Proteipers in dentistry: types, description, characteristics and application

Proteipers in dentistry is an improved version of the world's most popular endodontic system of nickel-titanium devices, which meets the requirements of all modern dentists in any clinical circumstances. The cutting part of these elements is made of a nickel-titanium alloy. Protapers are truly unique, highly flexible files of the latest generation. They make it possible to carry out the operation even on the root canals, which are extremely poorly succumbed to classical instrument processing.

What are protapers for?


Both manual and machine protapers have significant differences from the root files used by dentists, which are also called augers. True, in defense of the latter it is worth saying that they had certain limits of possibilities.

The very form of the tool required increased attention during management - the risk of breakage was very high. That is why it was dangerous to make circular movements with a pinch.

But the use of advanced protapers in dentistry makes it possible to significantly reduce the arsenal of files used for processing root sections. In addition, these tools at times reduce the risk of tooth perforation and damage to the device itself. Indeed, unlike their predecessors, protapers have the shape of an evenly tapering cone.

Super flexibility in combination with the strength of these tools is provided by:

  • nickel-titanium alloy from which files are made;
  • a section in the form of a cone with convex sides, which reduces the area and time of contact of the blade to the machined surfaces, while ensuring complete safety of the operation;
  • multi-stage cutting element, which allows the device to remove a minimal layer of tissue, reducing the risk of jamming of the instrument and obstruction of the dental canal.

Advantages and disadvantages

Due to their device, protapers in dentistry:

  • give the treated area a configuration in which the root canal evenly tapers towards the apex;
  • provide processing channels of the most complex form.

In addition, the latest generation of files has other advantages:

  • obvious sequence of use due to multi-colored marking;
  • high speed of the operation, since you need to use a set of only three devices;
  • the rounded tip of the instrument provides absolute safety and the ability to operate the channel based on tactile sensations.
Features of using protapers

But protapers have, in addition to many advantages, some disadvantages:

  • the impossibility of processing canals with a wide apical opening (more than 30th in diameter) - a larger tool does not exist;
  • restriction regarding the depth of the operated cavity - up to a maximum of 31 mm;
  • lack of a mechanism to prevent obstruction - a greased layer remains on the walls of the canal, which prevents the introduction of medications for processing.

Forming Printers

Why are these tools used in dentistry? There are several varieties of protaper files, each of which is designed to perform a specific manipulation. So, forming tools are used to give the root canal the necessary shape. This group includes protapers Sx, S2 and S1.

Files of this type are used to operate short canals and to give the necessary shape to the crown portion of long prostheses. The end of the cutting part has a diameter of 0.19 mm, and at the base this figure is 1.2 mm.

  • Sx protapers have a length of 19 mm and taper more than other varieties. It is noteworthy that it grows from 0.35 mm to 19 mm, and then decreases to 0.2 mm.
  • Proteipers S1 are designed to operate the upper third of the channel. The device is available in two types - 21 mm and 25 mm long. The tip diameter reaches 0.17 mm, and the taper increases throughout the entire cutting element from 0.2 to 11.
  • S2 protapers are used to prepare the second third of the canal and also have a length of either 21 mm or 25 mm. The diameter of the tip is 0.2 mm, and its taper gradually increases from 0.04 mm, reaching 0.115 mm.
Varieties of protapers

Finishing Printers

Files of this type are designed to finalize the bottom third of the channel. In dentistry, machine protapers with protocols F1, F2 and F3 are also used to expand and align the middle section. This set also has only three tools.

The diameter of the tip of the file F1 reaches 0.2 mm, F2 0.25 mm and F3 0.3 mm. It is noteworthy that all these devices have a fixed taper - 0.7, 0.8 and 0.9%, respectively. Finishing protapers have increased flexibility.

For manual use

Such dentists in dentistry are used for the same operations as machine tools, and also have an alphanumeric name.

There are 6 devices with multi-colored markings in the standard set, depending on their technical characteristics:

  • Sx - orange;
  • S1 is purple;
  • S2 - white;
  • F1 - yellow;
  • F2 - red;
  • F3 is blue.
Description of protapers

In dentistry, Sx hand protectors are represented by one model with a length of 19 mm. The length of the cutting element for all other files is 25 mm or 31 mm.

Manual protocols F5 and F4 with an active region 25 mm long are used for initial and final processing of root canals.

Instructions for the use of protapers in dentistry

These tools are used exclusively in the clinical setting by dentists only. What are protapers used for? They are necessary for cleaning and forming root canals.

The first step is to create direct access to the mouth of the root canal. For this, the apex of the pulp chamber and the excess dentinal tissue, which protrudes along the edges, are removed. Then, the walls are smoothed inside to provide easier access to the mouth. In doing so, remove all interference.

These manipulations are necessary for normal visibility of the mouth without changing the position of the mirror. The tool should enter the mouth without obstacles and slide easily along the smooth walls of the pulp cavity.

How to use protapers in dentistry:

  • After the mouth is detected, passive surface treatment with a manual file of the 15th number is performed until resistance occurs.
  • Performing sweeping movements by the forming protector S1, one should go deeper into the entire length of the protocol.
  • Then, using protector S2, it is necessary to achieve the passage of the channel over the entire length of the cutting part.
  • Using the F1 finish file, you should progressively advance along the channel until the entire cone length is reached.
  • Using manual protapers of suitable diameter, the hole is calibrated.
  • If additional expansion is necessary, you can use tools marked F4, F2, F5, F3.
  • To eliminate from the mouth of the dentin and increase the crown zone, the Sx protector is used.
Instructions for the use of protapers

Correction Tools

The standard set of machine protapers in dentistry consists of three sequentially used tools with different lengths and tapers of the cutting element. These devices are designed for simple and most convenient tooth filling.

The shortest protector D1 is used for sinking the coronal zone, the middle D2 is used for the middle section, and the longest D3 is for the apex of the canal.

The tools are equipped with dark gray handles and a length of 11 mm. The algorithm for using them is very simple, in addition, on each file there is a marking from one to three rings of white color.

Proteipers for sealing

Application features

The elimination of filling compositions from the canals is carried out in several stages, taking into account the rules:

  • the tool should be inserted by means of slight pressure towards the tooth apex;
  • the device is regularly taken out of the hole to check and clean the channel;
  • if advancement does not occur, a manual protector is used that removes existing obstacles;
  • a certain speed regime should be observed: 600-700 revolutions are needed to remove obturates and gutta-percha, and 250-300 revolutions are enough to extract compositions containing eugenol and zinc oxide.

It is noteworthy that the use of the described protapers is prohibited for the removal of pastes that contain polymer.


Proteipers of any type can be used exclusively in a clinical setting, only as prescribed and by qualified dentists.

There are some precautions that must not be forgotten. So, it is forbidden:

  • secondary use of disposable devices;
  • the use of disinfectant solutions with unproven effectiveness;
  • placing nickel-titanium protocols in a solution of sodium hypochlorite for more than 5 minutes at a concentration exceeding 5%.

It is also worth considering the fact that nickel-titanium protapers are damaged due to exposure to hydrogen peroxide. Also, do not use alkaline and acid solutions when working with files - they also negatively affect the state of the devices.

Characteristics of protapers

Tools must be cleaned, disinfected, and sterilized with the exact observance of all the rules developed by the device manufacturers. The same applies to compliance with a certain algorithm of actions during the operation.

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