How to choose the most suitable perfume for yourself

We are surrounded by many smells that are remembered, evoke associations with objects, events, people from our lives. Each of us has certain smells associated with personal memories and able to be stored in our memory for many years.

What is the perfumery

At modern perfumery enterprises that produce goods for large brands, they are very thoroughly approaching production, using the latest equipment. The composition of each perfume includes perfume composition , created specifically for them, and then diluted with alcohol, water or another solvent and subject to technological operations.

There is a conditional division into women's and men's fragrances. Believe: for reflection of a man’s essence, strong, energetic aromas with cold are more suitable. But tender, floral, light, sweet and spicy - for beautiful ladies.

Fragrances are synthetic and natural. Synthetic flavors are classified as substances of artificial origin, and essential oils have a natural origin, rich variety and scope.

How to choose a perfume according to character

To find your own fragrance from many, you must first think about your personality, character. And at the same time, it is not recommended to be guided by purely fashionable trends, since each person is special.

At the same time, temperament plays an important role. For example, some women tend to choose odors from traditionally masculine ones, which usually indicates internal strength.

The nature of women:

  • For ladies of a pragmatic type, light chypres and floral-woody versions are suitable.
  • Stylish - prefer ultra-modern bias in perfumes.
  • Gentle and romantic choose soft and light aromas of floral-powdery character.

Character of men:

  • Athletes and active individuals choose citrus and oceanic odors, which may contain sparkling, spiky and spicy notes.
  • It is advisable for businessmen to choose a smell with notes of tobacco or skin.
  • Woody spicy aromas are suitable for romantics.

Basic rules for choosing a fragrance

To make the right choice, you need to follow a few simple rules:

  1. Decide on the time of day, in which it is planned to use perfume. For morning options should be given preference to lightness, vitality and freshness. Or choose a warmer smell, but β€œdress him” is hardly perceptible.
  2. Different situations: night club, work, cafe, opera house, gym - require the use of suitable scents. When changing roles, the smell should also be changed.
  3. The current time of the year should be taken into account, because higher air temperatures require careful use of perfumes.

Why check the scent on the skin and how to do it

The skin of each of us is distinguished by an individual smell, provided with a chemical and microbiological composition. It is simply impossible to evaluate a product immediately, because the original notes do not express its entire concept. Therefore, you must definitely feel the heart notes and the ability to merge with the skin. That is, you should wait about 2-3 hours and if you experience any unpleasant sensations, you should refuse to purchase the aroma.

Testing Rules:

  1. Perfume must be applied to the wrist, because in this place the vessels are located close to the surface of the skin and heat it.
  2. Do not rub the place of application of the aroma, as this leads to a violation of the composition.
  3. At the same time, you can analyze the skin's perception of no more than two odors by applying them to both hands.
  4. Before you try any perfume, you should make sure that there is no foreign smell on the skin.
  5. If the aroma is so merged with the individual smell that it has become invisible to the owner, then this indicates the correct choice.

Nevertheless, the most important criterion in choosing a fragrance is its ability to create a good mood and stimulate vital energy. Indeed, smells can not only pacify, but also disrupt the internal state of harmony. Therefore, in the search for an individual aroma, one cannot do without a moderate amount of pedantry.

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