Calorie chicken and dishes from it

Chicken, cooked in any form, remains at the peak of popularity, thanks to its exquisite taste and properties. Low calorie chicken allowed her to dominate in many diets and dishes. Let's look at the calorie content of chicken meat together and find out what is the difference between boiled and fried chicken. Let's do it on the example of breast.

How many calories are there in boiled chicken? Its calorie content (per hundred grams) is small, only two hundred and four calories. At the same time, the ratio of proteins and fats is also pleasing: 20.8 g and 8.8 g, respectively. Such indicators make it possible to safely enjoy boiled chicken, without fear of gaining extra pounds.

Now consider how many calories are in fried chicken. One hundred grams of the product is two hundred and forty calories. That's not much at all if you think of a juicy chicken breast with a crispy crust! The indicators of proteins and fats did not go far from the indicators of boiled meat: proteins - eleven grams and fats of 26.3 g.

Calorie Chicken. We are counting on a diet

Calorie stew chicken almost corresponds to fried chicken (per hundred grams):

  • calorie content - 237 kcal;
  • proteins - 30.49 g;
  • fats - 11.89 g.

The average place in the number of calories among fried chickens is held by grilled chicken. Her record was two hundred and ten calories. This does not mean that you must immediately run to the store! The quality of such a product is often in doubt. It is best to cook your own chicken in a microwave or oven and please your household.

Microwave grilled chicken

To prepare such a dish we will need:

  • chicken carcass (1-1.3 kg)

For marinade:

  • garlic (a pair of teeth);
  • bay leaf (3 things);
  • coriander (teaspoon);
  • lean oil (tablespoon);
  • lemon juice (a couple of tablespoons);
  • black pepper (ground).

Additionally, for the preparation of glaze you will need: a teaspoon of mustard and the same amount of honey.


  • My pre-processed chicken. Then dry using a paper towel.
  • Mix the oil with lemon juice, gradually adding salt, bay leaves, pepper, coriander and finely chopped garlic. Mix thoroughly.
  • The resulting mixture is well coated with chicken and leave to marinate for sixty minutes.
  • Wrap the legs and wings separately in foil to prevent burning.
  • We put the prepared carcass on the grill (low), placing dishes under the grill for draining fat.
  • Chicken is cooked in the microwave at maximum power for fifteen minutes.
  • We take out the grill and cool slightly.
  • We prepare the icing by mixing honey and mustard and, having coated the carcass with the resulting mixture, we put it again on the lower lattice. In a bowl for fat pour one hundred and fifty grams of water (hot).
  • Cook for another forty minutes, turning the carcass every ten minutes.

Calorie smoked chicken is quite small, only two hundred calories (100 g). But, what is most surprising, chicken kebab (marinated with vinegar) is considered the most low-calorie dish - 116 kcal per hundred grams. Chicken meat for barbecue, marinated in mayonnaise, is significantly different: one hundred forty-seven calories per hundred grams!

Chicken skewers with vinegar

To prepare this diet dish, we need:

  • fillet (chicken) - about a kilogram;
  • onions - two hundred grams;
  • three percent vinegar - 2.5 tablespoons.

In addition, salt and pepper (black, ground) to taste.


  • My chicken carcass. Dry (you can use a paper towel).
  • Cut into not very large pieces (approximately fifty grams) and put in an enameled bowl.
  • Cut the onion into large rings and add to the meat.
  • Add salt, pepper (optional) and vinegar.
  • Mix thoroughly and leave in the cold for three hours.
  • Now we put our semi-finished product on skewers or skewers and fry.

In order to reduce the calorie content of chicken, it is worth preparing dishes from its individual parts. For example:

  • ham (chicken, 100 g) - 184 kcal;
  • fillet (chicken, 100 g) - 116 kcal;

So cook healthy, tasty and remember that chicken meat is ideally combined with various types of vegetables that help the body absorb chicken.

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