Wallpaper for the bathroom - an unexpected solution

It is obvious that the decoration of the bathroom is most often done with ceramic tiles. But despite this, there are many who want to see wallpaper on the walls of this room. This material will not only help to save money, but also will realize the original interior ideas.

Each finishing material is designed to design a specific room. Wallpaper for the bathroom has its pros and cons.

wallpaper for the bathroom

There is no doubt that the main drawback of wallpaper for a bathroom is its reaction to moisture - everyone knows how easily paper spoils under the influence of moisture. Therefore, it is believed that this material is not very suitable for finishing the bathroom.

Fortunately, now such a drawback can be easily prevented and prevented by selecting material for wet rooms. Do not forget about the benefits of wallpaper:

- the price for bathroom wallpaper is affordable, in addition there is the opportunity to stick them on their own;

- You can change the boring picture as often as you want;

- wallpaper for the bathroom have a wider selection of patterns and shades than tiles or plastic.

Having appreciated all the advantages and disadvantages of this material, you can make a final decision. It is necessary to make the right choice so that your work would not be in vain.

Washable wallpaper for the bathroom has a special coating that prevents the penetration of wet vapors into the depths of the fibers of the material. This will protect them from delamination and swelling, and thus extend their service life. Washable wallpaper for bathrooms (the photo you see in this article) is easily cleaned from a variety of contaminants and will last you long enough, maintaining its original appearance.

wallpaper for bathroom Price

There is another type of material that is ideal for wet rooms. This wallpaper is vinyl for the bathroom. They are able to withstand repeated contact with water, not to mention evaporation and moisture. The disadvantage of this material can be considered only a high cost, which is not available to everyone. They will serve you for a really long time.

Water-based plaster is called liquid wallpaper. After completion of work, it becomes immune to steam and water. Before starting work with liquid wallpaper, it is necessary to primer the walls in the bathroom with a special composition, and then fix them with water-repellent varnish.

The unique material is cullet. They do not absorb moisture at all, therefore they are very popular in the decoration of rooms with high humidity. They can be easily painted, and therefore, it is quite simple to achieve the desired color and as a result get the desired interior. In addition, you can update the color or completely change it at any time.

wallpaper for bathrooms photo

Wallpapering in the bathroom is not at all difficult. It is enough to follow certain rules and choose the right material. Monophonic wallpapers are considered classic. But you can pick them up in the form of original panels - divide, combine colors. Bright wallpapers with a large pattern look beautiful, but it should be remembered that they visually reduce the room. But if your bathroom is spacious enough, then this should not scare you.

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