Ladybug Tattoo: Exquisite Beauty

Since ancient times, man has been striving for beauty and self-expression. That is why a tattoo is a great way to demonstrate your personality. Recently, ladybug tattoos have become increasingly popular among both men and women. What does this image on the body mean? What is the reason for the great demand for this undercarriage? Let's figure it out.

Ladybug tattoo

Ladybug Tattoo: Meaning

Insects cause a wide range of feelings in people: they are unpleasant to some, others are afraid and disgusted at their sight, and others admire them. The ladybug tattoo carries an image of light, kindness and positive, in contrast to images of scary spiders or other creeping animals. This cute, friendly bug is considered a symbol of happiness, good luck and love. It is also believed that the image of a ladybug on the body helps with childbirth.

In Catholic countries, the image of the insect is associated with the face of the Virgin Mary, and its red color is associated with its cloak. In addition, many nations of the world gave the ladybug a certain divinity. People believed that bugs live in heaven and are a bridge that helps people communicate with higher powers. There are many reasons for choosing such a tattoo (ladybug). Its meaning can be interpreted in different ways, but, clearly, the wearable image of a small insect will become a powerful talisman for its owner.

What part of the body is suitable for tattoos?

A picture can be placed anywhere without problems. Due to its small size, the bug can settle on any part of the body. Ladybug Tattoo will look great behind the ear, on the neck, collarbone, back or leg. The drawing can be hidden from prying eyes, allowing only the closest people to admire it, and put on public display. If you want your personality to be visible to everyone, you should place the Ladybug tattoo on your wrist.

ladybug tattoo meaning

What can complement the picture?

A miniature image will endow its owner with tenderness, sentimentality or, on the contrary, sexuality - it all depends on the chosen place and related elements. You can complement the picture with flowers, leaves, hearts. Often, along with a ladybug, they draw another insect, sometimes bearing the opposite meaning. Sometimes it is placed on a particular plant. For example, the tattoo “Ladybug on clover” guarantees its owner the attraction of luck in double size. Images of a friendly bug coupled with a horseshoe are also popular.

Clover Ladybug Tattoo

In addition, the ladybug itself can be captured in different ways, from which its meaning can be interpreted differently. For example, the number of dark spots on the body of an insect has a different semantic load:

  • One is help in new endeavors. Everything conceived will certainly go like clockwork. Any business will be on your shoulder.
  • Two spots - the acquisition of inner harmony.
  • Three - making the right decisions. No one and nothing can lead astray.
  • Four points - protection from bad people, bandits or bad company.
  • Five spots - help in the work.
  • Six is ​​the acquisition of new knowledge.
  • Seven spots are a guarantee of unlimited happiness.

Who should choose a ladybug tattoo?

Contrary to the prevailing opinion that the underwear of a ladybug is exclusively a woman’s weakness, it is worth noting: more and more men also prefer this image. We repeat that the bug can be paired with another insect or supplemented with some aggressive element. Most often, a tattoo with a ladybug is preferred by romantic, delicate natures. Due to its compact size, the drawing is perfect for a shy person who wants to express himself. It will also decorate an individual who wants to experiment, but is afraid of massive, “binding” tattoos. Tattoo will fit into any image. It will not attract too much attention to itself, but it will not go unnoticed. You will surely arouse the interest of others and emphasize your individuality.

Ladybug Tattoo

Body painting is a personal matter for everyone. Before deciding to visit a salon, you must completely make sure that you want to decorate your body. Decide what you want to say to your environment. The choice should be taken with all seriousness and responsibility, because the process of applying a tattoo is not only painful, but also quite expensive. The same applies to the procedure for removing a boring picture.

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