Is it possible to prevent a miscarriage at home

A miscarriage is a spontaneous abortion when, for one reason or another, the body rejects the fetal egg. Among the unfavorable factors are previous medical abortions, especially artificial termination of the first pregnancy, infectious diseases, adverse conditions, in particular poor nutrition, abuse, hormonal imbalance and other physiological abnormalities, chemical and radiation pollution of the environment, but the most common cause of miscarriage is genetic inferiority of the fetus. Despite the fact that it is believed that physical activity, weight lifting, or strong feelings can provoke a miscarriage at home, in fact, they account for only a small percentage of such cases, and then, perhaps, they are associated with other available risk factors. Some women try to make a miscarriage at home by lifting weights and jumping from a height, but this turns out to be absolutely ineffective - it is almost impossible to terminate a healthy pregnancy by natural means, but there is still such a risk. The vast majority of miscarriages occur in the first 20 weeks of pregnancy - about 99%.

Recognizing a miscarriage at home is quite difficult: it has a rather vague symptomatology. For example, typical signs of miscarriage are bloody discharge and lower back pain of varying severity, and sometimes for several weeks, but at the same time, these symptoms do not mean that it is necessarily a miscarriage - more than half of pregnant women who subsequently gave birth to term, noted them at home, however, if they occur, you still need to immediately consult a specialist. In this case, it is better to play it safe and call an ambulance, as you may need hospitalization or at least a thorough examination. In a hospital, it is much easier to stop the adverse development of the situation, while preventing a miscarriage at home is almost impossible even with the help of specialists.

Also, symptoms indicating the threat of a miscarriage are cramping pains in the lower back and lower abdomen, frequent stools, discharge with thick inclusions, the appearance of nausea, true contractions and the disappearance of signs of pregnancy. If any of these symptoms are detected, the doctor conducting the pregnancy diagnoses a “threatened miscarriage” and recommends that the pregnant woman lie down for preservation, because if a miscarriage starts at home, it will be extremely difficult to stop it, not only due to the lack of special means and equipment, but also because even with an emergency call for medical help, a lot of time will still be missed.

Despite the fact that it is very difficult to prevent a miscarriage at home, because it occurs most often for reasons such as genetic abnormalities in the fetus or physiological problems in the mother, something can still be done to prevent it. Firstly, the expectant mother must be in good physical shape: with a moderately active lifestyle and sufficiently developed muscles, the probability of a normal pregnancy increases significantly. The weight of a woman, both before pregnancy and during it should be within reasonable limits: its excess, as well as its lack, increase the risk of pregnancy pathologies. All kinds of stimulants, for example, such as caffeine, significantly increase the risk of miscarriage, so it’s important not only to stop drinking caffeinated drinks or at least sharply limit their quantity, but also to carefully monitor the composition of the medications taken, including vitamin complexes and bioadditives, which often also include stimulating components. If previous pregnancies previously ended in a miscarriage, you will likely have to abandon sex, at least in the first trimester of pregnancy.

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