fat. In this case, you can not fear incompatibility with condoms. If the lubricant is also used with barrier contraception, then you need to purchase something on a water basis. For single sex, fatty lubricants are better because they do not dry out longer, therefore there will be no discomfort.

How to enjoy penis masturbation? Be sure to stock up on time. Most young people are accustomed to masturbate in haste, fearing that someone will catch them. As a result of this, a clear scheme of quick self-satisfaction is developed. To discover something new, you need to make sure that you have enough time to spend it alone with yourself. Then you don’t have to quickly reach a peak, so you can explore your own body in a relaxed atmosphere. You can turn on porn for a while. This will allow you to distract from what is happening in your body. It is worth trying to masturbate without porn and accompanied by clips of erotic content.

How to get the most out of masturbation? If you use only your right hand, then just start with a change of hand. Most men use only one hand, but forget that you can get other sensations. This is somewhat like having sex with someone unfamiliar for the first time. You can enjoy this unusual sensation.

It would be nice to experiment with poses. If a young man is used to doing this while sitting, then you can get up, and vice versa. It is interesting to try to squat. At first, this may seem ridiculous, and after that, most likely, there will be a desire to return to the old sensations, but this will allow you to feel the sensations of masturbation in different poses.

How to enjoy masturbation to a guy? As many men discover, energetic hand movements are more fun. There are many movements that lead to different sensations and completely different orgasms. A member can be rolled between the palms, while moving your hands up and down. Instead of the usual up and down, you can use twisting movements with different pressures and speeds. Most of the nerve endings are located on the head of the penis, but some men also note sensitivity in some areas on the trunk. You can put one hand on the base of the penis and press it against the body, and then experiment with different movements. Still how to enjoy masturbation?

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In many guys, the testicles are a sensitive area. You can try to put the index and thumb on the tip of the scrotum in a ring, and then gently squeeze or pull the scrotum during masturbation. This will help not only prevent premature ejaculation, but also prolong sexual pleasure. You can experiment with friction, scratching, tickling and other movements.

If the penis and scrotum are the center of attention, then it is worth experimenting with other areas. The crotch is sensitive to massage and pressure, and even the stimulation of this zone will provide stimulation of the prostate. You can explore the anus from both the outside and the inside with your finger. A lubricant will be very welcome here.

Choosing the Right Intimate Goods

The whole point of the methods described above is to try different movements and various combinations, and then determine what is right for you. Even if you could not find a suitable way of self-satisfaction, this does not mean that you should not experiment anymore.

How to get more pleasure from masturbation? If stimulation with hands does not work the way we would like, then it's worth looking at intimate toys. Go to the sex products store and choose something suitable for yourself. Most things (for example, a penis ring) can be used with a partner, but at first it is better to try it yourself.

Is it possible to enjoy anal masturbation? It is known that when stimulating the anus, both men and women get great pleasure. In men, this is often associated with homosexuality, but during stimulation a strong orgasm occurs, because it is an erogenous zone, which also affects enhanced erection. And the volume injected allows you to massage the prostate. For anal masturbation, it is better to purchase a suitable item in an intimate goods store. Toys help to get completely new sensations and enhance stimulation, which is carried out in parallel.

How to prolong an orgasm in men

How to get more pleasure from masturbation? To prolong the orgasm and have more fun, you can use the following methods. First you need to completely relax. Before high-quality sex (single or with a partner), you need to forget about everyday problems, responsibilities and other troubles. Attention should be focused solely on pleasure. Intermittent breathing, intermittent and frequent, should be avoided. Air retention can lead to premature ejaculation. To enhance sensations, at the time of ejaculation, you need to take a deep breath, and then exhale, accompanied by a soft and long sound.

how to enjoy masturbation a man

How to enjoy masturbation? A man can try kegel exercises. The advantage of training is the strengthening and control of orgasm. Such manipulations can be performed anywhere and anytime. . , . . . , .

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Self-satisfaction is normal at any frequency and frequency, but only if it does not interfere with intimacy with a partner and life in general. In the event that masturbation completely replaces sex (not only during the absence of a partner), this is not quite the norm. It is necessary to address a psychotherapist or sexologist with such a problem. It is better to go to an appointment with your soulmate to restore harmony in the relationship. An alarming symptom is a lack of understanding why to enter into a relationship at all, if "everything can be done independently."

Can't reach an orgasm with a partner, but only on your own? This is a common problem for women. The fact is that the female orgasm is more complicated than the male one, and the psychological features are very different. It is much easier for a woman to stimulate herself in such a way as to have fun, but everyone is ready to speak frankly with a partner. A good way out of the situation is to show the man how the woman herself does it. This is a way to get closer and show trust in each other. And if the representative of the fair sex cannot experience the pleasure of masturbation, then this means that she does not know her body well or has certain psychological blockages. In men, such a problem practically does not happen. Women can be recommended either to take the time to get acquainted with their body, or turn to a good sexologist who will help solve the problem.

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