How to make an avatar for the VKontakte group? The three most common ways

We are used to the fact that an avatar is the personification of a user on a social network, his “image”, which we kind of refer to if we want to write something to someone. Therefore, it is easy to guess how much the image plays on the profile screen saver.

True, not all people pay so much attention to the picture of their page. Let's just say that all users (if we are talking specifically about this issue) can be divided into two groups: those who set their photo on the avatar, and those who do not care about the profile image. They either leave the standard image, or use some kind of third-party picture.

how to make an "avatar" for the group "Vkontakte"

If we talk about groups, then the situation is different. If your group does not have an attractive, informative photo, most likely no one will even enter it. Therefore, community administrators often wonder: how to make an avatar for the VKontakte group? In this article we will consider several options for its creation, as well as consider the features of photographs in groups.

What should be the avatar of the group?

So, let's start with a general theory of how your group photo should look. Based on this information, you will understand how to make an avatar for the VKontakte group such that users like it and attract new members.

Obviously, the photo in the group must be appropriate for the content that is posted in the community. This is a basic requirement for a picture: its content should be related to what you are writing about. The second requirement is the attractiveness of the image. Since all that a visitor sees about your group is the name and the picture, accordingly, the latter should be as attractive as possible so that the user wants to click and go to the community’s page. When you want to make an avatar for the VKontakte group, please consider this. The last requirement for a group photo should be called informative. Roughly speaking: on an avatar it would be advisable to depict what the user is hinting at, what the group is doing. This can be done, for example, using labels.

make an avatar for the VKontakte group

We are looking for a finished picture

In the list of ways to create a group photo, searching for a finished image is the most popular and simple at the same time. All that is required of you is to go to the site with images and find a category of pictures related to the theme of your group. The most successful photo can be saved and edited (or even just posted to the community page without changes).

Making an avatar using online editors

The second option is to edit finished images (or create new ones) using online editors. Fortunately, now there are many services that allow you to develop your avatar both "from scratch" and using one of the ready-made templates. You just need to decide what you would like to see in the image for Ava, and then how to make an avatar for the VKontakte group without Photoshop, you don’t even have to worry - the resource will do everything automatically. There are a lot of such ready-made solutions online now. They are free and feature rich. The only minus of working with such sites is a watermark - the address of the resource that the avatar made to you, located somewhere in the lower corner.

how to make an "avatar" for the group "Vkontakte" in Photoshop

Making an avatar in Photoshop

If you don’t know how to make an avatar for the VKontakte group without a link to someone else’s site, you will have to use the most popular image editing program. This is Photoshop". Working with it is quite simple, the main thing is to understand the basics, to understand basic concepts and categories with which the program functions. If you already have at least minimal experience interacting with her, creating an avatar will be easy for you. If you don’t know at all how to make an avatar for the VKontakte group in Photoshop, then you will have two options. The first is to seek help from a person who knows how to work in the program, the second is to study the features of the editor yourself: find lessons, examples of work, practice yourself.

Create an Avatar

Finally, after we answered the question “How to make an avatar for the VKontakte group?”, It was time to think about what would be shown on the photograph in the group. As already noted, this should be something thematic, attractive and informative. We suggest you take a piece of paper and a pen and sketch out a logo for your community. After that, you can start creating the image.

how to make an "avatar" for the group "Vkontakte" without photoshop

You can do this in one of the above ways. If you don’t know which avatar is better, you can resort to a simple but effective method of determining: voting in the group itself. Let people decide which photo is best.

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