Stalking - what is it? Carlos Castaneda teaching stalking model

Stalking (translated from English as "persecution") is a term that began to be used widely in the late 90s of the twentieth century. This is a dangerous psychological and social phenomenon. In this article we will try to understand what stalking is.

stalking what is it


Stalking is the unwanted or intrusive attention of an individual or group of people in relation to another person. This concept is associated with harassment and intimidation. This term may also include victim tracking. The meaning of the word "stalking" is used by various professionals in psychiatry and psychology, and is also used in legal practice as a term for a criminal offense. In simple terms, this is a form of harassment and harassment.

stalking translation

According to a 2002 report by the US National Center, virtually any unwanted contact between two people that directly or indirectly poses a threat or puts a victim at risk can be considered stalking, although in practice the legal standard looks somewhat different.

The concept of stalking

The difficulties associated with defining this concept are well documented. Need to figure out what it is? Stalking as a concept can be defined as intentional and repeated persecution, surveillance of another person.

stalking pursuit

It is known that from the sixteenth century strollers were called strollers or poachers. Broadly, the term "stalker" began to be used by the media in the 20th century to describe people who molest and mock others, initially with a specific reference to the persecution of celebrities by strangers. Previously, this concept was called obsession, but the media introduced a new concept of stalking (in translation - persecution).

The use of this word was probably coined by the tabloid press in the United States. Over time, the meaning of the word “stalking” changed, it began to mean also the people who are being persecuted by their former partners.

stalking meaning of the word

Scientists describe the persecution as "a type of behavior in which the individual makes repeated unwanted interference in another person’s personal life." The concept of stalking is quite complex, and many scientists interpret it differently. However, unlike other crimes, which are usually associated with a single action, the prosecution is a series of actions that occur over a period of time.

The boundaries of the law of stalking

Although stalking is illegal in most countries of the world, some of the actions may be legal, such as gathering information, calling someone on the phone, sending gifts, sending emails. They become illegal when they violate the legal definition of stalking, for example, an action such as sending a message is usually not illegal, but will be unlawful when this happens regularly and the person does not want to come into contact with the stalker.

For example, the law of the United Kingdom states that an incident must occur twice and the stalker must understand that his behavior is unacceptable, for example: two phone calls to a stranger, two gifts, etc.

article for stalking in Russia

The United States Violence Against Women Act 2005 defines harassment as behavior directed at a specific person that could cause a reasonable person to fear for his or her own safety or that of others. Unfortunately, in Russia there is no article for stalking. However, if a stalker began to directly threaten life or health, then there is an article for threats, which provides for serious responsibility.

Stalking Psychology

People characterized by psychologists as stalkers may mistakenly believe that another person loves them (erotomania) or that someone needs salvation. Harassment can sometimes result in a series of actions that may themselves be legal, such as making phone calls, sending gifts, or sending emails.

Stalkers can use threats and violence to intimidate their victims. They can also commit aggressive acts and cause material damage. Sometimes it can come down to physical attacks, which are mainly designed to intimidate. Less common are sexual assaults.

For example, in the UK, most stalkers are former lovers or spouses. Statistics show that victim stalking, which is shown in the media, occurs only in a small percentage of cases.

A study by British police found that the Law on Protection from Persecution is applied by the courts mainly to address a number of issues such as home and neighbor stalking, and in police practice there are rarely cases that would resemble thriller films.

Psychological impact on the victim

The discomfort in the everyday life of stalking victims is necessary in order to break out of the vicious circle. Victims have to change jobs, place of residence and phone numbers. All of this can adversely affect the well-being of the victim and lead to feelings of isolation.

According to psychologist Lambert Royakkers, who studied the problem of stalking, prosecution is a form of mental attack in which the offender repeatedly breaks into the victim’s life without her consent, with which he has no relationship (or no longer).

In addition, it can be said that individual actions of the stalker alone do not harm the victim’s mental health, but if they turn into a system, they do tremendous harm to the stalking victim. Persecution usually affects women.

Types of stalking

Working with victims of persecution for eight years in Australia, Mullen and Pate identified different types of stalking victims, depending on their previous relationship with the stalker.

Previous relationship: victims who were in a previous intimate relationship with their stalker. In this article, Mullen and Pate describe this as the most numerous category. The most common type of victims are women who have previously met a male persecutor. They are more likely to experience violence if they entered into an intimate relationship with a stalker, especially if the offender already had a criminal past. It was also found that victims who had a short-term relationship with a stalker were less likely to experience violence.

Random acquaintances and friends: among the victims of this type of persecution, men are the majority. This category of victims also includes harassment by neighbors. This can lead to a change in the victim's place of residence.

Professional contacts: these are victims who have been harassed by patients, clients, or students with whom they have had a professional relationship. Some professions, such as healthcare providers, teachers, and lawyers, are at higher risk for stalking.

kind of harassment

Workplace contacts: Persecutors in this category typically visit victims in the workplace. A stalker can be an employer, employee or client. When a victim is subjected to stalking in the workplace, this poses a threat not only to her safety, but also to the safety of others.

Strangers: this category of victims, as a rule, does not know how they began to be persecuted, because stalkers of this type receive simply moral satisfaction from surveillance.

Celebrities: most of the victims in this category are people who are largely famous singers and actors who appear in the media. But politicians and athletes can become objects of stalking. For many years, Madonna and singer Björk from their crazy fans, for example, were subjected to stalking.

Stalking is also sometimes described as a form of close relationship between the parties when two participants have opposing goals in communication. One of the parties, often a woman, probably wants to completely end the relationship, but cannot do this for any reason. Another participant, often but not always a man, wants to develop a relationship. This type of persecution is often considered a close relationship, because such a relationship can be lengthy and intense, and may sound like a full-fledged relationship.

Gender features of stalking

According to an authoritative study on stalking, women are more likely to pursue other women and less often men, and men, as a rule, women. A 2009 report by the United States Department of Justice reports that men are harassed by both women and men. 43% of the victims of male persecution said that the stalker was female, and 41% - that the offender was a man. Women who are victims of persecution say they were persecuted by men (67%). The report contains voluminous data on the gender and nationality of stalkers and their victims, and the study also contained some data on their motivation for committing a crime. Although the persecutors themselves often claim that their actions are dictated by great feeling, love or jealousy. According to psychologists, the true motivation for stalkers is the desire to establish control over their victim.

The behavior of stalkers is traditionally cyclical in nature and in this is similar to everyday bullying: starting with attempts to “show your love”, sending letters, flowers or gifts to the victim, the stalker then goes on to insults and threats that he can ultimately realize in reality.

According to scientists, gender plays a large role in the behavior of the pursuer and the victim. It is argued that gender affects the type of emotional reactions experienced by stalking victims related to the degree of fear and anxiety. Sex also affects how the police act in the event of a stalking, how the victim copes with the situation, and how the stalker motivates his behavior. It is also important to note that in the United Kingdom, Australia and the United States, stalking of unknown people is perceived as a more dangerous type than the persecution of the victim’s former partners.

Types of pursuers

Psychologists often categorize the people who are persecuted into two categories: those who suffer from psychosis and do not suffer from any kind of mental illness. Stalkers may have some kind of mental disorder, such as delusional disorder, schizo-affective disorder, or schizophrenia. Most stalkers do not suffer from any mental disability, but may have a psychological disorder or neurosis. It can be disorders such as depression, an adaptation disorder or a dependence on psychoactive substances, as well as various personality disorders (such as sociopathy, borderline disorder, various addictions, narcissism or paranoia).

Some of the symptoms of harassment may be characteristic of obsessive-compulsive personality disorder. For mentally healthy stalkers, victim persecution can be triggered by various psychological factors, such as anger, hostility, projection of guilt, obsession, addiction, denial, and jealousy. And vice versa, as often happens, the stalker does not have negative emotions in relation to the victim, but simply the desire to possess and control the object of desire, which cannot be fulfilled.

Stalking Protection

A person who is subjected to stalking reasonably asks a question about how to protect himself from stalking. Firstly, the victim must directly tell the persecutor that she does not want to communicate with this person and does not want to see him. You should also avoid soft vague expressions (“it will be seen,” “possibly in the future”) in response to his request to meet or start anew communication. After the position has been clearly expressed, it is necessary to completely stop communication: avoid contacts on social networks, do not communicate by phone, do not agree to transmit anything through friends. All this in the future can be interpreted by your friends and relatives, as well as by the stalker himself as a desire to continue communication with the pursuer. How to get rid of stalking that has already crossed all possible boundaries? If a person begins to threaten with beating, murder, rape, then you must immediately contact the police and file an application for the offender.

Castaneda's Stalking Theory

The word stalking also has a second meaning - it is one of the esoteric concepts developed by the American mystic and psychology doctor Carlos Castaneda.

In his works, he mentions such a concept as “awareness”, and one of the technologies that Castaneda advises to use to achieve it is stalking.

stalking castaneda

What is Castaneda staling? This is a technique for tracking your feelings and emotions, as well as observing the world that surrounds it, in order to increase control over your personality and find more productive ways to interact with reality and other people. The doctrine has certain postulates.

Castaneda Stalking Principles:

  • Choose a battlefield - a warrior never goes into battle, not knowing what surrounds him.
  • Discard all unnecessary.
  • Concentrate fully and decide whether to join the battle or not, any battle is a battle for life. No need to complicate things. The goal should be simple.
  • To relax, to give up obsessive desires, not to be afraid of anything, only then will forces come that will open the road and help us.
  • When faced with tasks that cannot be solved, the warriors retreat for a moment, they let their mind relax, they take their time with something else.
  • A warrior appreciates time, even moments count. A second is an eternity, an eternity that can decide the outcome. After all, the main goal is success.
  • A warrior never puts himself in the foreground.

The warrior, in the terminology of Castnedy, is a conscious person, a person of "knowledge", a kind of wizard.

Applying Carlos Castaneda's stalking rules in everyday life means putting the little things to the fore, as they lead to the basic issues of life. The term "controlled stupidity" means applying the seven principles of stalking to everything that the individual does - from the most trivial acts in life to the most important.

The history of the teachings of Castaneda

Carlos Castaneda claimed that he was lucky enough to meet an Indian from the Yak tribe, the magician Juan Matus from Mexico, in the 60s, which completely changed his life. At first, Castaneda, as part of his activities at the University of California, wanted to study the botanical flora, and it was with this purpose that he turned to don Juan, who was an expert on native plants. By happy coincidence they brought together a common friend. According to Castaneda, later don Juan, who considered himself to belong to the tradition of magicians (Toltecs), chose him as a student on the basis of a special feature, which don Juan called the special structure of his energy field. Further, it turned out that Juan saw in him the head of a group of clairvoyants who would be able to continue the line of magicians to which don Juan belonged. Based on the books of Carlos Castaneda, the “magic power” of these esotericists was the ability to change their perception, which, according to the doctrine, allows to radically expand and even change the idea of ​​life in general. All this is described in the book of Carlos Castaneda, The Teachings of Don Juan, Yaqi Way of Knowledge - translated into Russian - "The Teachings of don Juan: The Way of Knowledge of the Yak Indians."

In fact, the Toltec magic is not clown tricks, but a technique for expanding perception beyond the boundaries of a person known to him. This is the answer to the question of what it is - Castaneda stalking. Such magic does not aim at power over other individuals, interference in their fate, health and relationships. The goal is the so-called combustion in the fire within - the achievement of a different form of life in the energy body.

According to Castaneda, the Indian Juan showed his students a way of life that was different from the usual, and called him the Way of the warrior, or the Way of awareness. As the basis of the Warrior's Path, don Juan saw the understanding that people (like other living beings) are those who perceive.

This concept had a broader meaning than the word "perceiving." A person, according to his teachings, perceives, in fact, the ready-made reality of the world around him, and his perception constantly interprets the energy signals that the cosmos and the universe emit, creating in his head his own model of the world (which he considers to be the world itself). The whole world is pure energy, from which perception creates its own concept of world outlook.

It is believed that, no matter how complete the knowledge of man, it is limited.The area of ​​the perceived and realized, traditionally known to human attention, is quite small and does not reflect all the facets of the universe. The habitual world of any individual is only a small part of the incomprehensible universe. However, the ability to perceive, in the concept of Juan, can be done better by applying the “Way of the Warrior” - a practical technique whose ultimate goal is to energetically change the person and obtain “full awareness”. The ability to perceive energy waves is called vision, and the corresponding intention is considered a prerequisite for this.

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