According to medical statistics, every year the number of abortions is increasing. This is a very big problem, which over time can lead to a demographic crisis in our country. But what determines the woman’s desire to terminate the pregnancy? What consequences can it lead to? How likely are you to become a mother in the future after surgery? These are very important issues to which the majority of the fairer sex does not pay enough attention. Let's try to figure out what is best - to give birth or an abortion so that the girls do not regret subsequently about their choice.
What pushes women to terminate pregnancy
Let's dwell on this in more detail. According to experts, every year about 40 percent of couples go to the clinic to have an abortion, and about half of the women have undergone this procedure at least once in their life. Such statistics look depressing, because today the mortality rate is almost equal to the birth rate, so there is a serious reason to think about what awaits us in the future. Why do girls face a choice - abortion or giving birth? Sociologists conducted many surveys among the population, which allowed to identify the following causes of artificial termination of pregnancy:
- fears that existing children will negatively perceive the appearance of a new child in the family;
- unwillingness to become a mother;
- too early pregnancy, for example, at school or college age;
- difficult financial situation;
- the partner does not want to be a father;
- rape conception;
- fear of a negative reaction of loved ones.
According to psychologists, the decision to have an abortion or give birth is far from always due to a lack of desire to have children. About 6 out of 10 women going to the hospital already have at least 1 child. They do not want replenishment in the family in order to focus on raising an existing baby. Many after artificial termination of pregnancy in the future become mothers. Such a solution is purely individual. Each person decides for himself whether to become a parent, or is it better to refrain from this for some time.
What to consider before going to the clinic?
So, you are faced with a difficult choice - to give birth or have an abortion. Regardless of the reasons why you have doubts, before making the final choice, you should answer yourself a few questions. The most important are the following:
- Do you want a baby?
- Are you ready to become a moral mother?
- How good is your health and can you give birth in the future?
- What does the birth of a baby mean for your family?
- Will your financial situation allow you to provide a child with everything you need?
- Are you ready to sacrifice a career for your family?
- Is abortion your decision or is someone putting pressure on you?
- Will motherhood make drastic changes in your life?
Having or giving birth to an abortion is a woman’s personal decision. Therefore, if you become pregnant by accident and your partner does not want a baby, then you should not focus solely on his opinion. If you want to become a mother, and all of the above questions are answered positively, then you need to give birth. If the situation is completely opposite, then the only reasonable way would be to terminate the pregnancy artificially.
When is abortion justified?
So what do you need to know about this? In some circumstances, abandoning the child will be quite logical even if the girl wants to be a mother. There can be no thought about whether to have an abortion or give birth if there are problems that create a threat to the health and life of the woman or make it possible that a disabled child is born. Doctors recommend making an artificial termination of pregnancy with the following diseases:
- syphilis;
- severe arterial hypertension;
- renal failure;
- congenital mental pathologies;
- metabolic disorder;
- stomach ulcer;
- cirrhosis of the liver;
- some forms of tuberculosis;
- severe diseases of the nervous system;
- disturbances in the functioning of the circulatory system;
- malignant tumor.
In the presence of any of the above pathologies, you can not give birth. Abortion is the only way out, since the chances of a normal bearing of the baby and subsequent birth are relatively low. According to profiled specialists, children can be born with congenital malformations.
Complications after abortion
This aspect should be given special significance. When deciding whether to have an abortion or have children, you must consider not only your own desires. This procedure does not go without consequences for a woman’s health. Among the most serious complications, the following can be distinguished:
- problematic bearing of children in the future and miscarriages;
- hormonal imbalance;
- infertility;
- menstrual failure;
- the birth of a premature baby;
- anomalies of labor;
- dysfunction of the endocrine system;
- damage to the walls of the uterus.
With particular seriousness, you should approach the decision about whether to have an abortion or give birth if this is your first pregnancy. This is due to the fact that women who have never given birth have very thin walls of the uterus, therefore during abortion there is a high probability of their damage.
Psychological factor
A fetus is a living organism, so abortion can be compared to killing. According to qualified specialists, artificial termination of pregnancy inflicts a severe blow to the mental health of women. The first consequences become noticeable after she leaves the medical office. The girl is in a very depressed state, which subsequently can develop into depression. In addition, she will experience the following:
- guilt, which can last for several years;
- fear of being a bad mother during the next pregnancy;
- fear for their own health;
- bitterness
- strong resentment of yourself and others;
- shame.
Can't decide whether to give birth or have an abortion? You have to think it over very well, because killing, even an unborn baby, is a heavy burden that you have to put up with for the rest of your life.
Pregnancy Abort Methods
What are they and what is their feature? Today, medicine is at a very high level of development. There are various techniques and equipment that allows operations of any complexity. As for abortion, it can be of three types:
- medication;
- vacuum;
- surgical.
Each of the methods has its own characteristics, and also has certain advantages and disadvantages. For which of these, an artificial termination of pregnancy will be carried out, a qualified specialist decides on the basis of a number of factors. Let's dwell on each of them in more detail, so that when deciding whether to have an abortion or give birth, it will be easier for you to make the right choice.
Medical abortion
So what is its feature? This technique is the most gentle, because it allows you to have an abortion without surgery. A pregnant woman who decided not to give birth should drink a special drug that blocks the production of progesterone in the body. Without this hormone, the cervix opens and a fertilized egg leaves it. But there is one important nuance. Medical termination of pregnancy is possible only during the first 7 weeks of gestation.
The main advantage of this method is that women very easily psychologically tolerate it. In addition, no harm is done to the body, since soft tissues and internal organs are not damaged. As for the shortcomings, it is only one - the impossibility of abortion in the middle and late stages of pregnancy. Moreover, as a result of taking the medicine, the girl may manifest some side effects. Most often, after this procedure, the following negative reactions occur:
- nausea;
- gagging;
- severe migraines;
- stomach upset;
- prolonged uterine bleeding;
- hormonal imbalance.
It may take from 1 to 3 months for a full recovery of the body after medical termination of pregnancy. After that, in the future, the girl will be able to conceive and bear a child normally, which can not be said about operational methods. Therefore, if you do not want to become a mother at the moment and are considering whether to have an abortion or give birth, then you need to decide as soon as possible so that you can quickly and painlessly have it.
Vacuum Abortion
This kind of abortion is most often used. Its essence lies in the fact that a special apparatus is introduced into the uterus, with the help of which the egg is sucked. Termination of pregnancy by this technology is possible for 8 weeks of gestation. Among the advantages of a vacuum abortion, one can single out a quick recovery and a minimal risk of developing any complications. But there are some disadvantages. There is a small chance, approximately about 1 percent, that the pregnancy will continue. In addition, for one week, a girl may experience hemorrhage caused by hormonal changes in the body. When deciding on this kind of procedure, you should also take into account that very often it can cause the development of infertility. Therefore, you should clearly weigh the pros and cons.
Surgical abortion
If a woman decided for too long to have an abortion or give birth, so she went to the clinic for a period of 8 weeks, but not everything is as good as she would have liked. At this stage, aborting a pregnancy with a medication or vacuum will not work, and the only way out is surgical intervention. It is very dangerous and often becomes the cause of the development of many serious complications. The essence of the technology is based on the fact that the doctor expands the uterus, after which the egg is scraped with a special tool. At the same time, soft tissues are severely injured, as a result of which a long rehabilitation period is required.
Agree to an operational interruption should only be in the most extreme case, when there is simply no other way out. After the procedure, the girl may experience bleeding. Also, there is a high probability of rupture of the cervix and infection. In addition, the likelihood of infertility is very high.
Is there a chance of becoming pregnant after an artificial termination of pregnancy?
This aspect is worth exploring in the first place. Every woman is interested in the question of whether they give birth after an abortion. It is very difficult to answer it unequivocally, since everything here depends on a number of factors. Among the main doctors distinguish the following:
- woman's age;
- the number of abortions and their prescription;
- health status;
- rehabilitation period.
There were cases when some women after abortion could no longer conceive a child even with careful planning and consultation with a doctor, while others gave birth to a healthy baby without problems. To increase the chances of a successful conception, experts advise the following:
- refrain from intimacy for a month after an abortion;
- try not to freeze or take too hot a bath;
- monitor genital hygiene;
- to drink preparations of the bioregulatory group;
- periodically visit the gynecologist (at least every six months).
If you seriously approach the issue and follow all the doctor’s instructions, then the chance of giving birth after an abortion is quite high. But here everything depends on the girl’s health and individual characteristics of her body. Also an important role is played by age. Young people are much better and faster recovering from surgery, so their reproductive function is preserved. But in middle-aged women, the consequences of abortion are more serious.
Abortion is a serious step that needs to be considered carefully. To be a mother means to experience incredible happiness. It is unlikely that anything in the world can compare with pregnancy, although it is fraught with many inconveniences and problems. Do not rush to make a decision. Talk with your loved ones and family members and ask them for advice. You will be surprised, but most of them will support you. And when you first take your baby in your arms and feel like a mom, then you will understand that there is nothing better in this world. Therefore, if it so happened that you became pregnant unplanned, it is better to give your baby life than to deprive him of hope for existence in the womb. You should think carefully before deciding on such a procedure.