Income statement for visa. List of required documents for opening a visa

Visa - a document granting the right to freely cross the borders of various states. In other words, this is a permit for temporary residence in the territory of another country. To receive it, you need to prepare an impressive package of documents. The consulate of the country to which the application is submitted must be confident in the sufficient motivation of the person to return to his homeland. One of the strongest evidence of this intention is the existence of a stable well-paid job. In order to confirm this fact, it is necessary to provide a statement of income. For a visa, it is the most important document.

income statement for visa

Are all required?

Consulates of most countries will not accept the application without confirming the financial stability of the applicant. For a Schengen visa, an income statement is a mandatory document. One of the main reasons for refusing permission is its absence or very low income.

However, there are countries (but there are very few) that are more loyal to tourists. For example, for a visa to China, a citizen of the Russian Federation does not have to provide a certificate of income. However, the consulate reserves the right to demand this document. But there is one caveat: a citizen of the Russian Federation who was born in the territory of one of the countries of the former CIS, for a visa to China, it is necessary to provide paper confirming financial stability.

What documents are needed to get a visa

Certificate of employment

Before requesting a document from the management that reflects the average income, it is recommended to clarify in the consulate the norms and rules for its design, each country can set its own conditions.

Often, information about wages is reflected on the letterhead of an A4 format company. The amount of information depends on the selected country, but the certificate must necessarily contain the following information:

  • company details;
  • the date of execution of the document, its serial number;
  • full name, first name and patronymic of the person who requested the certificate;
  • date of the employee’s admission to the organization’s staff;
  • position;
  • official salary expressed in the national currency of the applicant;
  • terms for granting leave to the employee;
  • company seal;
  • Signature of the CEO and, if possible, the chief accountant.

It is recommended to additionally indicate in the certificate the name of the country for which it is issued for permission to enter. It is permissible to limit ourselves to the notation “for the provision of a claim in the place”.

There are situations when the income statement for a visa must be duplicated in English. The consulate informs about this condition additionally.

It is important to understand: the higher the salary, the more likely it is to obtain a permit. In the certificate, it is desirable to indicate not the average monthly income, but the total salary for the last year.

Do not ask an employee of the financial department to raise the level of real income. Consulate specialists pay special attention to the authentication of the data provided.

As a rule, the income certificate for a visa should reflect the average monthly salary of at least 25 thousand rubles. For consulates of some countries, for example, the USA, earnings of at least 30 thousand rubles are considered acceptable. This nuance also needs to be clarified before applying.

Below is a sample income certificate for a work visa.

visa to china

Statement of account

The situation when an employee receives informal wages is not uncommon. Providing a fake income statement to the consulate is a big risk, because if the fraud is revealed, you can be left without a visa for a long time. Nevertheless, confirmation of solvency must be provided.

In this case, you need to request a bank statement from the current account. The amount on it must comply with the following condition: for each day of stay in the territory of a foreign country, 60 euros. If the applicant has less money, the chances of obtaining permission are significantly reduced.

Data that must be contained in the income statement for a visa from the bank:

  • full name of the institution;
  • last name, first name and patronymic of the client;
  • available balances on all accounts.

It is recommended that you attach a document reflecting the cash flow at least 3 months before the expected date of travel.

When contacting the bank, it is enough to state the purpose of obtaining the certificate, specialists are aware of the rules and rules for its preparation for consulates and visa centers.

Advantages of bank statement:

  • reflects financial stability with informal wages;
  • confirms the solvency of the applicant, if his salary is below the required level, but he has additional sources of income.

Below is a sample income statement for a visa issued by the bank.

income certificate for visa sample

Sponsorship Confirmation

If the applicant is not working at the time of filing the documents, any consulates can accept a letter from a person who is ready to cover all travel expenses. If its purpose is tourism, the document should be drawn up exclusively by the next of kin.

The sponsorship letter is compiled in free form, but must contain the following information:

  • indication of the consulate for which it was prepared;
  • surname, name, patronymic of the sponsor and applicant;
  • passport details: foreign - traveler, civil - person paying for the trip;
  • relation degree;
  • name of the country and date of the proposed trip.

The text should indicate that the sponsor guarantees payment of all expenses associated with the applicant’s trip.

The following documents are attached to the letter:

  1. Copy of sponsor's civil passport (page with biographical information).
  2. An extract from the bank account of a relative who is ready to cover expenses, and a statement of income issued at the place of work.
  3. A copy of a document proving a close relationship with the applicant.

Sponsorship letter does not need to be notarized.

income statement for a Schengen visa

Dates of manufacture and action

The income certificate for a visa requested at the place of work should be ready no later than 5 working days later. In many organizations, this issue is resolved quickly enough - within a few hours.

Depending on the bank, an extract can be provided immediately, the maximum time for its production is 3 working days.

As a rule, the validity period of a document is 1 month. If the applicant does not have an official place of work and his financial stability causes the consulate to doubt, in this case it is recommended to issue a certificate no later than one week before the submission of documents.

Other ways to confirm income

The following securities may also indicate financial well-being:

  • checks proving the purchase of tickets;
  • documents with stamps from exchange offices confirming the purchase of currency before the trip;
  • bank statements reflecting the fulfillment of credit obligations by the borrower.

These papers are full documents proving the solvency of the applicant. If he owns apartments, houses, cottages or cars, financial stability can also be confirmed with certificates and warrants.

Reasons for visa denial due to certificate

It is important to remember that the consulate at any time has the opportunity to verify the authenticity of the information.

The following is not recommended:

  • use other people's funds to obtain bank statements with their subsequent return to the owner;
  • provide data on inactive accounts.

What other documents are needed to get a visa?

Depending on the purpose of the trip, the list of required papers is expanding. Regarding what documents are needed for obtaining a visa, experts of the consulate will additionally tell.

income certificate for a visa

It is mandatory to provide:

  1. Copies of pages of a civil passport containing biographical information.
  2. Photos (2-4 pcs.). They must be made in accordance with certain conditions. The easiest way out is to contact the shop.
  3. Passport valid for at least 3 months after the trip.
  4. Application form.
  5. Confirmation of the purpose of the trip (tickets, hotel reservation, invitation letter, etc.).
  6. Certificate of income (bank statement, sponsorship letter, other documents).
  7. Health insurance.
    certificate of income from the bank for a visa


Visa is an authorization document, the owner of which is entitled to freely move through the territories of most countries, freely crossing their borders. At the same time, to obtain it requires a lot of effort. As to what documents are needed to obtain a visa, the applicant is informed by the consulates. Income statement - paper, the design of which must be approached very carefully. Providing knowingly false information can permanently close before you the borders of other countries.

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