Merry holiday of Neptune. Scenario for children and adults

neptune holiday script

Neptune Day is perhaps the most fun summer holiday filled with water activities, jokes and contests. Children from their summer camps will always remember this miracle - the day when you can swim to the "blue lips", indulge, smear clay and paste, create other eccentricities with impunity. From his childhood, each person can extract special memories of how the holiday of Neptune took place. The scenario was remembered by one only when the King of the Seas with his retinue straight out of the blue waves, others liked the competitions or general diving, others remember funny jokes. How can you come up with your original holiday so that all the participants then remember it for a long time?

Holiday Background

It is necessary to take into account where this joyful day came from. It is believed that it was invented by ancient sailors, who introduced the tradition of dipping young sailors, who first crossed the equator, into the deep sea. So the “salaga” became the “sea wolf”. Subsequently, this tradition became the basis of the festival of Neptune. The scenario of the event necessarily includes the “baptism” (dipping) of those who first time relaxing at sea. There is another story of the holiday. Neptune, as the patron saint of the sea, was revered by the ancient Greeks - the famous sailors. It was from them that the tradition came to pay respect to the King of the Seas, so that he would not send storms and storms to the sailors, help them in travels. In principle, the source of the idea no longer matters much. The holiday has taken root, adults and children are looking forward to it, anticipating exciting adventures that lift the mood and delight.

neptune day holiday script

Neptune Day: Holiday Script for Kids

How is this day going? The King of the Sea himself , his retinue, mermaid and Vodyanaya are the main characters that entertain children on the feast of Neptune. The script needs to be saturated with all kinds of competitions and water games. He must be very dynamic and positive. Children love “disordered” entertainments, that is, those games and contests that use as few rules as possible. On Neptune Day, it would be nice to make pirates and devils out of all the children present. After the performance, they will be happy to wash off their makeup in the waters of an open reservoir. Do not forget to dip everyone present in the water, creating an impromptu “equator” at the venue of the holiday. Tip: Neptune Day is usually celebrated at the end of July. In order not to worry about the health of the children, which may suffer from numerous uncontrolled bathing, set a date on the hottest day in this period.

Neptune holiday adult script
Neptune Holiday: Adult Scenario

As in the children's holiday, the characters of the marine inhabitants are the main ones. Only adult "sailors" can arrange more serious tests, fill the script with jokes "more salt-colored". Usually, mermaids play the main role, luring the participants of the holiday into the deep sea, where they are picked up by Vodyanoy and “baptized”. Usually, there are many who want to take part in the contest “Saving the Drowning People”. If the holiday is arranged not in a close group, but at the “general public”, then one or two “random” participants in clothes (from among the organizers) can be dipped into the pond. Such entertainment will be a great success. Do not forget that if maritime competitions for children are already rewards and entertainment, then adults need to be encouraged to participate in competitions on the occasion of Neptune. The adult scenario should include prizes for participants or other rewards for those who dare to go public.

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