Stevia - No. 1 Sweetener for Healthy and Diabetic Nutrition

Without sugar, itโ€™s hard to imagine the life of a modern person. The desire to enjoy something sweet and tasty arises in us in early childhood. Nothing changes in adulthood: many still prefer to while away the evening, enjoying delicious pastries or a delicious biscuit cake. During the consumption of sugar, endorphins (hormones of joy) are produced, which is why our buns and donuts so quickly increase our mood so amazingly and life seems beautiful and cloudless.

Two sides of the same coin

The familiar name โ€œsugarโ€ in the scientific world has a slightly different name - sucrose. Normal blood glucose is 80-120 mg per 100 ml. There are times when taking glucose is vital for a person. For example, the introduction of glucose into a vein is practiced by many doctors in case of poisoning or the development of liver diseases. It is she who is able to maintain the barrier function of the liver.

There are times when excessive sugar intake negatively affects human health. For example, with diabetes. Sometimes high blood glucose leads to problems such as diseases of the cardiovascular, nervous system, dysbiosis, obesity, skin lesions.

If a person is predisposed to any diseases, then sugar can be one of the reasons, so to speak, as a catalyst for the development of these diseases. For example, this applies to people predisposed to diabetes.

Glucose, which the body needs as an energy source, is transported into the cells by insulin. In people with diabetes, this process is disrupted due to a lack of a hormone of peptide nature. Glucose remains in the blood without entering the cells. Unnatural โ€œsugaringโ€ and the defeat of all vital systems of the body occur.

These are the two sides of the same coin. On the one hand, sugar gives us strength, on the other hand, it is not always beneficial for the body. The prerequisites laid the foundation for the development of sweeteners. It was these substances that were called to replace sugar as the most important energy source in those cases when it was necessary.

In search of a unique sweetener

Sugar substitutes may be:

  • synthetic - aspartame, saccharin, suclamate;
  • natural - xylitol, sorbitol, fructose.

Artificial sweeteners, with all their convenience and ease of use, in some cases can have a negative effect on the body. Therefore, some of them are prohibited for use in the food industry. For example, saccharin has been banned in the United States since 1981, and health labels have been written on the packaging. Natural substitutes are not recommended for diabetics, as they increase blood sugar levels.

Years of research in search of a useful sugar substitute have led to the fact that Stevia, a honey grass with sweet glycosides (steviosides) that have beneficial effects on all vital systems of the human body, should take a worthy place in the diet of healthy and diabetic foods.

Stevia is a food product of modern man

The homeland of Stevia is considered Central and South America. In wildlife, Stevia can be found even in Mexico. Grass grows on the plains or mountain slopes. Stevia is propagated by seeds, but many of them die. Therefore, to get a good harvest, Stevia is cultivated. The leaves of this plant are 10-15 times sweeter than sugar, and the extract is 100-300 times sweeter.

With the constant use of products containing steviosides (glycoside from Stevia extract), a positive effect on the body is noted:

  • regulation of blood glucose;
  • increased vascular strength;
  • increased insulin synthesis;
  • decrease in allergic reactions;
  • weight loss;
  • normalization of blood pressure;
  • strengthening immunity.

The composition of the leaves of Stevia contains glycosides, amino acids, essential oils, polyunsaturated fatty acids, pectins, vitamins B1, B2, C, E. Stevia has an anti-allergenic, sedative, diuretic, choleretic effect. Regular use of herbs helps strengthen immunity.

Stevia sweetener is recommended as part of the prevention and comprehensive treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, cardiovascular system, oral cavity, respiratory system. Also, with psycho-emotional disorders, the use of Stevia has a positive effect.

In 1990, at the IX World Symposium on Diabetes and Longevity, held in China, Stevia was awarded a gold prize. The world has learned that there is such a medicinal herb that can increase the level of human bioenergetic capabilities.

Stevia leaf extract is versatile in cooking. It can be added to baked goods, cereals, desserts, salads, any drinks, and also used for canning.

The right choice of products with stevioside

Currently, many suppliers of these products have appeared on the Russian market. To make the right choice, you need to pay attention to the fact that the quality of the product based on Stevia extracts depends on:

  • The quality of the raw materials. (Depends on the conditions for caring for the plant, as well as on the growth zone of Stevia, the method of harvesting and harvesting of raw materials).
  • Quality processing of finished raw materials. (Since bitterness is felt in the leaves at the initial stage, the quality of processing of raw materials directly affects the taste properties of the final product. Bitterness decreases due to an increase in the percentage of rebaudioside).

Stevia Industry LLC uses high-tech equipment for the selection and processing of raw materials. Therefore, the company's products are of the highest quality.

The company presents a line of natural sugar substitutes:

  • in liquid form in bottles with a dropper;
  • dry extract in the form of portioned disposable sachets "Sachet";
  • Forms specifically designed for specific applications (e.g. cooking).

People suffering from diabetes mellitus, as well as all those who want to lead a healthy lifestyle, are offered products containing pure Stevia extract without the addition of Saccharin, Sucralose and other substitutes. This line includes the Stevita liquid series with and without flavors, as well as a chocolate mixture sweetened with Stevia extract.

Products containing Stevia extract with the addition of saccharin, sucralose or sodium cyclamate (to reduce the cost of production and get a balanced sweet taste) are suitable for people seeking a healthy lifestyle and are not suitable for people with diabetes.

The raw materials and extracts of Stevia with a high concentration and a high degree of purification - Stevioside and Rebaudiazid-A - are intended for industrial use, since due to the high degree of concentration of the substance and the high price, they are not suitable for use at home.

Where can I buy Stevia?

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If you are interested in the products of our company, feel free to click on one of the links:

  • - On the benefits of stevia, briefly and clearly, there are videos and concise articles; comparison with other sweeteners; the site has a complete product catalog with the possibility of online ordering and door-to-door delivery in the Russian Federation; the catalog can also be downloaded in PDF format;
  • - stevioside (degree of purification 95%); can be bought online, delivered within 24 hours.

On our official website you can familiarize yourself with the assortment, as well as find out prices for goods and place an order.

We offer convenient delivery conditions for you:

  • pickup from our office in Moscow;
  • Courier in Moscow within the Moscow Ring Road;
  • by courier in Moscow outside the Moscow Ring Road and in the nearest Moscow region;
  • transport company in the cities of Russia.

Stevia is a source of strength, health and vitality!

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