How to throw a girl beautifully ?!

Romantic relationships are not always built in the way we would like. The ardor fades, interest disappears, and young people begin to think about how to leave the girl. It only at first glance seems simple. But in reality, everything is not so simple ... Tears, tantrums and sometimes unpredictable girlish antics often accompany the process of parting. In order to minimize these unpleasant scenes as much as possible, it will not hurt to know how to leave a girl properly .

To begin with, you should make sure that this is, indeed, your true desire and you will not have to regret it later. Well, then you need to have the courage and take the decisive step. At the same time, do not forget the golden rule of separation: “Throwing a girl should be so that she does not hold an evil on you.” Believe me, this is very important. Unnecessary conflicts, troubles and people against you are not needed by anyone at this time. Keeping friends after separation is not easy, but possible. And if you're a smart guy, that’s what you’ll try to do. At the same time, keep in mind that it will depend on you how painful and offensive the representative of the fair sex will be. To offend and insult her is not at all worth it. It will not be easier for anyone.

When thinking about how to leave a girl, you should not try to find ways to get away from a direct conversation with her and do it, as they say "behind her." And although this is not at all simple, a frank conversation with her face-to-face or “eye to eye” is a sure way to solve this problem. Learn to be brave always and in everything. And no matter how painful your ex-girlfriend is, she will appreciate it over time. Reproaches and manifestations of discontent at such a time are not the best helpers. You should not tell the girl that the reason for the separation lies in her, and that her nit-picking just got you. It’s better to “take a hit on yourself”, explaining to her that the reason lies only in you, and there is no guilt in her parting. Better that the girl thinks that you are not a permanent person and it will be difficult for you to maintain relationships with any of the fair sex for a long time.

Consider your every step and word when deciding how to leave the girl. And be sure to decide for yourself how to build the parting process: do it quickly, just telling the girl about your firm decision to leave, or give her time to think what was said to you and try to brighten up unpleasant words with your actions: comforting gestures (for example, stroking your hands), affectionate words and so forth. Here it is up to you to decide. Advice in such a situation is quite difficult to give, if only because it would not hurt to know about your temperamental features and characteristics of the girl.

The thought of how to leave the girl still does not leave you? Then some more little tips. Once and for all firmly understand that if you nevertheless decided to leave, in no case should the girl be allowed to hope that everything can still be returned. It is certainly worth convincing her that there is no turning back and cannot be, and that your decision is firm and irrevocable. If a girl hopes to call you periodically, you shouldn’t be rude and rude, drop the phone too. Talk to her gently and patiently, but each time let her know that today - you are only a friend to her. On offers to meet also gently but convincingly inform that this is impossible and completely worthless. Your firmness and inflexibility are your faithful helpers in this case. Over time, your ex-girlfriend’s hope will fade and your calls will stop.

Well, in conclusion, I want to say that having made a firm and adamant decision to break off relations with your sweetheart, think about how to leave the girl beautifully. Yes, it is beautiful. Any act of a real man should be just that. It will be 1-0 in your favor ...

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