Hypnotherapy: reviews, indications, types, features of application

As can be concluded from some reviews, hypnotherapy is a reliable means of improving the mental state of a person in need. However, there are other opinions in this regard. Someone says that such a treatment has no meaning and effect. Is it really? Let's try to understand this topic in detail.

general information

Hypnotherapy, characterized by such diverse and ambiguous reviews, is a type of psychotherapeutic practice, the effectiveness of which is due to the effect on the person at a time when her consciousness is changed. For the layman, this condition is more commonly known as a hypnotic trance. Hypnosis is a temporary state of the person’s mind, in which the volume narrows, there is a focus on individual elements of the suggestion that have some target content. The responsibility for suggestion rests with the hypnotist. Techniques of this kind are caused by a change in the functionality of self-awareness and the ability to control oneself.

Hypnotherapy includes several suggestive techniques, analytical approaches. These are applicable when a person is immersed in a hypnotic dream, but not used or ineffective when he is fully conscious.

Two directions

All hypnosis techniques are divided into two types. The first is used by doctors, aimed at improving the general condition of a person. The second type is psychological. The first involves the formulation of a problem, the solution of which is aimed at subsequent sessions. The main goal of the events is to return a healthy body to a person. Psychological hypnotherapy involves the use of this kind of approach to improve the mental state of a person.

hypnotherapy reviews

About the technique

To achieve a therapeutic effect, hypnosis in primary form has long been used. For the first time such hypnotherapy sessions were carried out in antiquity. Doctors now know a wide variety of hypnotherapy techniques. Often use verbal suggestion. Hypnotizing the needy is common in accordance with Erickson's methodology. Elman's therapy is popular. They use levitation, directive hypnosis, trans-runaway. Some practice a hypnotic look.

Quite often resort to suggestion in words. Such an approach is necessary if a person cannot fix his gaze on some object. It is realized when a person lies. The task of the therapist is to use specialized phrases, sentences that are pronounced monotonously, quietly. It is preferable to listen to the doctor with his eyes closed.

Is it worth the attention?

As can be concluded from the reviews, hypnotherapy in the form of a classic gives a good result even if the doctor is forced to use only speech instruments, if the person is ready for treatment in this way. The more confidence in success on the part of the client, the more positive and useful sessions will be. Persons related to hypnosis negatively, even when using the most powerful and progressive methods, often experience dissatisfaction with the sessions and their results.

From the reviews of hypnotherapy, it can be concluded that people who, by their own will and desire, turned to the doctor, were usually satisfied with the results. People who have been forced to undergo treatment by friends or relatives are less likely to have an equally positive opinion. The responses of those who worked with qualified doctors are positive. If a person came to a practitioner at home without a special documentation and license from a hypnologist, often the results of such therapy were not very good, if not absent.

hypnosis hypnotherapy

Methodologies: more details

Sometimes they conduct hypnotherapy sessions, resorting to the method of gaze. There are two options for implementing this approach. Both of them have been used relatively rarely in recent years. The specialist’s task is to fix the patient’s attention in front of the treating person. The client looks, without stopping, into the eyes of his doctor. The second option is due to the credibility of the doctor and the ability of the individual to captivate listeners. This variety is often used to achieve theatrical performance success, and among medical practice most often resort to this approach if treatment for alcohol dependence is required.

The levitation method has an alternative name - light arm. This is especially widespread in American psychotherapeutic practice. The main plus of the approach is the ability to attract the patient to the process, to make him an active participant, which helps the doctor to introduce the receiving treatment into a trance.

Erickson's hypnotherapy, named after its author, is due to the idea of ​​intercepting the attention of the needy. To do this, the doctor surprises the listener and confuses him. Shock, doubt caused by the client by the doctor can come to the rescue.

Classic and not only

Most often resort to the classic version of directive hypnosis. This method assumes distinct suggestions. The doctor is a source of authoritarian influence; he gives orders to his client. Direct suggestion. The method is among the relatively rigid. If you use it incorrectly, illiterate, you can harm the patient. Sometimes they resort to this approach in order to form the client’s rejection, aversion to alcoholic beverages. The task of the doctor is to put the correct ban. A distinctive feature of alcoholism is the tendency of people to drink alcohol to get rid of stress, because such drinks allow you to believe in sedation. When a person loses such an exit, she is faced with stress and dissatisfaction due to the realities of life. Moreover, the directive hypnotic method does not provide any new method of dealing with stress. The doctor is struggling with the symptom instead of the cause. The result can be a deep depression. Some people have suicidal tendencies due to improper treatment.

Erickson's methodology is also known as permissive. Such clinical hypnotherapy is due to the ability of the human subconscious to communicate with images. The task of the doctor is to force the person to do this. Pictures, metaphors become means of interaction. The peculiarity of the method is that its effectiveness is not determined by the level of trance, there is no order procedure. In order for the suggestion to be effective, the therapist controls the consciousness of the needy - it is passive and subject to the doctor. A person who dwells on this method trusts himself to the doctor completely and unconditionally. As can be concluded from the opinions of people who received treatment in this way from experienced, skilled professionals, success has always been uncompromising.

hypnotherapy method

Transbeleitung and Elman's Method

Transbegleitung is a clinical hypnotherapy involving trans support. The idea of ​​the method is the ongoing monitoring of the condition of a patient in need of the help of a hypnologist. The doctor accompanies the person, while helping him. Together, people are looking for how to solve the existing problem. The therapist becomes like a guide in new places for the person in the inner world, so choosing a path turns into an easier task. The main plus of the method is the person’s ability to maintain control and make decisions based on his will. The patient independently determines the decision and stops on it. The approach is considered relatively soft, conditionally it is classified as safe.

Elman developed his own version of hypnotherapy. Hypnosis through this method is effective because trance appears almost instantly. It is explained by the dissociation of the rational, subconscious. Hypnosis, according to many, is generally self-hypnosis. Elman was one of the first experts to formulate such a statement. He believed that the doctor can show the client a method of overcoming the border that separates the usual state from the hypnotic one. The idea of ​​his method is that the person introduces herself into hypnosis, and the doctor, immersing the client in such a state, does not have power over the client.

Is it necessary or not?

Hypnotherapy treatment should be practiced carefully and very limitedly. It must be remembered that such techniques are created in order to achieve a positive result with minimal risks to humans. To determine whether hypnosis is needed, what technique is applicable, you need to diagnose the condition. The individual reactions of people to hypnotic techniques are taken into account. Even with the same pathologies, the person’s response varies from case to case. Hypnotic approaches are widespread among modern psychotherapists. They are often resorted to if the person suffers from neurosis, hysteria, if the examination shows an anxiety state that persistently persists for a long time. In the latter case, hypnosis is one of the most effective methods of calming a person. With the help of hypnosis, you can accurately determine what triggered the neurosis, and therefore, choose the appropriate method of treatment.

Cognitive hypnotherapy is one of the modern methods of curing phobias. According to many psychotherapists of recent decades, it is a phobia - a real scourge of the time. From year to year, scientists reveal an increasing variety of obsessive fears. The classic approach to treating phobia is psychoanalysis. Hypnotherapy for these purposes, although used, is still relatively rare. However, as practice shows, in a number of conditions, psychoanalysis is not applicable, and hypnosis becomes the only reliable way that gives a permanent temporary improvement.

holistic hypnotherapy

Diagnoses and treatment

Hypnotherapy methods have found application in the treatment of minors. Such approaches are recommended for anorexia due to the state of the nervous system, the human psyche. Hypnosis is sometimes indicated if schizophrenia is diagnosed. It is believed that a person’s condition becomes much better if you combine medication and hypnosis. You can resort to this method to combat psychosis. Hypnosis is indicated in the treatment of addicted to alcohol, drugs. Moreover, practice shows that the treatment of drug addicts is given through hypnosis is especially problematic. During an acute drug dependence, the person is malleable, easily suggestible, but the likelihood of an early relapse is above average.

Cognitive hypnotherapy is used in psychosomatic therapy. Medicine knows many cases of the cure of cardiac, vascular diseases, pathologies of the respiratory system through hypnosis. Thus, they successfully fight high blood pressure, cardiac neurosis, and heart rhythm disturbances. Hypnotic techniques were used to improve the condition of people with disabilities and those suffering from angina pectoris. Proven overall health improvement, lower levels of anxiety. The same results were recorded in the treatment of people who had a heart attack.

Respiratory diseases, especially if accompanied by asthmatic conditions, show good positive progress if a person receives treatment from a hypnologist. An asthma attack is usually complicated by a person’s mental state. Thanks to hypnotic measures, it is possible to train a person to breathe normally.

Internal systems, organs and psyche

Modern hypnotherapy is widely used in the treatment of endocrine diseases. Such techniques have proven effective in combating the malfunctioning of the digestive system and intestinal tract. Psychotherapeutic hypnotic approaches are indicated in case of excess weight, because it was possible to notice a pronounced positive effect on metabolic processes. At the same time, appetite is weakened. Hypnosis gives good results in the fight against peptic ulcer diseases.

The effectiveness of holistic hypnotherapy, Erickson, classical and any other is explained by the fact that many of the pathological conditions with which people turn to doctors, to one degree or another, are due to improper functioning of the nervous system. Hypnosis proved to be a good helper in the fight against typical "female" diseases. Often, such methods are practiced in the treatment of urological pathologies. In obstetricians, hypnosis is an important method of working with women in need of pain relief.

hypnotherapy treatment

Sometimes you can’t

In addition to indications, hypnotherapy also has a number of limitations. Complications are possible against the background of the treatment program. So, the doctor may lose contact with the patient during the trance. In practice, this happens relatively often. Officially, this is called rapport loss.

If a person suffers from hysteria, there is a likelihood of a hysterical seizure while working with a hypnologist. Among people with such pathologies, those who are internally opposed by therapeutic measures are more common. People with hypnosis are known. As soon as the condition improves, the sessions end, such persons immediately fall into a state of psychological discomfort. Their sensitivity to hypnotic techniques is above average, they like to be in a trance. When the sessions end, the person is still striving for the euphoria associated with them, so he finds the reasons and returns to the initial state of the pathology in order to return pleasure.

Can I learn?

There are special educational medical institutions that teach the basics of hypnotherapy. It is important not only to master the theory and study the provisions and rules of hypnosis speculatively, but also to regularly practice the application of such therapeutic approaches in practice. Students should constantly see how experienced professionals work, what results they achieve with their sessions, and also exercise on their own. Training in hypnotic techniques includes the pursuit of learning and developing professional skills. A hypnologist is required to be able to immerse a person in a trance and maintain him in this state, to practice methods that save a person from existing problems. Training a hypnologist involves gaining skills in working with an individual and a group of those. An equally important aspect is self-hypnosis education.

hypnotherapy session

Treatment features

Regressive hypnotherapy is often indicated . More often they resort to it if it is necessary to fight phobia. The doctor’s task is to return the person in the memories to the situation that caused the violation. Time after time a person experiences frozen emotions, processing them with a greater degree of efficiency. When a doctor takes a patient out of a trance, a person feels better. As some say, they generally felt calmer, more positive, leaving a feeling of pressure from problems and memories. This is most often the case with injuries caused by childhood experiences.

Hypnotherapy of addictions is widespread. Properly applied methods simplify the rejection of alcohol and tobacco products, narcotic substances. More often such methods are experimental. The opinions of people who received such treatment are quite diverse. Some believe that this is perhaps the simplest and best way to rid yourself of addiction. At the same time, the risk of relapse mentioned above is high. In many ways, its probability is determined by the talent and experience of the doctor.


Even after a successful therapeutic course, the disease that was fought with the help of hypnotic practices may return again. Each individual case must be considered independently. Now medicine in this direction is not yet well developed, so it is not possible to guarantee the patient in advance that treatment with hypnosis will give a positive result that will last a lifetime.

A trance state is a period when a person trusts himself to a specialist. If you managed to choose a real professional, there will probably be no undesirable complications. But if you work with an irresponsible doctor, an inexperienced person or self-taught, such a program can end negatively for a person. Probably, there will not be particularly great harm, because the person, even being under hypnosis, consciously follows the advice of a professional or refuses to follow the path indicated by the hypnologist.

cognitive hypnotherapy

To summarize

Hypnotherapy is sometimes recommended even for those who do not experience serious health problems. In some cases, such a measure of impact is more effective than a simple conversation with a therapist or taking medication. In addition to the above-mentioned phobias, the possibilities of hypnosis can be resorted to if a person needs strength to defend his interests, to defend himself from the outside world. Some experience problems starting or having a conversation. Hypnotherapy, as one can conclude from the experience of many, can solve this problem.Through this approach, it is possible to detect sources of resentment, guilt or shame, to correct them, to survive and let go. Some use the help of a hypnologist to overcome modesty, a tendency to get annoyed, and obsessive thoughts.

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