Before drawing Pinocchio, let's try to figure out what kind of character this is and how it differs from the overseas Pinocchio. Firstly, the hero of our fairy tale is a kind, sympathetic and cheerful boy from the very beginning of the story. Pinocchio becomes good at the very end of the story. Secondly, Pinocchio's nose is constantly the same length. In Pinocchio, he gets bigger if he lies. Thirdly, the character of our fairy tale has many friends, and as he travels, there are only more of them.
Important place
Therefore, it is impossible to imagine how to draw Pinocchio without friends. His good friends are Arlekino, the sad Pierrot, cutie Malvina and her smart poodle Artemon. The wise Turtle Tortilla also favors this restless good boy.
This all distinguishes him from the overseas Pinocchio, who does not know how to make friends at all. Pinocchio is much kinder and more open than its foreign counterpart. Therefore, to draw our hero of a fairy tale should be cheerful, smiling, with a perky look and friends on the sides.
What do we need?
To create the image we need landscape paper, two simple pencils (one semi-solid, the other soft), an eraser. If you want to get a picture in color, then you should also prepare brushes, paints, a palette and a jar of water. And now more about how to draw Pinocchio with a pencil in stages.
Action one
We will portray our fairy-tale character together with friends - melancholy sad Pierrot and beautiful Malvina with blue hair.
We draw on paper several match men: a couple of ordinary people, and the future girl, of course, in a skirt. This is Malvina, and she always wore pretty dresses.
Action two
To the heroes of our sketch we finish the bodies, arms, legs, heads. Of course, how to draw Pinocchio, if not in a cap and with a golden key in his hands. We depict Malvina holding a handkerchief in peas to match her hair. Pierrot will be with a bouquet of flowers.
Action Three
We will pay utmost attention to what our fairy-tale heroes are dressed in , because in our drawing they dance with joy. It is very important to convey correctly the movements that they perform. Therefore, you need to clearly and in the right places draw the folds of clothing and its shape, buttons, hats, boots and other little things. It is necessary that, having cast a glance even with a cursory glance, one could understand that the children are happy.
Action four
We only have a little left, but this is a very important detail - the faces of the heroes. How to draw Pinocchio without a face? No way.
Therefore, we depict a
long nose and other features. Everything seems to be ready, take a last look at our picture, add shadows to the clothes. To prevent our heroes from hanging in the air, we depict green grass under our feet.
Action five
It must be done only if you want to colorize the picture. We take a brush and carefully, step by step, we revive our drawing. From above we add strokes of folds and, of course, shadows.
Here's how to draw Pinocchio and Malvina, as well as their friend Pierrot.