Smelly menstruation: causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment methods

In women, menstruation is accompanied by the release of blood from the body. And there is nothing surprising in the fact that a woman has periods that emit a smell. However, it happens that such a smell is not just specific, but also smelly. How should menstruation normally smell? In this article, we will examine in more detail why smelly periods go, and also what they should be.

Odor during menstruation: deviations and normal

During menstruation, the inner layer of the uterus, i.e. the endometrium, is separated. The whole process is also accompanied by the release of blood from the body. The amount of blood can be large, however, in some cases, the discharge is rather scarce. Normally, the fluid that is released from the vagina during menstruation should smell like meat or iron. In the blood there is a huge amount of vital trace elements, in particular iron. It is from here that such a specific smell appears. As you know, raw meat also smells of iron. That is why the smells are comparable. As a rule, only a woman feels smelly menstruation when she changes a tampon or pad.

stink smell

If the lady does not comply with the rules for the use of pads, then harmful microorganisms begin to multiply in them very quickly. When their number becomes large, the usual smell of menstruation becomes very unpleasant. If the gasket is not changed for more than 5 hours, smelly periods are felt, the smell of rot is present. On the surface of the skin of the external organs, secretions begin to accumulate.

What to do with an unpleasant odor during menstruation?

So that the unpleasant odor during the period of menstruation no longer appears, you should adhere to the rules of personal hygiene. In addition, so that smelly discharge after menstruation never bothers you, you should wash yourself at least 2 times a day. If possible, then during menstruation, these procedures should be carried out more often. Gaskets should be replaced with clean ones as they are filled. However, the interval between their replacement should not be more than 4 hours. It should be noted that in modern hygiene products there is a special flavored gel that muffles the natural smell of secretions during menstruation during absorption.

unpleasant odor of monthly discharge

So, we have figured out why there are smelly periods, accompanied by the smell of iron. However, if the smell does not look like ordinary, then it is customary to talk about some kind of deviation. In some cases, the cause of smelly menstruation lies in the development of a disease or pathological process in the female body. This is what will be discussed in the following sections.

The appearance of an unpleasant smell of monthly discharge

Very often, along with the smell of menstruation, the general condition of the genitourinary system begins to change, as well as the color of the discharge and their consistency. Sometimes there are smelly discharge before menstruation. The microflora of the vagina changes, pain is formed. By the nature of smelly discharge after menstruation, as well as before them, experts judge the development of any disease in the female body. But what kind of ailment can provoke such a phenomenon?


We continue to consider why a smelly period can go with a woman. Most often, the inflammatory process of the vaginal mucosa is observed. Various colpitis are provoked by bacteria, pathogens, fungi. The inflammatory process is promoted by the prolapse of the walls of the vagina, operations, injuries, non-observance of personal hygiene rules, hidden infections, as well as the woman's age after 40 years.

In fact, there are many different causes of the inflammatory process. This should include inflammation in those organs that are located next to the genital. For example, a similar kind of process can develop in the bladder, intestines, and kidneys. The mucus that is secreted by the cervix begins to irritate the walls of the vagina. As a result of such a long exposure, an infection develops that provokes inflammation of the female organ. Before menstruation, a woman’s body is rebuilt, which causes a decrease in the protective function of the body. During menstruation, the negative effect on the mucous membrane of the walls of the vagina is supplemented by the release of blood. Pathogenic bacteria multiply actively, so there are very smelly periods with the smell of rot.

stink of menstruation

In parallel with this, the state of the female genital organs changes. Swelling, redness appears. In addition, the woman begins to worry about pain, as well as changes in the color of the discharge.

Bacterial vaginosis

In the female body in healthy patients there is a whole set of bacteria that are in balance. Violations of this balance can trigger the formation of bacterial vaginosis. The main causes of this disease are hormonal imbalance, as well as a decrease in immune defense. In this case, drugs, nervous stress, hypothermia, and much more are provoking factors.

An excessive craving for hygiene is also capable of provoking imbalances in the balance of microorganisms inside the vagina. If a woman will often do douching, this will cause the washing off of the protective layer located on the walls of the vagina. The number of lactobacilli in this case is greatly reduced, which is why other bacteria are rapidly increasing in number.

The use of intimate cosmetics can also affect the condition of the female genital organ in exactly the same way. Gardnerella bacteria begin active reproduction during menstruation. An unpleasant odor forms, somewhat reminiscent of rotten fish. In parallel with this smell, the color and consistency of menstruation changes. They show a whitish color, and then the liquid becomes impurities of a greenish or yellowish hue. In parallel with this, there is a burning sensation of the genitals, discomfort in the vagina, as well as pain during intercourse.

The presence of bacteria in intestinal dysbiosis is also sometimes the cause of the development of bacterial vaginosis.

smelly periods

Thrush or candidiasis

Candidiasis is the most common gynecological disease at present. This is due to the fact that there are a huge number of predisposing factors that provoke the development of the disease. The true cause of thrush is the growth of bacteria belonging to the genus candida. This process is facilitated by a weakened immune system, latent infections, hormonal imbalance. In addition, the cause of thrush can lie in hypothermia, nervous tension, hygiene products, medicines, contraceptives and much more. Under the influence of harmful bacteria, the number of beneficial milk is reduced, which causes an unpleasant odor that resembles sour milk. This smell intensifies during menstruation, since blood will contribute to the multiplication of harmful microorganisms. Together with the unpleasant smell of menstruation, the following symptoms appear:

  • burning and itching of the genitals;
  • the appearance of cheesy white discharge between menstruation;
  • soreness at the end of urination;
  • discomfort during intercourse;
  • white plaque formed on the walls of the vagina and on the external genital organs.
smelly discharge after menstruation

PPP (sexually transmitted infection)

This disease can be transmitted sexually. Sometimes this ailment can be infected if you use hygiene items from a sick person. The main symptoms of infections are foamy discharge of a yellow or green tint between menstruation. All other signs are similar to the symptoms of any other gynecological disease.

Also unpleasant odor increases during menstruation. The liquid can give rot, fish. Everything will depend on the pathological microorganisms prevailing in the vagina. In addition, before a woman’s menstruation, other symptoms are observed, for example, the appearance of weakness, fever, nausea, pain in the lower back, and also in the lower abdomen. After critical days, a large amount of discharge also remains. They often scare women with a terrible smell and a yellowish or greenish tint. It is strongly felt in the evening or in the morning.

The presence of pain and frequent urination indicates the onset of the inflammatory process. If the appropriate treatment is not scheduled on time, the disease can go into a chronic or latent form. Mild signs in women appear periodically. In this case, the cycle is broken, during menstruation there is a large amount of bloody discharge.

smelly menstruation

How to overcome an unpleasant smell?

If, in addition to the unpleasant odor, the woman is not bothered by anything else, then her attitude to hygiene should be reviewed. It is recommended to wash during menstruation with clean warm water without adding any cosmetics. In order to reduce the number of pathogens, a small amount of potassium permanganate is allowed to be added to the water. Washing is carried out necessarily in the morning and in the evening. If there is severe bleeding, then the procedures are carried out 4 times a day, if possible.

Gaskets should be changed as often as possible. Do not use personal care products with the greatest ability to absorb than necessary. Also note that you should leave them no more than 5 hours. As for tampons, they should be changed every 2-3 hours. You can not use a large amount of intimate cosmetics during menstruation.


First of all, the doctor must conduct an oral survey, to clarify the complaints and symptoms that concern the woman. Then a palpation and visual examination of the internal and external genital organs is done. Through a mirror, a specialist examines the vagina, cervix, and if necessary, an examination is performed using an optical device. Then a smear is taken on the flora, with which the presence of mucus or purulent contents is determined. A smear on bacteria and fungi is also taken. If necessary, an ultrasound is prescribed.

causes of smelly menstruation

When to see a doctor?

If there are additional symptoms in the form of pain, discomfort, then you should seek the advice of a gynecologist. If there is a smell of dairy products, then this indicates the development of thrush. However, do not start self-treatment. Only after professional diagnosis and research is the exact cause of the appearance of an unpleasant odor determined. Then the specialist will prescribe the appropriate therapy.


It is worth adding that the unpleasant smell of rot in women during the inflammatory process can also be accompanied by strong discharge of menstruation. In this case, a large number of secretions will also be present between menstruation. Signs may manifest themselves weakly, and the doctor must determine the main cause of discomfort after an examination and laboratory tests. In no case should you start self-healing the inflammatory process.

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