Where is the wisdom tooth, structural features and indications for removal

An adult has 32 teeth, but not all appear in childhood. Four of them erupt no earlier than 17 years. Often this process is accompanied by severe pain. But many do not notice it and do not even know where the wisdom tooth is. These last molars, which are apparently no different from neighboring teeth, actually have some features.

Name explanation

Even those people who know well where the wisdom tooth is, often do not understand why it is called that. It is believed that this is due to the fact that he appears at the age when a person already has some worldly wisdom. Each person cuts them in different ways, which confirms this theory. Usually this happens at 17-20 years old, but they can appear at 30, and even at 40.

In ancient times, it was believed that these teeth grow only in those who have already acquired the meaning of life and reached psychological maturity. Therefore, in folk medicine it was believed that they should not be removed.

Where is the human wisdom tooth

A photo of a healthy adult jaw shows that these molars externally are no different from neighboring teeth. They are located at the very end of the dentition and among dentists are more often called "eights". These are the same molars with a large chewing surface, as the sixth and seventh.

That is how all teeth are numbered: on each jaw from the middle there are 8 teeth. It turns out that you can easily find out how many wisdom teeth an adult should have. One on the upper and lower jaw on each side - a total of four. If any of them does not exist, it means that it has not yet erupted or if there are any problems in its development. Sometimes a person does not even have the rudiments of one or more of these molars. This can be caused by a hereditary predisposition or features of the development of the jaws.

It is quite difficult to determine on your own where the wisdom tooth is located. Photos of the jaw, which can be found in the article, show that it is located from the very edge. But it’s hard to see it in the mirror, and it’s almost impossible to touch it with the tongue. Therefore, you can avoid problems only with a regular visit to the dentist.

where is the wisdom tooth

The structure of the wisdom tooth

All human teeth differ in structure and function. In front are single-rooted teeth - incisors and fangs. They are designed to bite off food. On the sides are premolars and molars with wide chewing surfaces. Most of them are multirooted. So is the wisdom tooth. It belongs to molars, and its structure does not look different from other similar teeth.

The differences are in the characteristics of the roots. They can be from 2 to 5, which is uncharacteristic of other molars. If when removing one root of the wisdom tooth is found, it means that they have grown together, which happens quite often.

where is the human wisdom tooth

Its features

In the past, people did not even think about where a person’s wisdom tooth is. He was one of 32 teeth and performed the same functions as the others. Chewing food then required a lot of effort, so he actively participated in that process. But over time, food became softer, and the eighth molars were considered relics of the past. Therefore, they often cause serious problems, because of which they have to be removed.

But many dentists note that pathologies arise due to the fact that the jaw of a modern person has decreased, because he has to chew less hard food, which has become softer due to heat treatment. And knowing where the wisdom tooth is, you can understand that he often simply does not have room for teething.

Usually, by the age of 12, a person already has all 28 molars. And eights at this age are only being formed. They begin to erupt no earlier than 17 years. This process can last a very long time, alternately slowing down, then accelerating. Even after this tooth has erupted completely, its roots continue to form for several more years. It turns out that it has been growing for about 10 years, and sometimes more.

Another feature of the eight is that it appears without previous deciduous teeth. Therefore, he has to break through the jaw bones on his own. Because of this, often in the place where the wisdom tooth erupts, severe pain and inflammation occur.

Teething wisdom

Almost all teeth appear in humans in childhood. Parents of babies know what problems this process can accompany. And knowing where the wisdom tooth is located, a person can take measures when redness and itching of the gums appear in this place. It is better to consult a dentist in time and prevent complications. And the process of teething of these molars is very often accompanied by pain. In especially difficult cases, severe inflammation may occur.

how many wisdom teeth

Teething problems

If a person has formed all four primordia of the eighth molars, this does not mean that they will all erupt. They can remain in the thickness of the jaw for various reasons. At the same time, dentists distinguish several varieties of such a pathology.

A refined wisdom tooth is found most often. This happens when it does not appear completely, part of it is closed by the bone of the jaw or gum. The reasons for this pathology may be its incorrect position, when the direction of its growth rests on adjacent teeth or cheek. Sometimes he also does not have enough space in the dentition. Despite the fact that it is not visible, it is still a complete tooth, prone to the same diseases as the rest.

With prolonged eruption, when for several months, or even years, the gum is injured, pericoronitis develops - inflammation of the mucosa.

If the figure eight begins to grow, but not up, as needed, but to the side, such pathologies can occur:

  • when it abuts against a neighboring tooth, it causes its destruction, the development of caries or periodontitis;
  • if the figure eight grows in the direction of the cheek, a seal forms on the mucosa, which can develop into a cancerous tumor;
  • when growing back, the tooth must be removed, otherwise serious complications may develop due to the formation of a hood from the gum and its inflammation;
  • if it touches the tongue, it causes injury and inflammation.

standing wisdom tooth

Diseases of these teeth

Features of the location of eights, lack of space in the dentition, as well as chronic calcium deficiency, characteristic of modern people, leads to the appearance of many pathologies in the development of these teeth. They are most susceptible to such diseases:

  • as a result of the complexity of their cleaning, tartar is often formed on them;
  • for the same reason, they are prone to caries, which can appear immediately after eruption;
  • if caries are not treated on time, pulpitis or periodontitis develops;
  • as a result of the fact that the wisdom tooth has to break through the strong gum tissue, severe inflammation often occurs, accompanied by general intoxication, weakness, fever;
  • if the upper tooth is destroyed, it can infect the maxillary cavity, which will lead to the development of sinusitis;
  • pericoronitis is a strong inflammatory process of the soft tissues of the mucosa.

wisdom tooth root

Do I need to delete them

Does a modern person need wisdom teeth? This question is of interest to many, especially those who are faced with their pathologies. They believe that it is worth removing these molars as soon as they erupt, because you can easily do without them. The same opinion exists among foreign dentists. They try to remove wisdom teeth as soon as problems arise. But there is another point of view. Russian doctors are trying to treat the pathology of these teeth, removing them only if necessary:

  • if they are improperly located and grow to the side;
  • if they caused inflammation or damage to surrounding tissues;
  • when it is impossible to treat caries due to curved roots or difficulties in accessing them;
  • if there is a fistula, abscess or cyst;
  • when pericoronitis or osteomyelitis develops.

where is the wisdom tooth photo

How to remove a wisdom tooth

This procedure is usually more complicated than removing other teeth. This condition is explained by the deep location of the figure eight. It is also difficult to pull the molar often due to the fact that it has several roots, and they can be curved, often even in the form of hooks. This is especially dangerous when the figure eight is in the upper jaw. Roots during removal can damage the maxillary cavity.

Removing a wisdom tooth takes place with mandatory pain relief. Modern drugs make this process completely painless. The pain may appear later, after the end of the drug, especially if the procedure was complicated. It can last for several days, and even be accompanied by fever. Complete healing of the hole usually occurs after a few months, although this place is painful for no more than 2 weeks.

When not to delete them

But not always in this way it is necessary to solve the problems that have arisen. Doctors try to cure this molar if there are no teeth next to it. Then a freestanding wisdom tooth will be the basis for prosthetics. If it only erupts, it can gradually move and take the place of the missing tooth.

There are also contraindications in which it is worth abandoning the removal completely or temporarily:

  • a strong inflammatory process in the oral cavity;
  • acute infectious diseases;
  • pathology of the cardiovascular system;
  • mental illness.

where is the wisdom tooth

How to relieve pain

The soreness of teething wisdom is usually very strong. The pain can spread to the entire jaw, since during the growth process it moves adjacent teeth, causing compression of the nerve endings. This is due to the fact that the eight does not have enough space, it is forced to erupt, shifting adjacent teeth. In addition, it makes its way through the bone tissue of the jaw and the dense gum. In case of severe pain, it is recommended to take a tablet of “Analgin” or “Ketorol”. You can not warm a sore spot or put different medications on the gums, especially if there is an inflammatory process.

You can rinse your mouth with a solution of salt and soda, but it should be cool. You can also use decoctions of sage, chamomile, lemon balm or oak bark for this. In the presence of inflammation, the gum can be lubricated with sea buckthorn oil. To alleviate the condition when teething wisdom teeth, if this process is not accompanied by complications, it is recommended to use the following solution: add a tablespoon of sea salt, 10 g camphor alcohol and 100 ml ammonia to a liter of cool water. A cotton swab dipped in such a solution is applied to the gum for 10 minutes.

If a person had to find out where the wisdom tooth is, according to the painful symptoms of teething, it is better to consult a doctor right away. Then complications can be avoided.

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