Cones on the labia appear if a woman has a large gland inflammation (doctors call it Bartholin), which is located at the entrance to the vagina. This is due to an abscess resulting from blockage of the excretory duct of the gland.
Why does bartholinitis begin - a non-specific inflammation of the gland? The causes of its occurrence may be pathogenic microorganisms, bacteria and other pathogens of infectious diseases. Sexually transmitted diseases such as trichomoniasis, chlamydia, gonorrhea, staphylococci can also cause purulent formation in anticipation of the vagina.
If a woman is unclean during menstruation, after childbirth, if she likes to wear synthetic clothes, this can also cause education on the labia. Therefore, it is so important to always follow the rules of personal hygiene and wear clothing made from natural fabrics.
In addition, bumps on the labia may also appear after an abortion, when a purulent abscess may begin in the bartholin gland .
If the ball on the labia appeared during pregnancy, this indicates the presence of infection in the vagina or urethra, and a decrease in immunity in the female body. Bartholinitis during the period of carrying a child can pose a threat to the fetus and even provoke a miscarriage. In this case, the main thing is to identify the causative agent of the disease, because trichomonads and gonococci cause various pathologies when they enter the childβs body and negatively affect its development in the womb.
The gestational age at which bumps on the labia arose is extremely important. If at an early date (up to the thirteenth week) - the child may die. Therefore, if any formations appear on the labia of a pregnant woman, an urgent need to consult a specialist to identify the origin of these cones and begin treatment with special antibiotics. Alternative medicine for the treatment of bartholinitis should be used very carefully. Under the close supervision of a doctor and with the careful implementation of all his instructions and prescriptions, bartholinitis during pregnancy can be cured without any consequences for the unborn baby.
If the gynecologist after the examination has diagnosed "bartolinitis", treatment should be started immediately. Indeed, in neglected form, this disease can be accompanied by fever, high (up to 40 Β° C) temperature, loss of strength, irritability, purulent discharge, headaches, and general malaise. Cones on the labia, if left untreated, can grow to such an extent that it will be painful and difficult to move and require surgical intervention with the opening and removal of the abscess. Even if the abscess itself opens, it is not a fact that after some time a new formation will not appear on the labia again.
Any disease, if left untreated, becomes chronic over time. So bartholinitis will accompany a woman all her life if she starts this disease. Cones on the labia, pain, abscesses, etc. will appear, as soon as the woman is too cold, she will get a cold or a viral disease. With a decrease in her immunity, even with normal menstruation, formations on the labia may again appear, drawing pain in the area affected by the infection of the bartholin gland. When having sexual intercourse, a woman may feel discomfort and pain. And over time, the transformation of the ball into a large cyst is possible.
How to cure education on the labia? The doctor usually prescribes therapy in several stages. At first, the disease is treated with heat: baths and compresses with herbs, then the ball (or cyst) is removed. In parallel, antibiotic treatment is ongoing. There are alternative methods of treating bumps on the labia, but such therapy should be carried out in a complex with the doctor's prescription.